This is my first book and I hope you enjoy it. Please like and comment as much as you like.
Anastasia took a deep breath as she looked through the scope of her rifle. The street below her was deserted, but she knew that in ten minutes her target would arrive. She had tracked them from the centre of Budapest to the outskirts of Sofia, where she lay on top of a block of flats overlooking the street. She had no idea who they were and what they did, but she doesn't care. They were just another target to her.
As she waited patiently, she heard the voice of Madame Orlov speaking through the communicator in her ear.
"Anastasia, I need you to come in. I have a new assignment," informed Madame Orlov.
"Shall I eliminate the target first or is this urgent. The target will be in range in five minutes," replied Anastasia, keeping a wary eye on the street below.
"Finish your mission. A helicopter will pick you up in ten minutes from the rendezvous point."
The comms cut out and Anastasia was left to do her job. Meanwhile, on the ground a fleet of black SUVs had just turned on to the street. Shifting her position to get a better shot, she waited for the cars to stop and doors to be opened. Several bodyguards stepped out on the street and sloppily looked around. As the target stepped out the car, Anastasia took another deep breath, tensed her finger over the trigger and fired. The muffled 'pop' was lost in the wind as the bullet sliced through the air, before burying itself deep inside the target's head.
Then she took apart her rifle as she watched the panic from the bodyguards down below.
They would never find her. The only trace of her presence was the red stain on the ground below and another dead body.
The helicopter that picked her up was a sleek black military helicopter that raced through the sky and in only a few hours, she arrived a one of the thousands of safe houses Hydra owned. As she entered, she was surprised to find Madame Orlov waiting for her to arrive and she hesitated for a second before falling to one knee, in respect.
In her hand, Madame Orlov held a file on her next target, which she handed over to Anastasia.
"You may find this target to be particularly challenging, but I have come in person to inform you that this mission is imperative to the survival of Hydra. The target is a defect from the winter soldier program, so inside this file are instructions on how to contain him. He is to be captured, but if there is no alternative, then he cannot be allowed to escape. A backup team will be on standby to collect him, after he is subdued. Do not fail me!" And she turned and briskly walk out of the room, leaving Anastasia to prepare.
Immediately, she walked over to a metal cuboard and opened it to reveal a selection of military weapons. Grabbing two handguns, she placed them into the holsters on her waist, before adding knives, explosive grenades and hydra's new stun grenades to her belt. Grabbing a box of ammo, she loaded the guns.
Next she read the file. They picture was familiar and Anatsaisa realized that she had worked with the man. Four years ago, they had infiltrated a base and stole highly sensitive government information for Hydra. However she was not surprised that Hydra had lost control. Madame Orlov had often described them as bombs, waiting to blow up in Hydra's face.
Hearing the sounds of a car pull up outside, she quickly memorised every detail in the file before burning it to ash with the lighter on the table. Then she locked up the safehouse and headed out to the car. It was a black SUV with a driver and two armed men, one in the front. Jumping inside, she gave commanded the driver to start driving and he obeyed without question. She was the in charge here.
It was only a forty minute drive to the Brussels and during that time, no one spoke. The grim faces of the men with her were unfamiliar and she knew that the soldiers in the van that had joined them would be just them same. They were just another group of soldiers, sent to assist her. On the way, she stripped her guns, oiled and cleaned the parts before putting them back together, making sure they were fully loaded. Then she checked her tactical harness and made sure her two holsters were secure.
By the time they reached the target's home, it was late afternoon and Anastasia told the soldiers to wait while she scouted the area. The air was fresh and clean and she smiled as she walked down the streets. Her years of training had taught how to blend into a crowd and no one gave her a second glance. It was refreshing to be outside, alone, and she felt a sense of freedom, though it didn't last long.
As she neared a sleek modern building made of glass that sparkled in the summer sun, she turned her attention to the job she had come here to do. From the ground, she counted windows until she found the sixth floor where his apartment was. Then she walked around, working out which window it was. Satisfied, she headed back to the van to wait for the cover of darkness before attacking.
The crimson sky had faded away to an inky black an hour ago and for Anastasia this meant it was time for the mission. Stood beneath the building, she unclipped a small device and fired it up into the sky. It travelled quite some distance, before grappling onto something on the top of the building. After checking the line was secure, Anastasia pressed a button and the wire began to reel in, pulling her up the side of the building. As she ran up, she counted the floors until she was next to the target's window, where she stopped and pulled herself as close to the wall as possible. His window was slightly open and she could hear him mumbling to himself.
" mission... ready to comp... there... there was a train," he murmured. The man was clearly unstable and erratic, most likely caused by the winter soldier program.
She adjusted her position until she was above the window. Then allowing a little slack in the wire she pushed her body outwards, away from the wall, and the swung into the window, smashing it and flying into his apartment. In one fluid movement, she unclipped the wire from her harness and rolled on the apartment floor, before standing up, her gun pointing at the target's forehead.
I challenge you to come up with better names for the chapters. If I like them then I will rename the chapters and credit you for the idea.
And please vote!!
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