A Skele-Ton Of Fun
"Papyrus?" I asked out loud. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean he did say stuff about the dance competition so this is cool. "YES HUMAN! IT IS I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS! I SHALL WHOO THE MONSTERS WITH MY FABULOUS LATIN DANCING THEN I SHALL MAKE FRIENDS!" Papyrus replied. Wow I didn't know he had no friends, I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with a nice skeleton like him and I'm not skulling around! "ALL RIGHT BEUTIES! NOW WE HAVE THE GREAT PAPYRUS VS FRISK WHO HAS ALREADY WON A BATTLE BEFORE! NOW LET'S START" Mettaton yelled in exitment as the music for Papyrus started playing.
Papyrus began dancing to the mix of Latin music. Then he spun and grabbed Mettaton's hand and brought Mettaton on stage. "I d-don't know how to latin dance.." Mettaton whispered looking flustered. "NONESENCE! EVERYONE CAN LATIN DANCE WITH PRACTICE!" Papyrus exclaimed continuing the spins and and twists with people cheering, even the hooded figure in the dark....
By the time Papyrus was done, many people had cheered others questioned if that was allowed, nonetheless it is finally my turn.
The song I chose didn't even have to do with ballet, but I just really wanted to do it. I ended up making up my own moves like spins on the floor or twirls in the air, but it was all fun. I could feel exitment growing in me as I danced away. My final move was a twirl in mid air and landing with the splits. When it came time to vote it was a close, but there can only be one winner. "A - ALRIGHT THE WINNER FOR THIS ROUND IS....umm.....LADYS AND GENTLE MONSTERS, IT'S A TIE! THEY BOTH ADVANCE!"Mettaton yelled looking confused but at the same time showing a tv star grin.
"WELL HUMAN, YOU MUST BE REALLY GOOD AT DANCING IF YOU TIE WITH ME THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL, AND FOR THAT I CONGRATULATE YOU!" Papyrus excitingly yelled as he ran away to go talk to Mettaton and 2 other monsters I don't know. "DARLINGS WE ARE GOING TO BE TAKING A BREAK, SO EAT UP AND GET YOUR ENERGY BECAUSE THESE NEXT ROUNDS ARE GOING TO BE A LOT OF FUN!" Mettaton said enthusiastically. A break....I don't exactly have anyone to talk to, and I'm not hungry either. As soon as I turned around, I saw clusters of monsters forming as they talked. Then, I saw someone alone, the strange hooded monster. I instantly walked up to him and said hi because I hate it when people are alone. The hooded monster just pulled his hood down more and looked down. "Uhh...may I know your name?" I asked. No response. I looked at the hooded monster and realized that he looked familiar, like someone I have met before. "Have we me-" I managed to say before Mettaton screamed into the microphone. "I HOPE YOU FINISHED YOU SNACKS BECAUSE IT'S TIME TO GET DANCING WITH OUR LAST 5 COMPETITORS! IF I SAY YOUR NAME STEP ON TO THE DANCE FLOOR AND DANCE. YOUR. HARDEST!!!". Was it really down to 5 competitors already? "FOR THIS THIS ROUND WE HAVE THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND UNDYNE!" Mettaton blushed when saying Papyrus. They both danced amazingly, but Undyne was on a whole other level of dancing, and Papyrus lost. Still he kept smiling. The next round was Undyne against someone named Alphys who seemed very timid. Needless to say, she lost to Undyne pretty fast. Undyne looked kinda upset when Alphys lost but now she was facing the hooded monster. With great skill Undyne danced as hard as ever well yelling "I WON'T LET YOU WIN AGAIN!". Wait....the hooded monster won before? When the hooded monster danced it was like nothing I have ever seen before, and he won well Undyne growled and went to see Alphys. Now it is my turn to face the hooded figure, I won't go down without a fight.
I took a deep breath as the music came on and began dancing. I decided to do a ballet hip hop mix because that's what the music portrayed. I crisscrossed my legs coming to the very center of the dance floor and spun in different ways. Then I moved my hands and legs around in multiple positions and rolled. As I got up I moved around and with each snap in the music I made bends to match. After that I skipped and spun. Now the music was getting more intense, like being in war, so I danced like I was on the battlefield. Next I raised my leg and did a bunch of ballerina move like jumps then rolled again, only to go back to my other moves. Then as I heard more snaping I moved my hands accordingly. I did many, many other moves (just to lazy to write them) but I ended off with a slow walk and bow as the crowed cheered. Now it's time to see what my opponent can do.
The hooded monster stepped on to the dance floor and danced. He spun on the floor and got up sliding side to side. Then well spinning, he pointed at everyone making all the girl monsters and some guy monsters fall to the ground. He jumped and did other hiphop things ( I'm bad at writing ballet, and worse at hip hop) and ended of with the splits. Then Mettaton yelled in exitment "LADIES AND GENTLE MONSTERS, IT IS TIME TO FIND OUT WHO THE WINNER OF THE DANCE COMPETITION IS! THE VOTES ARE IN AND THE WINNER IS......"
I'm going to end it there. Who do you want the winner to be? Also I went to anime north ( a convention) and I got a picture of someone with a REALLY cool costume.
Is that awesome or what!
Anyway bye guys!
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