Speechless and Anger
Frisks pov
"So.." I said slowly to Sans. I sat down next to him. "You really think I look beautiful?"
"Well yeah, that was your intention right kid?" he said. "Why is something wrong?"
"Well.. I just don't feel beautiful... the complements are great and all but, I'd rather look like 'the regular Frisk' instead of the' over the top fabulous Frisk', ya know" I said blowing the hair out of my face again. His hand brushed my face as he pushed my hair behind my ear. I looked down and blushed.
"Well, if I'm being 100% serious, I like the regular Frisk more," Sans said looking over at me.
"What do you mean..." I asked confused.
"I like ya kid, I really do,"
"like, like me like me or like me as a friend?....."
"The first one," I was speechless. Sans likes me? Seeing my frozen expression, Sans sighed. "Hey you don't have to tell me how you feel back. Take your time, I'll be waiting." Sans said standing up and walking over to his room. "C'ya kid," he said as he waved and shut the door. Being left speechless I had nothing else to do but go to bed.
The alarm clock blared telling me it was time for school. I didn't get much sleep from the night before due to Sans' confession. I woke up getting dressed getting my dance clothes together as well.
"HUMAN ARE YA READY?!" Papyrus yelled up to me.
"Yeah Papyrus I'll be down in a sec," I yelled back down to the skeleton. I brushed my hair and went downstairs. Papyrus and... Sans were standing by the door. Avoiding eye contact I walked outside. The walk was quiet, and uncomfortable. No doubt Sans told Papyrus.
When we got to the school I noticed something... new. Alphys and Undyne were holding hands!
"What's going on here?" I said excitedly, smiling at both of them.
"W-well.." Alphys shied.
"We're together now.... After we left last night, it kinda just happened," Undyne frinished.
"They're so cute together!" Mettaton said happily.
"Aww they're soo cute together, You mean disgusting," Todd taunted. Alphys looked down obviously upset.
"P-Please leave u-us alone," Alphys said displeased.
"O-oh n-n-n-no T-T-Tod y-your so s-s-scary," Todd mocked. Alphys looked just about ready to cry.
"Leave us alone Todd," Undyne said angrily.
"And why would I do that Miss fish?" Todd teased.
"Todd stop talking to my friends like this, your not all that so back off," I threatened, finding confidence.
"Or what, your going to get you daddy to beat me... oh wait... What about your brother, oh hes as good as dead as well," Todd said. I turned around clenching my fist, tears threatening to spill.
"Shut up Todd," I said angrily.
"Or what?" He said mockingly. He grabbed my arm pulling me to face him.
"Don't touch me!" I scream before....
Todd clenched his now bruised face. I covered my mouth tears trailing down my face. Everyone in the courtyard was watching.
"I-i'm so..." I ran inside very displeased going to the bathroom to clean my face off. I stayed in the bathroom waiting for the homeroom bell to ring, where I would be safe from all questions.
When I entered the classroom I saw the worried faces of my friends, and the students in the room went silent as well. Wow word spread faster than I thought. I sat down at my seat and whispers became audible.
"Didya hear?"
"Yeah she stood up against Todd!"
"I heard she punched the crap out of him!"
"I heard she bit his finger off." Okay that one is ridiculous. I felt so bad. Honestly I did. During the whole duration of homeroom I only heard rumors about what happened. While leaving homeroom my arm was grabbed by a metal arm.
"Frisk Darling~ are you alright?" Mettaton asked Papyrus behind her.
"Yeah...totally," I said depressingly.
"Thanks Papyrus, let's just go to class," I said as we began to walk to dance class. A reporter prodigy stopped us on the way.
"So I hear you stood up to Todd?" She probed
With her friend behind her who held a camera, probably for the schools 'news cast' I sighed realizing there was no way around it.
"Sure you could call it that," I said with a blank expression.
"There are a lot of rumors around, saying you hit Todd." She asked. I shut my eyes for a sec remembering the moment and took a deep breath.
"Yes..." I said sadly.
"Don't sound so sad, you did what everyone wanted to do to him,"
"Don't ever put words in my mouth or assume that everyone wanted that. Yes I hit Todd, did I want to? No. Yes I'm upset that it came to that, butt I'm more upset with myself for resulting to violence. Now if you would please leave me alone," I said angry at first but politely as I told them to leave me alone. I began walking away with my friends following.
"Frisk are you sure your okay," Mettaton asked once again. I took a shaky breath.
"I'm fine" I said shakily.
Hey guys another chapters out! Sans finally confessed! But how will Frisk respond? How will she deal with all the rumors? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON.... DRAGO- -_- I MEAN FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!
-Winds out
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