Da club
Frisk's Pov
I finally got to see the others dance during class today! Undyne did a capoeira and hip hop mix, and it looked really good. Alphys did a hip hop routine and messed up a few times here and there, but who wouldn't being in front of many people? Mettaton did a jazz routine and it was so sassy. Papyrus did a Latin dance without a partner and it looked pretty good.
"Yo punk after school wanna hang out with us?" Undyne said out of nowhere then smiled to the others.
"Uh yeah sure, why not? What are we going to be doing?" I asked innocently.
"That's a surprise for now," Undyne smiled at me.
After school I went and found the group, still wonder long what we'd be doing that was so... Secretive.
"H-hey F-frisk ready t-to go?" Alphys asked.
"Um yeah, so what are we doing?" I asked again trying to figure this out.
"Still a secret kid," Sans said nonchalant. I sighed and followed Undyne as we began walking to Undyne's where she said we had to get ready for something. Undyne handed me a red tank top, jeggings, and converse. (Pic at the top)
I looked over at Undyne questioning this outfit, but she just shrugged it off and told me to wear it.i didn't have a choice and changed into it, it was different from what I usually wear but I didn't mind too much. Once everyone was done getting into something comfortable we met in her living room.
"Now that we're all here, we'll tell you where we're going Frisk," Mettaton said.
"Great where?" I asked
"WE'RE GOING TO DA CLUB," Papyrus yelled enthusiastically. A club? Like the ones with bear?
"It's a dance club and its kid friendly in the sense of alcohol." Sans said practically reading my mind.
"Well what are we waiting for punks? Let's go!" Undyne yelled and everybody cleared out of the place. I hang at the back of the group as we were walking, just following them.
"Hey kid whatchu doing back here?" Sans asked out of no where.
"Eh I just thought I'd hang back a little and follow you guys." I said, trying to keep the thought of what happened this morning out of my head.
"You sure, ya seem like somethings under your skin," Sans said and of course adding a pun.
"Ha, no I'm just a little worried, usually at dance clubs it's not exactly a ballet dance place." I said.
"I think you'll be fine, haven't you ever tried to dance a different style at least once?" Sans said trying to make me more confident.
"I mean yeah when I was younger I did a lot of different dances but they weren't any good," I said thinking back to those days. I remember how I loved doing hip hop dances and gymnastic routines at competitions.
"Wait your tellin me that you didn't just learn ballet but how to actually do other dances, correctly?" He said not believing my words.
"Yeah, I actually used to love doing hip hop when I was younger but my parents pushed me into ballet, so I never really got to do hip hop after that."
"We're you any good?" Sans asked suddenly curious.
"Tibia honest I think I was pretty good." I said laughing a bit after my pun.
"Than you'll be fine kid,"
"Thanks Sans," he just shrugged
*timeskip to da club*
The music was blasting loud but the Dj was pretty good, apparently Mettaton knew the ghost playing the music and wanted to say hi. The lights we dimmed and almost everyone was dancing. There was a lounge area, a bar(that didn't actually sell alcohol), and a dance floor. It looked amazing!
"C'mon!" Undyne yelled over the music, signaling everyone to follow.
"Can't wait to beat some punks on the dance floor," Undyne yelled, maybe excitedly? We walked on to the dance floor where, just as they said, there was dance battles going on. We all crowded around the dancing duo and cheered as they danced. This might not be all that bad!
Sans Pov
Frisk looked like she was having fun and somehow we got to the front of the circle and got to see the best action. That is till a guy challenged Frisk to a battle and she accepted.
"Yo kid you don't have to do this if your not comfortable, I could stand in for you." I offered and she shook her head.
"Nah it okay I got this," she said smiling. Damn what's wrong with that girl one minute she's worried the next she's confident as hell. And you know what she didn't do bad she actually did really well. The song church by t-pain played (song above) and damn she really took the guy to church.(hehe) she came Barack breathing hard which in not surprised by.
"I thought you were worried?" I asked teasingly.
"*huff* yea... Well *huff* I was but I *huff* did it anyways." She said breathing heavily and I had to chuckle.
"HUMAN I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD DANCE THAT WELL!" Paps yelled to frisk who just raised her thumbs up and smiled... Omg that was adorable.
"Yeah when did you do hip hop?" Undyne asked.
"I used to do different dances when I was younger, hip hop was one of them, every so often I revisit it." She said smiling .
Frisks Pov
That night was actually really fun. We all walked each other home until it was just me Sans and Papyrus. Sadly though I was most likely walking home alone since their stop was next. We stopped at their house where Papyrus waved a goodbye and went inside.
"Hey kid, I'll walk ya home," Sans offered
"No it's ok, I'm fine walking home alone,"
"Too late," he began walking ahead.
"You no you didn't have to,"
"Yeah, yeah but I wanted to,"
"I would've thought you'd be bone tired,"
"Hehe, Jeez kid that one really rattled my bones," we soon arrived at my house after a pun battle.
"Anyways thanks for walking me home Sans."
"No problem kid I'll see ya soon," before he left I kissed him on the cheek and waved goodbye as I walked into the house.
Hey guys I'm literally in the ER while writing this, might've broken my foot lol. Anyways how did ya like da club was it crunk XD. Hope you enjoyed!
-winds out
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