chapter two
"So let me get this straight," Jordan says completely blown away after hearing the whole story about vampire stuff, "You two," she says and points at Damon and Stefan, "are vampire brothers, and Vicky now is a new vampire as well who can't control her emotions and actions yet."
Elena nods while carefully watching Jordan's expression. Elena knows that whatever she will feel, she won't feel utterly shocked. Jordan has always had an open mind about the real and supernatural world, she was just waiting for something to happen to prove her point.
"And tonight is the Halloween party where vampire Vicki will probably be, so we need to look out for Jer. Because if she can't control her emotions, and she definitely feels something for Jer, she can hurt him. Right?"
Elena nods again.
"Okay then, what do we do now?" Jordan asks.
Damon raises his eyebrow at her calm behavior, "What? No questions, no freaking out?"
Jordan smiles at Damon as she answer him, "I've got plenty of questions, but that isn't important right now. What is important is stopping Vicki from hurting my little brother or killing anybody."
That is what Elena envies about Jordan, whatever choice Jordan makes, she will never think about herself in situations like these. It is almost as a sort instinct of her, to first protect the people she loves, then the people who are in danger, and lastly herself. All Elena does is safe herself first, or actually have other people safe her.
"We can't do anything just yet," Stefan says, "Vicki is at the boarding house, and she won't be able to leave due to the sun."
"Why not go to the Grill then? I'm sure you want to see your old friends again," Elena says as she smiles at Jordan.
Jordan claps her hands and nods excitedly, she can't wait to meet her friends. Her best friends, Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood, and her other friends Bonnie Bennett and Matt Donovan. Caroline must be so excited now Jordan is back, she was one of the few who could stand her energetic talking and her addiction for shopping.
"You want to carpool with me and Stefan," Elena offers, on purpose not including Damon. She saw the way he was looking at her sister, and she didn't like it one bit. Jordan can take care of herself, no doubt about it, but Damon is manipulative and if he sets his eye on something, he usually gets it.
Jordan grins while shaking her head no, "Is my baby still in the garage?"
Elena looks at the hope and excitement in Jordan's eyes, "Yes, so I assume you're riding with her. Well, see you at the bar then," And she and Stefan disappear out of the front door.
"Your baby?" Damon questions, although he knows it's probably her car. He just wants to hear her voice. He'd never admit he'd want to, of course.
Without saying anything —much to Damon's despair— Jordan walks out of the door, making it obvious Damon has to follow her if he wants to know.
Walking towards the garage with her denim jacket hung over one shoulder Damon studies the girl once more. Even now, when she knows he is a dangerous vampire, she still carelessly walks and talks with him. She acts with him the way humans interact with each other, and he was glad she did.
When they arrive at the garage, it isn't hard to spot her baby. It's in the back of the garage, but because of the sun illuminating on the pitch black motorcycle, it's hard to miss.
Damon can't say he isn't surprised when he realizes her baby is not a car, but a motorcycle.
"And?" Jordan asks, waiting for the opinion of the man standing behind her.
"Didn't know you where the motorcycle kind of girl," he says smirking, before using his vampire speed to speed away, leaving Jordan in surprise.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asks herself.
With the wind blowing her hair in every direction as she whooshes by every other car, her thoughts continuously go back to Damon Salvatore.
From the moment they began talking about the vampires Jordan saw something in his eyes. Even without knowing who turned him, or what the reasons where, she knows it caused the rivalry between the two brothers. From the way Damon mocked his little brother, to his every once in a while intense, hateful glances, which caused her curiosity about Damon and Stefan to increase even more.
Damon is probably one of the most handsome man Jordan has ever met. His raven black hair and striking blue eyes match perfectly with his strong facial features.
Shaking her head slightly she pushes the thoughts of Damon to the back of her head, because now it's time to see her friends, who she hasn't seen for over three months. She parks her black motorcycle at the back of the Grill and casually walks towards the front.
From where she is standing she can see her friends sitting in the back, laughing and joking while some play pool. When her and Elena lock eyes she knows that Elena hasn't told them anything yet, and that her arrival will be totally unexpected. She takes a deep, unsteady breath and opens the door, and despite her nervousness she still walks with confidence towards her friends, knowing that whatever their reaction will be, it will not be worse than Elena's.
Tyler is the first one to see her standing by them, "Jordy?" he uses her old nickname from when they where five, and Jordan smiles at the memory.
"Yes it's me, in the flesh," she grins before adding. "And bones, and blood, and muscle-"
Tyler laughs at her babbling and hugs her tight, which soon turns into a group hug.
"Guys, you're crushing me to dead!"
"Hush, we have the right to make up for all the missing hugs," Caroline comments, but they do let go of her when Jordan starts coughing.
"So, where have you been the past months?" Matt asks, and everybody waits patiently for Jordan, because they are all extremely curious.
"I've been in London," Jordan answers plainly.
"London! Why London?" Elena exclaims, "You were all the way in London, how did you even get the money for that?" she asks disbelieving.
"I had some money saved, and London sparked my interest. It's a really fascinating city. The local cafés, the people, the buildings, it's so different from our culture."
"Where there any cute boys?" Caroline pipes in.
Jordan laughs before shaking her head, "Honestly Care, I didn't even think about boys at all."
She laughs at Caroline's shocked face, and she can hear her mutter quietly, "No cute boys? But what is the point of doing anything then?"
"And what have you done all the time you've been in London?" Bonnie asks curiously, not caring about if there were any cute boys or not.
"When I arrived at London it was 2:00 AM, but my eyes were still wide open and energy rushed through my veins. The first day I just wandered around the city, enjoying all the beautiful spots without people taking pictures out of every angle, or screaming children and adults."
Damon's lip twitches up the slightest at the fact Jordan wandered around the city at 2:00 AM without any fear or displeasure, she actually sounds like she enjoyed the early, quiet morning.
Before Elena can comment on her night activities Jordan continues her story. Her friends —and worried Elena— are hanging onto every word she says, even a few people who are seated, or standing close by, begin listening to every word that falls off Jordan's lips. "The next day I volunteered to help at an elementary school,"
While Jordan talks about her time in London, Damon is once again surprised. Jordan has everyone —even Stefan— wrapped around her finger without even realizing she does so. It almost seems that her voice is alluring, and her appearance wants to make you look at her and never look away.
The only thing Jordan doesn't tell her friends is that she sung at local cafés and bars. Her signing is one of the little secrets she has, and she likes to keep it that way.
"Sounds great and all, but I'm really glad you're back!" Caroline says bluntly. Caroline's bluntness is something Jordan loves about her, although she sometimes may come off rude, she just says what she thinks.
"It was great, but I'm really glad I'm back as well," Jordan says.
"You just only came back a little too late," Elena whispers so quietly nobody —except Damon and Stefan— are able to hear.
"Guys, there is something I still have to do, but I'll see you all at the Halloween party tonight," Jordan says, and before her friends realize anything, she has disappeared.
In loving memory of Grayson and Miranda Gilbert.
This is the first time Jordan visits her parents grave after their funeral. There are fresh flowers on the grave, and she figures they must come from Elena. Jordan doesn't like graveyards nor funerals. At funerals half the people cry because they have the feeling they need to do so, and people constantly tell you how sorry they are for your loss and what great persons they were. As if Jordan didn't know that. And graveyards are just plain depressing. The shivers running down her spine every time she sets foot on a graveyard, or the constant reminder that everybody is dead and that she is probably standing above corpses.
But above all, it makes Jordan cry. It makes her cry because there wasn't anything she could do to save them. It makes her cry because she wasn't there for her little brother and sister. It makes her angry because she cries over something not comparable to all the horrors in this world.
From afar Damon watches how the tears spill from the girls eyes, and he wants nothing more then to take her in his arms and comfort her till she stops crying. He won't, however, because he is a vampire, and not longer a human with a caring nature.
Jordan wipes her tears stained cheeks and stand up from her sitting position.
"Mom, dad, I love you," Jordan says and turns on her heel, ready to leave the graveyard and not come back anytime soon.
Jordan's feet carry her towards the exit, and before she knows she is standing in the woods, surrounded by the trees towering high above her. She closes her eyes for just a slip second to just enjoy the sounds of living creatures.
She opens her eyes and shrieks when she sees someone standing in front of her.
"You scared the crap out of me!" she exclaims while she slows her heartbeat down.
"Sorry," Damon says flatly, not exactly meaning his apology.
"Sure you are," Jordan sarcastically says, "What are you doing here anyway? Are you stalking me?" Jordan squints her eyes at Damon, and pushes her saddening feelings to the back of her head.
"I, stalking you? How do I know you're not stalking me?" Damon says and Jordan grins at him.
"Anyway, your sister was wondering where you were," he says.
"So, you're playing the message man?" Jordan says laughing, having some sort of idea that Damon would never be the person delivering messages to other people out of free will.
He scoffs, "Of course not,"
Jordan doesn't question further to why he did come here, instead she starts to walk in the direction of the Gilbert residence.
Damon is glad she doesn't question him, he wouldn't be sure to what to answer. He himself doesn't exactly know why he went after her.
Damon matches Jordan's walking pace and he can just feel the questions lingering on her tongue. "Ask away," he says, and that is the cue for Jordan to start babbling.
"What can you do what mundane people cannot do? Can you hear, smell, and see better? And how come people don't find out that you have been living for over 150 years?"
"Curious girl after all," Damon says smirking.
Jordan only nods. She's patiently waiting for him to answer her questions. Damon does so, but he's not just telling in words what he can do.
In a blink of an eye he has disappeared, and Jordan flips her head to the left and right in shock. When she's about to call out his name she can feel a tingling sensation on her neck, and she knows that Damon's lips were just inches away from her neck.
He passes by again, too fast for Jordan to see, but she can feel her hair bounce back in place from where his fingers just curled around.
"Stop embarrassing me!" Jordan squeaks.
Damon is only a few mere centimeters away from her, with a sly smirk lingering on his lips, and his eyes staring straight at hers.
"And stop smirking," she says just above a whisper. Jordan's voice seemed to have pulled him out of his trance.
"Why aren't you afraid of me?" He doesn't directly ask her, but he just thinks out loud, "I don't smell any fear or anxiety on you,"
Jordan shrugs her shoulders, "Because I'm just not, you haven't done anything what should make me feel afraid,"
He raises his eyebrow at her, "I could snap your neck at any moment,"
Jordan realizes that they have arrived at her home, "I know," she says while entering her house, leaving Damon baffled just like he left her.
This is girl is something else, and that something could make her extremely dangerous. Damon thinks to himself, and he doesn't know what he thinks about her yet, except that she's different in both good and bad ways.
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