chapter three
Clothes, clothes, clothes. Everywhere are clothes. Tonight is the Halloween party, and Jordan has no idea what to wear. She knows that Elena is going dressed the same as she did last year, and Jeremy is probably going as himself. Jordan would have probably go the same as last year as well, but seeing that she went as a vampire last year, the irony and embarrassment is a little too great.
"Elena!" Jordan screams from out of here room, "You need to help me with what to wear!" Jordan can hear Elena sigh, but she does make her way over.
"What?" Elena expresses with an irritated look on her face.
"I don't know what to wear to the Halloween party, can you pretty please help me," Jordan pleads.
Elena rolls her eyes, but she does give in to her, "Fine, do you have even the slightest idea of what you want?" she asks.
Jordan shakes her head no, and Elena opens the doors of her closet. "You still have that Alice in Wonderland dress I gave you?"
Jordan nods.
"You can wear that, and I think we still have some fake blood lying around. I can, as well, do your makeup if you want to,"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," Jordan gushes and she embraces Elena in a hug.
Jordan is just about to finish her outfit off with a blue bow in her hair when Elena yells at her to come downstairs.
Jordan mutters while hastily fixing her hair, "Coming, coming,"
Jordan skips down the stairs and comes face to face with Elena, and the tense atmosphere she holds around her. "Relax Elena, we'll be fine," Jordan says trying to ease Elena's worries.
"I just don't want you or Jeremy getting hurt," Elena whispers.
"I know that Lena, and I also know that I can't guarantee you that we won't get hurt, but we're strong. This family is strong, and I know that not matter how big the obstacles that we have to overcome are, in the end we will be okay. We might be scared, hurt, or broken, but we'll have each other, and that's all that matters." Jordan squeezes Elena's hand and wipes the tears who're threatening to fall under Elena's eyes.
"Now," Jordan grins, "Let's go own that party."
"You look stunning," Damon whispers in Jordan's ear. His breath leaving a tingling sensation on Jordan's neck, and she can feel a blush rising.
"Thank you," she says and bites her lip, "What are you doing here anyway, I thought you weren't coming,"
Damon shrugs his shoulders, "Guess I changed my mind,"
Damon's mind is racing with questions he wants to ask her, but he won't, because that is something people do who care. Damon doesn't care. Damon doesn't care. That is something he believed would stay that way no matter what, but now with Jordan thrown into his life, he has to constantly remind himself that he really doesn't care.
Because the way she smiles at him when everybody else looks at him with fear, and the way she pulls him closer when everybody else pushes him away, and the way his moods brighten when she's near, all prove him otherwise.
He does care, and that frightens him like nothing has frightened him before.
"Earth to Damon," Jordan's voice snaps him away from his thoughts.
"Why are you being nice to me?"
Damon's questions throws Jordan off guard, and for a moment she's utterly speechless. "I-I," she stutters, "Because maybe–,"
A sudden feeling of nausea hits Jordan like a wave, and cuts off her sentence. "Elena," she moans, "Something is wrong with Elena,"
Damon's hands grip Jordan's arms tight, and he tries to stop her from finding Elena.
"Let me go, I have to find Elena," she grunts trying to break free from his grasp.
"Sweetheart, you can't even walk properly,"
Not wanting to waste anymore time on Damon, she stomps on his toes. The sudden reaction, rather than the pain, makes Damon's grip loosen and Jordan takes advantage of this and makes a run for it.
No one stops her from helping her family, no one.
Jordan sprints towards the back to the school, to where her instinct leads her. With her arms she pushes people out of the way, muttering a quiet sorry now and then. The only thing that matters now is Elena.
Ever since Jordan was little she has shared an indescribable bond with her siblings. The connection she shares with Elena and Jeremy is so strong that she feels when one of her siblings is in, or near danger.
Jordan's bow has fallen out of her hair when she finally arrives at the busses.
"Elena!" Jordan cries out, "Are you okay? What happened?" Jordan's eyes scan over her sisters neck, and a feeling of relief rushes through her when she sees that there are no bite marks.
"Vicki," Stefan states once he makes out of the shocked faces of Jeremy and Elena, that neither one is going to answer.
Jordan tenses, but not before pushing Elena behind her. A habit Jordan has picked up over the years. "Where is she now?" she questions Stefan.
Elena's screams cuts off Stefan's sentence. Jordan whips around, just in time for her to see Vicki sunk her teeth in Elena's neck.
The next minutes happen in a blur around Jordan.
Stefan rushes to Elena with his vampire speed and stabs Vicki in her heart with a wooden stake. As Vicki falls to the ground Jeremy lets out a strangled cry, and Stefan immediately rips his wrists open for Elena to drink.
But all of that doesn't matter to Jordan. All that's running through her head is how she couldn't protect her little sister or brother.
This is all my fault, if I would have gotten here faster, or if I maybe didn't leave them in the first place, now of this might have happened. This is my fault, so I have to make it right.
Jordan snaps herself out of her misery and takes a glance at her shaken siblings. "Take them out of here," she orders Stefan. "Take them home, I'll clean this up."
"But J—" Elena begins.
"No," Jordan snaps, "This is my fault, so please let me fix it."
Elena cringes at Jordan's tone. Jordan never snaps at her family or friends. Elena knows going against Jordan will get her nowhere, because once Jordan has set her mind onto something she almost never changes her course. Elena also knows that Jordan is wrong, it wasn't her fault. It wasn't her fault that Elena got hurt. And that is both Jordan's blessing as it is her curse, she cares about the people around her more than herself, when sometimes she should be thinking about herself.
When Stefan takes both Elena and Jeremy with him Jordan relaxes a bit. Her family is safe at last.
"What are you still doing here?" Damon's question rings through her ears.
Jordan sighs, "Cleaning this mess."
Damon watches as Jordan bents down to sit next Vicki, "Oh Vic, what am I going to tell Matt? He'll be devastated when he hears that you died."
As Jordan gently closes Vicki's eyes Damon can see how tired she is. Her shoulders are slumped, and her eyes have dark circles around them.
"Come on," he whispers, and he picks Jordan up, "Wait here," he compels her.
Damon lets go of Jordan carefully, and picks up Vicki after that. In a blur Damon speeds away into the woods where he lays Vicki's body on a pile of leaves.
He lights a match and throws at in the leaves. The leaves catch fire quickly, and in a matter of minutes Vicki's body is burned to ashes.
"Sorry I'm not sorry for turning you into a vampire," Damon says before speeding off to Jordan, so he can take her home.
The ride to the Gilbert residence is awfully quiet. Jordan nor Damon has said a word about what happened tonight. Jordan is staring out of the window while fidgeting with her hands, and Damon has his eyes fixed on the road.
When they arrive at their destination Jordan tosses the door open with force and walks straight at Elena and crushes her in a hug.
Thank you. She mouths to Stefan, and he gives her a reassuring smile.
Jordan lets go of her tight grip on Elena and the the twins eyes meet, and they know that they are both thinking the same; Jeremy.
"How is Jeremy?" she asks hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
"He's in pain," Elena sighs, feeling sorry for her little brother.
"What are we going to do about him? I don't want him to go through such pain again," Jordan says with sorrow lacing in her voice.
Elena nods, and Elena looks expectantly at Stefan. "Can you make him forget?"
"Elena," he starts, not thinking that it's a good idea at all.
"Please," she mutters, "I, I mean we, we don't want him to go through this again, he barely held his head above water the last time someone he cared about died,"
Stefan sighs but nods, "There will be no guarantee that it would work. Because of who I am. Because of how I live. I don't have the ability to do it right."
"I can do it," Damon says, and Jordan jumps. She almost forgot he was here as well. "If that's what you want,"
"It's what I want," Elena says.
Damon's eyes cast over to Jordan, seeing if she wants the same as what Elena wants. She nods and that is Damon's cue to elaborate his plan.
"What do you want him to know?"
Elena starts speaking right away, leaving no room for Jordan to discuss what happens to Jeremy's memories. "I want you to tell him that Vicki left town and she's not coming back. That he shouldn't look for her or worry about her. He's gonna miss her, but he knows it's for the best."
Damon nods an goes inside with Jordan following him.
"You sure you want to do this?" Damon asks once they're inside.
Jordan shakes her head, "No, but if this is what's best for him then we should. Maybe we're acting impulsive and not using our heads, but I can't stand watching him or Elena hurt. I'll tell him when the time is right, when he has accepted her death because he did it himself, not because he was told to."
Damon walks up the stairs, and Jordan waits for him at the bottom. Now that Jordan is alone for the first time this evening she can really look at herself. Her makeup is a little smudged, a ladder has formed in her hosiery at her ankle to her knee, the bobby pins she had borrowed from Caroline have lost their grip, and her bow is gone. If you would take a glance at Jordan, you'd think that she'd partied a little too hard, but if you look closely at the features in her face you can see her lip slightly trembling and her eyes dull from lack of sleep.
Jordan bites on her lip to stop it from trembling, and only realizes she has bitten too hard when she tastes blood in her mouth.
"It's done," Damon says, and Jordan hastily wipes the blood from the corner of her mouth.
"Thank you," she says, "Can you please tell Elena I'm upstairs, and that I'd rather not be bothered." With that Jordan walks upstairs, into her room, and collapses onto her bed.
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