chapter six
Elena hesitantly knocks on Jordan's door. Due to recent events Jordan is still a bit sensitive, and Elena doesn't want to upset her sister more. When Elena realizes that Jordan isn't going to answer she carefully pushes the door open. The door makes a creaking sound.
"Go away." Jordan's voice is muffled by her pillow, and Elena can hear she has been crying.
Elena ignores Jordan's request and she places herself on the edge of her sisters bed. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Jordan shakes her head no, but she does sit up. Only when Jordan has fully faced Elena, Elena can see in how bad of a shape she is. Her mascara is smudged on her cheeks and tears are glistening in the corners of her eyes. "Oh Jor," Elena sighs hopelessly as she puts her arms around her sister.
For a moment it is absolute quiet, but then Jordan's sobs echo throughout the room. "He killed her. Damon killed Lexi." Big, salty tears travel across Jordan's cheeks onto Elena's shoulder.
"It's in his nature, he isn't fazed by others peoples feelings." Elena coos her sister softly as she pats her hair.
"I thought he was different, I thought he changed. I guess not." The last words aren't meant to be heard by Elena, but she does, and it breaks her heart to see Jordan so fragile and vulnerable.
"I don't want to go to school."
"It's okay," Elena reassures her, "I'll tell them you're not feeling well, and that you decided to stay home for today."
"Thank you," Jordan whispers.
"Of course," Elena whispers back, but Jordan has already fallen asleep.
Elena carefully pulls the covers over Jordan's body. As Elena makes her way out she catches a glimpse of a black bird guarding at Jordan's window.
Jordan immediately wakes up once she hears Elena close the front door with a loud thud. While tossing and turning she tries to fall back to sleep, but with no luck. Jordan slips out of bed, and she takes place in front on her mirror.
Her reflection stares at her with dull eyes. Jordan wants to scream at herself for being so unbelievable stupid and naive. Damon is a vampire, for crying out loud, who has forgotten how to love.
A sudden thought occurs to her, and she clamps her hand over her mouth.
Lexi is—, was Stefan's best friend, and his own flesh and blood killed her. Why hasn't she thought about him earlier. He must feel horrible, as he must be blaming himself for letting such a thing happen.
Jordan rushes down the stairs like a lion may rush at its prey, and she has a bewildered look on her face. She doesn't tie her shoelaces nor does she take her coat as she sprints out the door. Her clothes, as well Jenna's frantic calling, are the least of her worries, and she doesn't mind that she still is in yesterday's clothes.
Jordan whips her head around repeatedly, which makes her hair become a tangled mess, as she decides whether to run all the way to the boarding house or to take her motorcycle. The decision, however, is made quickly once she realizes the keys of her motorcycle are still in the pocket off her jacket, and she sprints off.
Jordan's footsteps clatter loudly on the pavement. Her breathing is hallow and short, and with every step she takes more black spots appear that block her vision. Jordan's regret of not using her motorcycle spreads like a wildfire.
Jordan finally arrives at the boarding house, not without struggle however. She is panting loudly as she bows forward to catch her breath. Jordan realizes that she has to train harder and more often, if she ever wants to beat a vampire. Thinking about training lead to thinking about Damon, and thinking about Damon leads to a pang in her heart.
Jordan prays that Damon isn't home.
Both brothers bickering stop immediately once they hear someone running on their porch. Damon raises his eyebrows, "Are you expecting someone?" he asks Stefan?
Stefan replies with anger towards his brother still hearable in his voice, "No, are you?"
Damon scoffs, "You actually think I like people good enough to become friends?"
Stefan rolls his eyes before he hisses at Damon with venom dripping from every word, "Jordan was your friend."
Damon ignores Stefan, and he walks up the stairs, to his bedroom. He figures Jordan doesn't want to see him right now, even when all Damon want is to see Jordan. Yes, he knows it's Jordan. No, he isn't a stalker.
Lexi's last words keep flashing through his mind. It almost looks like a little devil has found its way onto Damon's shoulder and he keeps reminding him how he hurt Jordan. Damon grumbles as he decides to fetch himself a drink. He walks towards the window and his eyes scan over the Salvatore property before they find Jordan. She looks like a mess. She probably is a mess. Damon can see her going straight for the front door, and she doesn't bother to knock.
"Stefan?" Jordan calls.
"In here." She hears someone —assuming Stefan— say from the living hall.
Jordan walks in the direction of Stefan's voice. When she enters the room, a blazing fire lights up her face and provides her warmth. Jordan hadn't realized how cold it actually was outside.
Jordan jumps on the couch in front of Stefan. Stefan looks up, and looks at her with sadness mixed with slight rage in his eyes.
"I am so sorry," Jordan says barely above a whisper. She really is sorry, she knows how great of a friend Lexi was to Stefan, and how she helped him through his darker periods.
"I am sorry too," Stefan replies, and he looks at the heartbroken look in Jordan's eyes. Damon cares for Jordan, and Jordan cares for Damon, if they like to admit it or not. But Damon's actions have broken her trust, and it will take Damon time and effort to rebuilt it again. Stefan isn't sure if Damon deserves a friend like Jordan.
Jordan stands up from her comfortable position in the couch, and she walks over to Stefan. "You look like you could use a huge," she tells him smiling a little.
"I do."
Jordan wraps her arms around Stefan and she locks him in a tight embrace. She can practically feel all the hateful emotions swirling through his body. Jordan closes her eyes, and she focuses on calming her exterior. Maybe Jordan's calm aura will influence Stefan's tense aura.
Slowly, but surely, Stefan begins feeling a little less stressed, and more at easy.
Jordan pulls away from their hug, and Stefan looks at her in astonishment. "What?" Jordan questions Stefan once she sees the look on his face.
"How did you do that," Stefan says in complete awe, "How did you calm me down."
Jordan shrugs, not thinking too much of it, "I was just trying to influence your hateful behavior with my calm one. I guess it worked," Jordan says, laughing at the end.
Stefan, still too shocked to say anything only nods his head. He will roam the old supernatural books later, because what Jordan just did was far from human.
"You should visit Elena," Jordan says to Stefan, "She is your anchor, she will help you get through it. Please don't push her, or let her push you away."
Stefan nods his head, "I will do that, are you fine being here on your own?"
A smile tugs at the corner of Jordan's mouth, "Of course," she says.
Stefan stands up and intends to leave the living hall when Jordan's voice pulls him back, "I am your friend, Stefan."
If Stefan was still alive, his heart would fill with warmth at her small, but for him sweet gesture, and he realizes that he doesn't deserve Jordan as a friend as much as Damon doesn't. Jordan is too pure to be worth anyone's time.
Stefan has left 20 minutes ago, and Damon still finds himself occupied in his room. From the way Jordan's breathing steadied, he knows she fell asleep 15 minutes ago, almost immediately after Stefan left. He is deciding wether or not he should go downstairs.
Damon considers the worst things that could happen, and he makes up his mind that he supposedly doesn't really care. He walks down the flight of stairs, into the room where Jordan is.
The room is almost completely dark, except from the flicker of light from the once roaring fire. Jordan has curled herself into a small ball on a chair. It is the chair where he usually sits, and he always becomes very annoyed when Stefan is sitting on it to bother him, but now he doesn't even realize Jordan is sleeping in his favorite chair.
He takes place behind the chair, and he softly caresses Jordan's cheek. He can see a shiver running down Jordan's spine. He is certain that it comes due to the cold, and not his touch. If she knew he just stroked her cheek lightly, she would surely flinch away from him.
Damon uses his vampire speed to collect a blanket from his room and within seconds he has arrived at Jordan's side again. He carefully throws the blanket on Jordan. A sigh of comfort leaves Jordan's lips, and she snuggles further into the pillows and blanket. For a moment Damon is afraid he has woken Jordan. Fortunately, he didn't, and relief flows through him. He doesn't know what he would've done if she woke up, he would probably freeze and stand there like an idiot.
One glance at the old, rusty —but still working– Victorian clock, and he is reminded what he is supposed to do. He is supposed to take care of things himself, because Caroline —Jordan's best friend— couldn't get the job done. One of Jordan's other friends, Bonnie, has the necklace he needs. He needs that specific necklace to finally free the woman he has loved over 140 years, but comparable to where he now is —within Jordan's reach— his desire to free her all seems so distant now.
He, however, still decides to go. Jordan begins to stir, and Damon knows she will wake from her slumber in the next two minutes.
Something is holding Damon back from speeding out of the Salvatore residence, and with one look at Jordan he knows what. Damon's head bents down to the point where his lips are hovering only mere millimeters above Jordan's forehead. Without thinking about that Jordan can wake up he brings his lips in contact with her skin. Electricity flows through his veins, and it feels like his lips just caught fire. Dazed he pulls back and uses his vampire speed to speed away from Jordan, but not without stumbling into a table first.
Jordan wakes up on the edge of a small village. From where she is standing she can see a little square surrounded by old, cheap-looking cottages. Behind here is a beautiful field with the most colorful flowers she has ever seen. Red, yellow, purple, blue, all the different colors make her dizzy. On Jordan's right is a beautiful, grand tree, with enormous branches. Children are playing and running around the tree while small giggles escape from their mouths. Jordan excited whips her head around to look what for magnificent scene is on her left, but she finds herself unable to do so.
Jordan's brows furrow in confusion, but she doesn't pay much attention to it. Instead she looks down at what's she's wearing, and she lets out a gasp. Her dress is absolutely gorgeous. The dress' main color is sea green, but she can see at least 100 different shades of green flowing through her dress. The top consists of a darker sea green corset with thousand little sparkling stones placed on the outer material at the top of her dress.
"I figured you would like it," someone says, pulling Jordan out of her amazement.
Jordan barely stutters out any words at the sudden voice, and her eyes cast behind, in front, and on the right of her, in the hope of seeing the person to who the voice belongs to.
"You cannot see, as I am standing on your left."
Before Jordan even thinks about interrupting the voice, the voice continues talking, "Now, dear child, you must listen carefully. I can sense many horrors and dangers lurking in the deepest and darkest corners of your future, but you must not let them change the way you are. You are a strong woman with a kind nature, who knows how to stand her ground and is not afraid to back down, as well as putting other people's needs before those of your own. I am proud of you, and I desire nothing more than to guide you on your journey, but I shall not, as this is your adventure. This is your life, and I know without any doubt, that you, in the end, will conquer all. Farewell."
Jordan's eyes have sprung wide open, as she frantically calls for the voice to come back. What does it mean? Who is it talking to her? What dangers, and what horrors?
The voice, has long disappeared, and Jordan can feel herself drifting away from the village, away from the breathtaking flower fields, away from the wonderful tree, and away from the mysterious setting on her left.
Jordan wakes up with a jolt, and the tingling feeling of something on her forehead.
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