chapter five
Jordan groans all the way towards her house. Damon wasn't lying when he said he wouldn't go easy on her. Jordan feels like the life is drained out of her. All her muscle are sore from Damon throwing her around like a sack of potatoes. She can still hear his voice ringing in her ear, ordering her to get up again and again. All Jordan wants to do now is go home and take a nice relaxing shower to soothe her muscles, but of course something has to interrupt her plans. Jordan's phone rings and an ever louder groan escapes her lips. She tries to ignore the calls, but whoever is calling her is stubborn and not giving up.
Eventually Jordan gives in to the obnoxious ringing of her phone and answers with a sigh.
Stefan starts talking immediately as she picks up her phone, "Where have you been?!"
"Training with Damon," she says, making Stefan's eyes widen. "What is it that you wanted to talk about so badly you called me at least a dozen times?"
On the other side of the line, Lexi looks at Stefan with raised eyebrows. She waits for him to tell Jordan what Stefan actually called about, and not the fact that she trained with Damon.
"I-uh, was wondering if you wanted to meet Lexi, she keeps asking about you now that I told her about you. Caroline is throwing a party at the Grill, and Lexi thought it'd be a great idea to celebrate my birthday there. Do you feel like coming?"
Jordan chuckles at the fact that Lexi was probably the one calling her a dozen times, not Stefan. "Sure, I'd like to meet your friend as well. I'll meet you at your place," And Jordan ends the call.
Jordan's walking pace evolves to a slight jogging as she makes her way home. She doesn't want to keep Lexi and Stefan waiting, but she does want to change her clothes into something less sweaty.
"Anybody home?" Jordan yells throughout the entire house once she locks the door behind her.
A muffled sound comes from Elena's room, but Jordan decides not to act on it. Elena is probably sad due to the incident with Stefan, but Jordan is still too pissed to comfort her little sister. What Elena said to Stefan was harsh and uncalled for, and Elena should understand that.
Jordan quietly slips upstairs and into her room. Quickly she strips off her clothes and flicks them somewhere in the corner of her room. She opens the doors of her closet and she takes out her grey skinny jeans and blue plaid blouse. Dressing herself only takes about three minutes, but putting her hair in a "messy" bun takes a lot longer. Messy buns aren't really messy and quick buns, they take time and effort to look ruffled but not the I-just-woke-up kind of ruffled.
Having her hair finally the way she wants to, Jordan quietly tip toes out of her house again. She jumps at her motorcycle and she speeds away, towards the boarding house where Stefan and Lexi are waiting.
Stefan and Lexi can hear someone pulling up at the boarding house, and Lexi urges Stefan to open the door. While rolling his eyes at his friend Stefan walks downstairs and opens the door to see Jordan standing on his porch. Jordan's grinning from ear to ear as she greets him, "Hey old man, happy birthday."
Stefan sarcastically smiles, "Very funny, and do please come in," he says after Jordan has pushed him aside to welcome herself inside.
"So," she drawls, "where is that friend of yours? And I'm assuming she's a vampire as well, or did you compel a poor little girl to be your only friend." Stefan elbows Jordan and she chuckles.
"I'm going to like you," a feminine voice says from above Jordan.
Jordan's head flips towards the voice of most likely Lexi, and she takes in her appearance. She has a kind facial expression, but Jordan has no idea how old she is. Her long blond locks fall from her shoulders and continue all the way to her midriff. Her green-brownish eyes hold passion and intensity. "Hi, I'm Jordan," she says as she holds out her hand for Lexi to shake, "you must be Lexi. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Lexi says, "How did you stumble upon the supernatural if I may ask?"
"My sister actually dragged me into this," she says grinning, "she's dating him over there," she whispers and nods in Stefan's direction. Jordan decides to keep quiet over her assumptions of her time on London.
"So, about Stefan's birthday, are we going to the Grill?" Jordan asks Lexi.
"Yep," Lexi says, answering Jordan's question. "Stefan, however, is going to hop by your sister first, so I thought that we can meet Stefan, and maybe your sister as well, at the Grill." Lexi suggest. Jordan shrugs her shoulders and tells Lexi it's fine by her.
"You know that Elena is in the wrong here right? You did nothing but protect and care for her." Jordan says reassuringly.
Stefan smiles and thanks the girl before he opens his mouth to bid Lexi and Jordan a see you soon.
Together, Lexi and Jordan leave Stefan and the boarding house behind them. "How are we going to the Grill? Walking? With my car?" Jordan suggest.
"We could do that," Lexi says with a mischievous glint lingering in her eyes, "or I could take you?"
Jordan's eyebrows scrunch up in confusion, "Take me? How do you plan on taking me?"
Lexi laughs, "Like this." Lexi picks Jordan up and puts Jordan on her back, and within a second they have disappeared.
Jordan's lips leave a shriek of laughter mixed with fright. The wind blows Jordan's and Lexi's hair in every possible direction, and everything around them is a blur. From all of the things she has witnessed a vampire do, this has to be one of her favorites. Lexi's movements are so fast that no one is able to notice them passing by. The only sign of them ever being there is the gust of wind that follows and the joyful sounds of Jordan.
They arrive at the Grill in record time and Jordan is left in awe. "That was magnificent," she squeaks, "And you are able to this all the time? You never get exhausted?"
Lexi shakes her head no and laughs at the excitement of the human standing in front of her. Never in Lexi's life has she encountered a human being who was interested in vampires without being obsessed.
"Shall we go inside?" Lexi's words snap Jordan out of her haze.
"Sure," she says as she follows Lexi inside.
The moment Lexi and Jordan enter the Grill they are overwhelmed with the loud humming of music and the smell of beer.
"Let's get something to drink first," The music muffles Jordan's voice, but Lexi is perfectly able to hear it and she nods her head.
Damon is just aimlessly twirling his glass when he hears the voice of Jordan. His head snaps up towards the entrance and he grins once he sees her with Stefan's friend. He waits as Jordan and Lexi make their way towards the bar before making his presence known.
"How are your muscles, sweetheart?" he taunts Jordan.
Jordan rolls her eyes and stomps her elbow in his stomach, knowing that it won't affect him anyway. "Jerk," she mutters jokingly, "I told you to go easy on me!"
"So it's my fault you throw really horrible punches?"
Jordan opens her mouth to protest, but closes it again when she realizes Damon is right. "Just wait," she tells him, "One day I'm going to beat your vampy ass."
Damon throws his head back with laughter, "I'd like to see you try."
As their conversation dies down Damon turns towards Lexi to acknowledge her presence.
Jordan blocks out their conversation. The image of Damon laughing wholeheartedly keeps coming to the surface of her thoughts. Seeing him happy makes Jordan happy as well. Hearing him laugh like that made Jordan's knees weak. His voice is alluring, but his laugh is almost enchanted.
Oh god, stop thinking about him like that. Jordan scolds herself.
As Jordan tunes in the conversation again she has realized that Lexi is about to turn away from Damon. "You coming Jordan?"
"Yep, let's find the birthday boy!" she says and waves goodbye to Damon before following Lexi.
"I have never seen Damon talk with someone like he does with you. He almost looks like a completely different person."
Jordan shrugs her shoulders carelessly, not thinking he's any different with her. "I don't know, I'm just talking with him."
Lexi grins at the oblivious girl, "That's exactly my point."
Jordan gives her a puzzled look but Lexi doesn't continue to explain her point. Soon Jordan will realize what Lexi means, but in the meantime all Lexi can do is watch over her and make sure that Damon is genuine with her.
Humans might not see the difference in Damon when he's near Jordan, but vampires who know him do. Damon doesn't just talk with people, he never does. He eats them, or uses them for his own desire. With Jordan he's different. Lexi can't quite place what is different, but she knows he is.
"Happy birthday Stefan!" Jordan cheers as she gives him a friendly hug.
Stefan's lips slightly tug up into an almost smile, "Thank you, Jordan."
Jordan lets go of Stefan, and Lexi pulls him in a hug in the process. "Happy Birthday," she says grinning while she ruffles Stefan hair.
Lexi lets go of Stefan, "Now, let's dance!" she excitedly exclaims before she runs off towards the dance floor.
"I-I don't dance," Stefan stammers.
Jordan agrees with Stefan, she doesn't dance either. In her room where no one can see her? Sure. But in a crowed area where everyone can can see her? Hell no.
"Come on!" Lexi whines playfully, "I'm going to need a little more movement than that." Lexi refers to Jordan and Stefan who are both sitting on a chair doing absolutely nothing.
Stefan refuses her offer immediately, "Yeah, I'm not to keen on making a complete fool out of myself."
"Come on, you're not that bad,"
Jordan snorts, "He may not be, but I certainly am."
Lexi let's out a laugh before she gives in, "Fine, we'll play pool. Just so you know, I'm only giving in because it's your birthday, most of the time I'm not so obeying."
With the three of them they head over to the other side of the Grill, where the pool tables are. The pool tables, however, are currently being used, but Lexi doesn't let that stop her. She walks up towards the nearest pool table where a boy and a girl are enjoying their evening. "You are done here, go home," she compels them to leave and Stefan shakes his head at her.
"What?" she says challenging.
"Nothing, nothing," Stefan says.
"That's what I thought."
Jordan chuckles at their bickering, "Let's begin! I assume you have learned to play pool sometime over the 100-something years you have been alive, which means I will not go easy on you two."
Both Lexi and Stefan raise their eyebrows, "You going easy on us? Sweetie, we're the ones who need to go easy on you," Lexi says jokingly, but at the same time totally serious.
"We will see," Jordan says smirking.
Halfway through the game, and neither Lexi nor Stefan has scored one single point. Jordan is beaming with excitement. "Don't look so sour," she comments at the expression of the losing duo, "No one will hold it against you that you lost a game against me."
Stefan grumbles, "You are the one robbing all those poor teenage boys of their money."
Jordan laughs, "See, I'm a legend."
"Keep on dreaming," Lexi says smiling, "Come on, we're getting a drink." Lexi tugs at the sleeve of Jordan.
"You're just going to leave me here? All by myself? On my birthday?" Stefan says feigning hurt.
"It'll do you good, this way you can practice." Jordan childishly sticks out her tongue.
"Very funny."
Jordan and Lexi wriggle their way through all the dancing teenagers. They finally, after pushing and stomping, arrive at the bar. Jordan can see Elena walking towards them out of the corner of their eye.
"Three shots of tequila-"
Jordan cuts Lexi off once she sees the expression on Elena's face, "Make that four."
Lexi uses her magical abilities on the bartender, and Jordan turns around to face her little sister.
"You decided to step out of your wallowing?" Jordan says a little harsh, but nothing Elena can't handle.
Elena only smiles at the way Jordan defends Stefan, "Yes I did, I realized I was wrong, and I'm sorry for acting like a self pitying bitch."
"You don't need to apologize to me, apologize to him," Jordan says, and she nods her head in the direction of where she thinks Stefan is.
"I already did, this apology is for you." When Jordan hears that Elena is genuine sorry, her face softens.
"It's alright, I forgive you," she says and gives Elena a quick hug, "This drink is to us, and you kind of look like you could use one as well, tell me what's on your mind when the party is over."
Lexi turns around and she takes notice of Elena's presence, "Oh the famous Elena."
Elena, however, doesn't look as excited to see Lexi, "Towel girl."
Lexi laughs as Jordan stomps Elena in her ribs. "I've been called worse, here." Lexi offers Elena a shot of tequila.
Elena sighs deeply as she takes the shot of tequila. Her eyes wander to where Stefan is laughing, and Elena instantly feels miserable for saying those hurtful words to Stefan. "I've never seen Stefan drunk," Elena comments.
"That's because he never is," Jordan tells her with a smile, "He's always uptight, just like you."
Elena throws her sister a glare before turning to Lexi, "With you he doesn't seem so uptight as he usually does."
Lexi smiles as she looks at her best friend, "Well that's the benefit for knowing someone for over a hundred years. You can just be yourself."
Elena sighs sadly, "He can't seem to be himself when he's around me."
"Of course not, but that takes time. With a love like yours, you'll be able to overcome any obstacle thrown your way, but you need to work for it. Love isn't easy," Jordan tells Elena in all honesty.
Lexi looks at Jordan before adding, "Your sister is right. The love of my life was human. He went through denial, anger, etcetera. Just like your sister said, love isn't easy, but at the end of the day love will conquer all," Lexi says glowing with love at the mention of her lover.
"I'm scared," Elena admits loud out.
"But still you're here, because you're crazy about him. Take it from someone who's been around for a long time, when it's real you can't walk away."
"Thank you," Elena says, "It was nice meeting you."
Jordan laughs as Lexi drinks Stefan drink before Lexi walks over to where her best friend is still playing pool.
Jordan can see Elena hesitating when she looks at Stefan. "Go on," Jordan nudges Elena in Stefan's direction, "Go talk to him."
Damon sits at the bar, waiting for Lexi to come join him.
Lexi takes the stool next to Damon, and doesn't bother circling around the question that's been lingering on her tongue all evening, "What are you really doing in Mystic Falls Damon?"
Damon chooses to ignore Lexi's question just to annoy her, "Have you tried The Brittle? Award winning."
Lexi narrows her eyes at Damon, "Cut the crap,"
Damon puts his hand in the air, "You got me, I have a diabolical master plan, and a certain someone sparked my interest."
Lexi growls, "Leave her alone."
Damon shows Lexi his signature smirk, "I'll think about it."
Before Lexi can threaten Damon further, she is injected with vervain. Together with Damon, Sheriff Forbes and some police officers take Lexi outside. Out of the sight of peering and curious eyes Lexi manages to free herself. Sheriff Forbes shoots at her with wooden bullets, but Lexi is too strong to have it really affect her. Just when she's about to run off, Damon stakes her with a wooden stake in her heart.
Shock is written all over Lexi's face, "She will never forgive you," Lexi mutters her last words as she looks past Damon at Jordan.
Damon's head whips around to where Jordan is standing and he can see the hurt on her face. Tears are threatening to spill from her eyes, and Damon almost feels sorry. Not for killing Lexi, but of hurting Jordan.
Jordan turns away from the scene and Damon knows that Jordan's forgiveness will be much harder to achieve than that of Stefan.
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