Chapter 1
Life was hard when you didn't know how to live it, mingi learnt this the hard way, he was never popular wherever he went, he also suffered from a back issue which limits his movements every now and then, he also was kicked out of his house for being gay.
Right from the start mingi knew this life would be hard and he wanted to try his best, but that came back and bit him where it hurt. Finding a place to stay was hard and time consuming.
He needed to find the furthest place from his parents so he moved to seoul. He manages to secure a one bed, one bath flat and get his life back on track, with limitations he knew he'd need money fast so he applied for many jobs all of which rejected him because of his sexuality and medical history. He was lost for a while until he turned to dance, he had done it ever since he was younger and loved it but had to quick due to his back.
Finally he can restart that youth and put it to good use, within a month of practicing mingi was back in old shape and could do the best, he was also recruited to an underground dance group who all performed with diligence, they didn't care for his preferences or anything they only cared if he was good and he was, he stayed with thay group for around a year before he applied for a school and got a job as a worker in a popular cafe.
His life was on track and now he was entering college, he didn't want to but he knew he can't rely on his dnace forever so he went on a performing course as well as a business course in order to open his own dance school.
He was promoted to vice leader of his dance group KQ fellas, all of which had different back stories that coincidentally linked to his. The members where always covered by face masks and the sort but whe. He saw their faces the forst time he wouldn't forget them.
(no the ateez members are not a part of this group)
With everything coming together he never thought he would get this far on his own, but fate does exist.
It was the first day if college and mingi wanted to make an everlasting impression. He thought he would have a better life if he stayed on the down low about everything, so he used his glasses after removing the contacts he used for dancing hours before and also put on an oversized outfit. He styled his red hair to the side and then brushed his teeth and checked the time before leaving ti head to college.
As he arrived at the campus he immediately got looks from the other students and they started whispering.
' is he a nerd?' he heard a person mutter in a snarky tone, he didn't really care, they can say all they want about him he's not bothered, as long as they don't know the real him as he didn't want to be ridiculed for his dance like he had been in the passed.
He tuned out everyone before getting to his class on time and prepared. His first class was music. He listened to the lecture and took notes as much as he could fit on four pages before closing the book and playing on his phone as the teacher let them, he had received an email from his dance mates sending him a new song and choreo to learn for tonight, so he plugged in his headphones and watched the video almost memorising the whole thing, he didn't want to get fully into it as he would expose his hidden side as cringe as that sounds.
He sighed once the bell rang and shut off his phone and making his way to his next class. He wasn't expecting this to be fun or interesting of any kind, however, in that class he saw some eye candy, there was a boy a little taller than himself with black hair and a puppy face. This male was beautiful in every way mingi could think of, the innocent look sewed it all together, mingi watched as multiple boys walked up to the eye candy and offered gifts and would be politely rejected, it was only the first day and this boy was extreme popular.
Shaking his head mingi faced the front and started taking notes on everything the teacher said. Finally the bell rang and everyone ran out, those where the only lessons mingi had today and so he made his way home before changing into his more comfortable clothes for himself.
Once he was dressed he slipped his contacts in and grabbed his gym bag before heading towards the building which held his dance group in. The dance he was told to learn was only short and they were gonna do more of these types of things so he was fine with it, he'd dance to whatever gets him inspired.
They got into the outfits before performing, they recorded it and placed it onto their youtube channel, you can't really see their faces so it's fine.
(pretend the caps cover their faces more and the rest of ateez are wearing masks and not there)
Afterwards they had a little competition and mingi won as people loved the way he looked when he danced.
Everyone clapped and then they just watched others dance. Eventually it was time to go home for mingi so he bid his goodbyes and headed home so he can shower and rest for tomorrow since he still had lessons.
Hey my souls ~
I'm thinking of doing dances for kpop and other songs I'm interested in, if I do make one I'll post it on my YouTube but don't expect anything, I'm just hoping I get the guts to do so.
Anyway first chapter done hople you enjoyed it.
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