So it begins
*Dan's POV*
Me and Stampy were sitting at a table playing cards because we got bored when Trayaurus came in. "Hey guys have you seen Don anywhere I have been looking for him?" he asked looking around the room. "unfortunately we haven't" I said not turning my attention away from my cards. "HA three kings!" I yelled as I threw down my cards in a line on the table. As I looked up at Stampy just to see him smirking and trying to hold back a laugh "what's so funny?" I asked raising an eyebrow quizzically. he put his cards face up in front of him in a line on the table "straight flush" he said smiling still holding back the laugh. "OH COME ON!" I yelled putting my head on the table comically in defeat "Oh sweetie its ok but you got to admit that was pretty funny" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek "heh your right that was funny" I said smiling I was about to say something else when Trayaurus gestured me to follow him. "Hey Stampy I will be right back" I said getting up from my chair "Alright Dan" he said shuffling the deck of cards. I walked with Trayaurus to the next room "I got the thing you asked for it took me awhile but it worked" he said smiling. "REALLY?! oh thank you thank you Trayaurus thank you so much" I said hugging him "Dan don't be getting all sentimental on me" he said pushing me a little bit to get off him. He pulled a little box out of his pocket and opened it showing a golden ring that had an orange and blue diamond the colors swirled as the light hit it around the diamond was small emeralds incrusted into to the gold. "Its.....AMAZING oh thank you Trayaurus he's gonna love it" I said happily "I'm just glad your gonna finally ask him" he said closing the box and handing it to me. "yeah I just had a feeling its time to ask him I mean we have been together for 10 years I just thought its about time to settle down" I said smiling down at the box he gave me. "Oh Trayaurus can you keep Stampy busy while I get everything ready?" I asked looking back at him "sure what should I do" he asked raising an eyebrow "Just ask him to help you around the lab or something" I said about to go out the back door of the lab "but what if he asks where you are?" he asked leaning half his body on the wall "just tell him I went to get us some food or something" I said as I left the Lab and pulled out my check list "ok lets do this"
*Stampy's POVS*
"Huh its been awhile I wonder if he's ok" I said as I got up I was about to check on him but then Trayaurus walked out of the next room "Oh hey Trayaurus do you know where Dan went?" I asked showing a bit of concern in my voice. "Oh he went to get us all some food" he said pointing at the back door "oh alright" I said putting the card deck on the table. "Hey Stampy wanna help me with my brain neuron wave studies" he asked picking up a clipboard. "oh sure got nothing better to do" I said walking to him with a smile
*2 hour time skip*
Trayaurus and I finished his little study thing "do you think Dan is ok its been two hours I'm pretty sure it doesn't take that long to pick up food" I said looking at Trayaurus with a worried expression plastered to my face Trayaurus was about to say something until he looked at his phone and smiled "Hey can you follow me for a second Stampy" he said walking toward the front of the lab "uh...ok" i said following him. outside was long blue limousine it's driver came out and opened a door gesturing to it i was still very confused i was about to say something until Trayaurus shoved me into the the limousine "GAH!!" i fell to the floor of the limousine the door closed quickly i hear Trayaurus yell "DRIVE DRIVE!!!!". "wait is Trayaurus is kidnapping me what the heck and why would he do it in a limousine?" after like 45 minuets the door opened and i fell out the car onto the ground "Oh Stampy you ok?!" i looked up at someone wearing a blue tux "Dan? that you?" i asked trying to adjust to the light glaring down on us "yeah its me why were you on the floor of the limo?" Dan asked slightly smiling "well Trayaurus shoved me into the limbo and yelled at the driver to drive away so i sort of thought i was getting kidnapped" i said with not much emotion in my voice "what the heck" he said suprised and a little bit angry Trayaurus would do that. I was going to say something else before I looked up and saw a beautiful castle like building "woah......." was merely all I could get out of my mouth "wait until you see the inside" Dan said while smiling brightly. He grabbed my hand and led me inside it was one of the most beautiful places I ever seen we soon entered room that seemed to be a ballroom there in the corner was a small orchestra band with it started off as a lovely piano solo and then gradually drifted into violins and the harp playing along side it. "Dan this is amazing you did this by yourself?" I asked looking up at him happily trying not to cry of joy "well I had a little help" he said with a side grin he pulled me onto the dance floor and held me close to him.
*Dan's POV*
We began the waltz I swear dancing with him was like magic I felt like we were lighter then air flying through space. "I cant believe I'm finally going to do this I'm finally going to ask him" I thought to myself as I looked down into Stampy's emerald pools of life the light glaring off his face seemed to make them shimmer. as we were dancing it felt as if we were transported to a world of love that didn't even seem half as beautiful with Stampy in it. "Stampy I have been wanting to ask you something for a long time and now I think is the time to ask you" I said looking down at him as his eyes stared up at me in wonder. "Y-yes Dan what is it" I grabbed his hand and was about to kneel down when a burst of light blinded me "AHHHH!!!" I heard a scream and my heart started to pound against my chest. The light finally faded away and Stampy was no longer in front of me all that was left was a black blast mark on the floor. the orchestra band came to a streaking halt and looked at me with wide eyes "Stampy?" "STAMPY?!" I fell to my knees and looked at the blast mark on the ground I felt tears stream down my face when I saw the orange gold tipped rose in the middle of it all. I held the slightly singed rose to my chest holding it tightly.
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