Under The Water
Requested by: HakunaMatataReads
*No one's POV*
Once upon a there was a kingdom but not just any kingdom, a kingdom under the sea that was run by a race of fish hybrids. They were all ruled over by King Finnball who had been protecting the kingdom for over a hundred years. As much as he loved the sea kingdom he loved his children much more. You see he had six daughters and one son. Netty, Amy, Rosie, Sqaishey, Mousie, Polly and Stampy, Netty was his oldest child she was very calm most of the time and very mature. Amy was the second oldest and she could always be found in the palace garden tending to her favorite undersea flowers. While Rosie was mostly the same as Amy always in the garden but she also loved to play in the coldest depths of the palace. Sqaishey loved to spook the palace staff and groom her feather like fins on her tale. Mousie was a spunky mermaid though she had her girly tendencies she wasn't afraid of speaking her mind. Polly was a mermaid who was mute from birth so she had to use sign language though she was a very loving person. And then there was the youngest sibling Stampy, Stampy was a very sweet and hyperactive young lad but there was something exquisitely rare about him. He was a Neko Siren hybrid, Stampy was very different from his sisters he never really wanted to stay in the palace he always wanted to explore to ocean's many wonders. But what he found most interesting of all was the humans and their way of life. Stampy often got into a little trouble by turning up missing only to be hanging out in an abandoned shipwreck that crashed into an underground sea cave that he made his hideout that only his best friends Lee and Squid knew about. Lee was a spiny dogfish but he was a lot bigger than the average spiny dogfish so he would call him a bear fish and Squid was a caribbean reef squid that liked to follow Stampy wherever he goes trying to keep him safe. Stampy's father Finnball decided to have his royal adviser/assistant william the robber crab or most commonly known as the coconut crab. Watch over Stampy and keep him out of harm's way and to keep track of him. But soon Stampy's world view would be changed forever.
*King Finnball's POV*
"Thank you all for coming to the party for today we celebrate our a hundred and thirty fifth year of being hidden from the humans sense I have been crowned king after my father Poseidon!" I declared to my subjects as I held my trident high in the air for all to see "Now the royal court proudly presents your entertainment, the royal siblings!" William announced to the crowd and stepped away from the stage so my children could swim to their places.I sat down on my throne and watched my children begin their song "Ah~ we are the six daughters of Finnball, the great king who raised us well~" my daughters sung together as they twirled around "today's the day we celebrate and say hooray, let us remember this day of prosperity~" They sang in unison and held hands. "And now our favorite little brother has come to sing to you, It's our little brothers musical debut, To sing a song that William wrote, his voice is like a bell~." they sang as a shell covered in sea flowers rose from the ground and began to slowly open "He's our brother St-am-py!!" They sang and gestured to the shell finally revealing......Nothing. Everyone gasped in shock seeing the prince was nowhere in sight "WILLIAM!!! Where is Stampy?!" I growled out angrily "H-He was here e-earlier..." William stuttered and clicked his claws together in a nervous motion "WELL THEN GO FIND HIM!!" I yelled and watched him scuttle away in a hurry. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose "what am I going to do with that boy...."
*Stampy's POV*
Today was the big party...well we have a party every year to celebrate being safe and stuff but this was the first time I have ever sung for one of the parties. My sisters performed every year for the last few years. I know it sounds like a dream to perform at the royal celebration but I didn't want to, I was very nervous and didn't really like being noticed by other people in such a way. So I waited in the bottom of the stage on the clam that was waiting to be hoisted up with William until he left to do the announcement and conduct the band. Once he was gone I swam out of the palace and to my hideaway shipwreck where Lee and Squid were waiting for me. I entered through the side of the broken ship where there was a huge hole. As I enter I can't help but giggle when I see Lee and Squid fighting like angry brothers chasing each other around the ship. "Lee, Squid come on stop fighting..." I said as I put my hands on my hips where my skin transitioned into the scales of my tail. When they didn't stop I smirked and turned around folding my arms across my chest "Oh if your too busy fighting I guess I can just find two other fish to give these coral cakes too" I said in a fake disappointed voice. There faces immediately whirled toward me and they stopped fighting. I giggled and tossed the coral cakes into the air and watched them float down until they were gobbled up by my two undersea comrades.
"So Stampy aren't you a little worried about your dad once he sees your gone?" Lee asked as he finished the coral cake in his mouth. "Yeah he seems a little short tempered as it is mate" Squid said as he shoved the last bit of the coral cake into his mouth hole with his tentacle. "I will be fine guys......I just didn't want to sing in front of everyone...." I said as I awkwardly rubbed my arm with my finned hand. "But you sing in front of us all the time" Squid exclaimed as he shifted his body to be upside down as he swam. I swam to my little collection of human artifacts as I began to speak again "That's different I know you guys would never judge me and My dad shouldn't even be pushing me into this If I don't feel comfortable in doing so." I argued as I picked up an old doll that My mother gave to me when I was a baby that I kept in my hideout because I didn't feel comfortable with leaving it at the palace. "You wouldn't have forced me into this...." I said under my breath as I rubbed the face of the doll with my thumb. Lee and Squid looked at each other with a sad look silently trying to figure out what to do. "Hey Stampy how about we go to the coral rock and you can sing to us? That always cheers you up!" Squid said happily as he flipped. "heh....I guess that would be fun" I said with a small smile. After agreeing to sing at my favorite coral rock where I usually go to clear my head and sing where no one else can hear. We swam to the surface of the ocean and lifted myself onto the rock so now I was sitting on it.
Sense I was also a siren unlike my sisters I guess my voice was magical or something. I looked down at my friends lifting their heads out of the water including with a few other small fish. I cleared my throat and began to sing "Ahhh~ Ahhhh ahhh Ahhhh~" I sung to the soft melody of the ocean's waves. I let a small smile spread on my lips as I saw the fish dancing to my voice. As I continued to Sing I had no Idea that from afar I was being listened to by someone I never would expect.
*Prince Dan's POV*
I was traveling the ocean close to my kingdom on one of my father's largest ships to celebrate my twentieth birthday and we had just started to shoot the fireworks into the dark sky. My dog Grim was barking and jumping along the ship with curiosity. I was sitting on one of the benches near the peer of the boat holding a cup of bubbling brew. "EY come on your highness it's your party why not have some fun" A voice laughed and patted me on the back. I looked up to see my personal bodyguard Torquedawg. I lightly rolled my eyes and took another sip of my drink "Come on Daniel it's fun don't you want to dance?" My friend and personal assistant Sparklez spoke as he danced his way over. I couldn't help but laugh as he did his strange dance and pulled Torquedawg over to join him. I shrugged and got up and began to dance that is until I heard a strange noise. I turned towards the noise trying to see what was making it, the noise wasn't actually strange it was actually quite beautiful It just seemed strange because it sounded as if it was coming from overboard like in the ocean a bit farther away. It was dark so I couldn't really see much. I walked over to the captain who was steering the ship and told him about the beautiful noise. He merely laughed and told me I was hearing the call of the evil siren. I tilted my head confusedly "what do you mean call of the siren?" I asked quizzically. He stopped steering the boat and began to tell us all stories about sirens making ships crash into the rocks where they would kill the men who had been on the ships. I found myself getting more and more interested until something hit the boat making it shake a bit "AH!" I yelped and stumbled back and gripped the fencing of the ship. A boy at the front of the boat yelled something about rocks ahead and the waves were getting to rough. I looked around at the crew scrambling around the ship trying to do something I'm not sure what though. Torquedawg was about to lead me to the safest place he could find so I wouldn't be hurt until we hit another small patch of rocks causing the ship to shake more. I stumbled backwards falling off of the railing, I could hear people scream my name as I fell into the water below. My vision begin to grow darker and darker until I was finally consumed by unconsciousness probably never to wake again.
*Stampy's POV*
I looked off into the distance confusedly when I saw a figure that looked alot like the ship wreckage I used for my hideout except it was floating on the water. Out of sheer curiosity I got off my rock and swam towards the ship. "Stampy what we doing?" Lee asked as he swam after me as fast as he could with squid riding on his tail fin. As I got close I couldn't believe what I was hearing, never had I ever heard this kind of music It was loud and fun while I would usually only hear quiet boring fancy music. I put a finger to my lips to tell them to be quiet as I lifted myself up to see onto the deck of the boat. I watched as the humans on the ship danced with one another happily. That is until the man who I was guessing was steering the vessel began to tell strange stories. I felt Squid tug on my tail fin to get my attention, when I turned around I saw him frantically pointing at the head of the ship. I spin my head around to see their ship was heading right into the jagged rocks that stood out from the water. I had to figure out a way to warn them without them seeing me. So I swam backwards as fast as I could and quickly rammed myself into the side of the boat making it shake a bit. I heard them yell and run to the front of the ship to see the rocks. I rubbed my sore side as I heard them hit the rocks a bit while trying to steer away. "AH!" my cat ears twitched a bit when I heard a scream, I turned around to See a blue haired man falling into the water from the ship. I quickly dived back down into the water looking around frantically for the blue haired human. My eyes widened when I saw him desperately trying to get air into his lungs. I swam to him and supported him by putting his arm around my shoulder which kinda hurt me a little because his arm was bending one of my fins a bit.
I quickly brought him to the surface of the water and looked around trying to find his ship. I couldn't see it, I must have swam away from it while I was carrying him. I turned around to see a beach to a nearby kingdom that I knew of. My seagull friend Stacy lived there, so with the human on my side I swam to the beach and laid him on the soft sand. I began to panic because he wasn't breathing, that's when Stacy showed up and asked me what I was doing with a human and I began to quickly tell her that I saved him and now he wasn't breathing and how I was freaking out about it. She told me to calm down and take deep breaths then she began to tell me how to give him something called CPR. Where I repeatedly pressed down on his chest and took deep breaths and breathed it into his mouth. She told me to stop when she saw he was finally breathing properly on his own. "Stampy what were you thinking?!" a voice shrieked, I whirled my head around to see William walking towards us clicking his claws together angrily. Before I could say anything he yelled again "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING THE HUMANS COULD HAVE SEEN YOU!!" he waved his claws about frantically. "Well I couldn't just let him die" I said sternly as I adjusted my body a bit so I wasn't hovering over the unconscious human's body. "also.....WHY WEREN'T YOU AT THE CELEBRATION?!?!" he shrieked angrily. I scoffed and shifted my body away from him so I didn't have to look at him. It was a little hard to do this sense I was completely on land right now.
"Well maybe I didn't want to perform in front of thousands of merfolk who look up to my father and expect me to be perfect and every way when it turns out I'm not perfect and I'm pretty much a disgrace to my own species, you think of that?!" I said through gritted teeth as I looked him dead in the eyes.
William, Stacy, Lee and Squids mouths dropped when I said this. It was the first time I ever snapped at someone before. William was about to say something to me until we heard a painful moan come from the blue haired human. I turned around to see he was trying to lift himself into a sitting position. I quickly tried to dart to the water but it ended up with me falling on my stomach with my long tail trailing behind me. I began to crawl vigorously on the sand trying to get to the water where my friends were beckoning me to come quicker. I felt myself freeze in place when I heard a gasp come from behind me. I turned my head around as my body laid in a crawling position. There he was the blue haired human was staring at me bewildered with his beautiful enchanting brown eyes. We blinked at the same time trying to see if this was for real but I felt something while we looked at each other, something I never felt before and I really liked it, it felt nice like I had nothing to worry about. That is until Stacy swooped in crashing into the humans face and began to flap her wings in his face causing him to fall over and try to shove her off. I quickly darted into the water and swam as fast as I could into the ocean until the currents took me deeper.
I got to the ocean floor with my friends in toe. The world became nothing but a dead silence that william tried to break. "Stampy I-" he tried to speak but I whirled around with a rage filled look on my face "LEAVE ME ALONE!!" I yelled and began to swim faster than I ever did in my entire life time. Anything to get away from William, He could never understand he lived his entire life sucking up to my father and doing whatever he says and he doesn't even care how it makes me feel. I finally got into the dark corners of the ocean floor where there were many undersea creature skeletons and dead coral and seaweed. "He doesn't understand.....he doesn't even care..." I said as I hugged my tail up to my chest and began to cry.
"Oh but we know someone who does~"
I looked up to see two strange looking eels each with one glowing eye. "w-who are you?" I asked a bit frightened by the off putting pair. "don't be afraid sweet child we are merely here to help you." the one with the torn dark blue fins said as he wrapped his tail around me and rose me up a bit so I could follow him. "We heard your cries and we know someone who can help you" the other said as it pat my head with its tail. "r-really?" I asked with a small sniff from my nose for I was still sort of crying. "absolutely my dear all you have to do is follow us~" the dark blue one spoke again as he caressed my cheek as if trying to wipe away my tears. "oh o-ok" I said as I began to follow them.
After about ten minutes of swimming we finally got to the mouth of an undersea cave. "Cassie we brought someone who wants to see you" The dark blue one with the glowing red eye spoke into the cave. I was a tad confused until a large dark red tentacle reached outside of the cave entrance and hoisted up an entire person who was turned around like they were doing something when they were called. "Don I swear if it's another fish wanting to be a mermaid I promise I will smack you" The feminine voice spoke harshly as the figure turned around revealing a female cecaelia with dark red tentacles and blood red hair that swayed in the ocean's weak underwater currents. She had deep piercing seafoam green eyes that seem to burn into your soul. When she saw me she was taken back a bit "Oh terribly sorry dear I'm just in a bit of a bad mood I ran completely out of narwhal tusk shavings" She said with a small smirk "Now what can dear ol cassie do for you sweetie?" she said as she shooed the two eels away and pulled me inside. "Now dear tell me your troubles" she said as she placed me down on a seat made out of a shell. "well......you see I...I really want to learn more about humans...at first I just thought they make neat things that we should learn about....but then I saved one....and for some reason I felt this warm fuzziness in my chest and...and I'm not sure what it is.." I said as I held my chest with my finned hands. "Oh child that feeling is love I do believe you have a crush on this human" Cassie said as she applied a red goo to her lips making them pop a blood red color. "w-what should I do....my father would never let me be with a human....I mean it's not like he would even like me back......" I said as I rubbed my arm awkwardly. Right after I said that she wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me closer to her "Now now now don't say that my dear~ I bet he would absolutely adore you" She said as she played with my curly locks with her finger tips. "you really think so?" I asked getting excited "Oh positively darling...but......" She trailed off as she released me of her grip and floated towards her shell cauldron a bit "But?" I said confusedly. "Your a siren dear....and you can't really approach a human without you know....them screaming." She said as she intertwined her fingers and slightly turned her head towards me. "What are you saying?" I asked with a bit of worry "You see a human wouldn't really prefer to have a fish for a lover" She said with a disappointed face "oh....." I looked down at the ground with a sad expression only to have my chin lifted by the cecaelias finger. "But I know a way for you to be with your human~" she said with a smirk "r-really?!" I asked hoping she wasn't just joking with me. "oh yes of course darling of course of course~" she said in a sing song voice. "That sounds amazing......but how?" I asked tilting my head a bit "It's obvious what you have to do dear." she said as if it was plainly clear "and what's that?" I asked questionably as I tilted my head to the side "Why you have to become a human as well and I can do that for you~" She said poured some strange ingredients in her cauldron. "You'd really do that for me?" I said not believing my ears "Why of course darling but you must know I don't do these things for free." She said as she swirled the cauldron's contents with a flick of one of her tentacles. "But I don't have any-" I was cut off by her pressing her tentacle against my mouth to shut me up. "Oh darling no no nothing like that lets see.....whats the cost of turning you human hmmm.." she said as she grabbed a scroll from her shelf. "Oh here it is and what luck all you need to do is sign here" she said as she removed her tentacle from my face and shoved an inked quill into my webbed hands. "So...what's the deal?" I asked whilst lifting an eyebrow "Ok dear straight to the point, I will give you a spell that will turn you into a human for three days you got that dear three days and before the sun sets on the third day you have to get that boy to kiss you and you will remain human permanently. Oh but not just any kiss the kiss of true love!" She said as a picture of two silhouettes kissing each other was created in the smoke from the cauldron. "But if he doesn't.......you belong to me!" She exclaimed with a toothy psychotic grin. "Stampy NO!!!" I whirled around to see my friends that were now tied up by the two eels. "I don't have all day darling.....unless you don't want to be with the human and constantly have your father and his assistant force you into doing things that make you uncomfortable." She said as she fiddled with her nails. I got a bit angry by the last thing she said and quickly signed the glowing scroll in front of me. I could hear the muffled protest of my friends until Cassie started chanting these strange words as smoke floated from the cauldron and began to consume me.
"AH!" I yelped as I felt my body began to change, I suddenly couldn't breathe it was painful and I was beginning to regret my decision. I felt myself being carried to the ocean's surface when I soon felt the soft sand under my body I began to cough up the water in my lungs. I tried to get up but I couldn't I was in to much pain. I could hear my friends crying out to me but I couldn't answer them it had felt as if there was a war raging in my throat. "Stampy! Stampy! oh dear what is his father going to say?!" William panicked as he scuttled back in forth nervously "We can worry about that later! Stampy are you alright?" Lee said in worry with Squid sitting atop his back. I tried to say something but they all quickly got back when we began to hear voices approach.
*Prince Dan's POV*
"Your highness we have been about this all day, don't you think it's getting late besides this mystery man might not even exist you may have just been seeing things from swallowing sea water" My squire said as he walked next to me along with my bodyguard and assistant. "I know what I saw and I know I wasn't hallucinating" I said for like the hundredth time now "Sir I just don't want you to get your hopes up" he said trying to convince me to go back. "If he says he was saved by man in the water then I believe him because he has never lied to us ever!" Sparklez said angrily to the squire. "woah calm down hun" Torquedawg said pulling his lover back away from the squire boy. I was about to say something until I heard a violent coughing "huh?" I ran to the edge of the beach leaving my confused group behind. Once I finally got to the edge of the beach I saw a short skinny man laying on the sand desperately trying to stay awake. He looked as if he washed up on shore after a wreckage, I gasped and ran over to him taking off my cloak and wrapping it around him and picking him up bridal style. I couldn't believe how light he was....he probably hadn't eaten in days. I used my finger tips to move his hair out of his face, he looked up at me for a split second before passing out in my arms. His hair was a brown mop and he had orange cat ears pinned against his head shaking like a leaf. I turned around to see my friends had finally caught up and they were shocked by what I was holding. "We need to get him to the palace now!" I said as I adjusted my arms so his head wasn't hanging. I ran to the palace with my friends by my side hoping the man in my arms wasn't too damaged.
We finally got to the castle where I kind of interrupted my fathers meeting by kicking down the door and running into the med bay. I placed the young neko on one of the medical beds and called in our royal medic. He had told us that he would be fine in his care and that I should talk to my father. I took a deep breath before entering the now almost empty meeting room where my father was waiting for me while drinking some wine. "Son....what on earth was that all about?" He said whilst raising his eyebrow questionably. "What was what all about?" I said while trying to avoid eye contact with him "The soaking wet man you ran in here with in your arms" he said as he set down the wine glass and walked up to me. "Oh I was kinda searching for the fish person that saved me from drowning on my birthday....no big deal" I said trying not to make it seem like I'm crazy. "And you think that soaking wet man is....a fish man?" My dad looked at me questionably. "Obviously not but he does seem familiar...but I had to save him he was barely alive and I wasn't going to let him die" I said while crossing my arms. "I'm glad you did the right thing....but please no more talk about fish people" he said as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine fine" I said as I walked back into the med bay "Hello your highness and I must say the man you brought in might possibly have a brain injury." the doctor said as the young man I brought in sat up in the medical bed holding his head. "aug.....w-what...where am I?" the young man's cat ears twitch in what I was assuming was pain. I was about to say something until he opened his eyes......they were gorgeous they were like emerald pools of jewels that you could never look away from. "h-hey...um are you alright?" I asked while sitting next to his bed on one of the chairs. "y-yeah I think so..but where am I if I may ask?" he said as he cocked his head a bit. "your at the palace, I'm Prince Dan....do you live in the village maybe there's someone we can call for you?" I asked but he responded by looking at me more confused......"h-how long have you been at sea?..." I asked in a worried motion. "well....for as long as I can remember I guess.." he shrugged "c-could you hold on for a second" I said as I pulled the doctor aside "He doesn't remember anything but almost drowning! what are we supposed to do!?" I whispered to him. "Well your highness these things take time but I suggest doing as much as we can with him to see if it gives him any memory jog." he whispered calmly as he picked up a clipboard, he was about to say something else but I had already turned towards the young neko and smiled "how about you join me for dinner?" I asked while clasping my hands together. "Oh uh....sure" he said as he fiddled with his fingers and looking down at them as if he never had regular fingers. "Ok then....but first let's get you some clothes"
We got to the dining room after showing the neko around the castle. I had just learned his name was Stampy thank goodness he still remembered stuff about himself. The maids had cleaned him up and we had given him new clothes to wear. He was now wearing a orange peach colored dress like suit and his hair was no longer a wet stringy mop it was now a thick bundle of brown curly locks that sort of bounced as he walked which I found adorable. He was having trouble walking but I was assuming that was because he was waterlogged. I sat down at the long table with Stampy sitting next to me. For some reason I swear we have met before he seemed so familiar not specifically in appearance but the way how I felt....in my heart. "So Stampy....do you think you can recall anything else about where you live?" I said with a smile. He seemed a little uncomfortable with that question....did something happen to him at home? Did something bad happen to them? Oh god now I feel bad for asking! "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset.." I said and slightly reached for him. "O-oh no its ok really I just....don't exactly have a perfect relationship with my family..." he said as he fiddled with my fingers. "Well if it makes you feel better I don't have a perfect relationship with my dad either." I said with a lighthearted smile "you don't?" he asked tilting his head while eating a piece of broccoli from his plate. "well duh I mean I can't really be open with my emotions when it comes to my dad when my dad is such a stickler when it comes to emotions" I chuckled a little. "heh....my dad forces me to do things that I rather not do...well not yet" he said as he looked down at his plate "oh.." I looked towards the door where Torquedawg and Sparklez are making hand signals at me trying to tell me what to do. "hey uh...you ever been boating?" I blurted out saying the first thing that came to my brain. "I...I don't think I have" he said as if he never heard of it in his entire life "here follow me" I said as I grasped his hand and lead him out of the castle and to where there was a beautiful swamp that had became famous for its fireflies of different color.
We hopped on a nearby small boat and I began rowing into the swamp unaware we were being followed. We finally got into the middle of the swamp so I stopped and looked back at Stampy "so what are we doing out here?" he asked confusedly as he looked off the edge of the small wooden boat. "I just thought it would be nice to get some fresh air" I said as I stood up in the boat carefully as to not tip over the boat. "what are you doing?" he said a in slightly worried tone "hold on you'll see" I said as I reached up grabbing a tree branch and began to lightly shaking it making the leafs shake on the tree. He seemed very confused until he saw fireflies fly from the trees with their amazing lights. He looked up at the glowing insects with big innocent eyes that seemed to be filled to the brim with wonder and enchantment. I sat back down in the boat and watched him look at the beautiful scenery around us. I couldn't help but blush when I heard him giggle from a small purple firefly landing on his nose "so...is this your first time seeing fireflies?" I said trying to distract the fact I was blushing. "I can't believe I have never seen these before let alone heard of them there is so many things to see and hear.....it's like..the way the light glimmers off the world around us like it all suddenly woke up when you saw it and then you think maybe the ocean and the sky and the stars are all looking back at us thinking the same thing that we are apart of the everything and that maybe there is actually one thing and we are all it!" he spoke softly as he looked back at me at the last bit of his speech. I was blushing so hard at this point. "you really have a deep perspective on life." I said with a small loving grin "Oh h-heh yeah....I try my best to look on the bright side of life sense I don't really get to enjoy it often..." he said as he laid back a bit while looking up at the stars. "what do you mean by that?" I asked as I looked at the stars with him. "Well I'm not really allowed to leave home much..." he said with a sad look on his "wait are you being held against your will by your own family!?" I jerked up looking down at him. I bursted out laughing "What? no no no my family is just really protective!" he said between his laughs. I couldn't help but begin to laugh as well as I laughed I slipped a little accidentally grasping onto him for support. Once we were finally steady we looked into eachothers eyes and blushed. "I uh...sorry about that" I spoke but barely got my words out as I was too entranced in his eyes. "N-no its o-ok" he blushed as he spoke, We began to get closer and closer until......
"Gah!!" we yelped as the boat was suddenly tipped over by some strange force. I was tall enough to where my feet touched to bottom if and I could still have my head above the water however Stampy was not. I quickly pulled him into my arms bridal style which was easy due to the water "what on earth was that?!" he yelped as he held onto my neck. "I have no idea.....heh lets get inside and change" I said as I trudged off to the edge of the swamp water and climbed out with Stampy still in my arms. I didn't bother putting him down for I was still afraid of what had tipped over our boat. I looked back at the water seeing two long snake like fish swim through the murky water and vanish into the fog. "Well that was ominous....." I said to myself and began to walk back to the castle with my soaking wet companion still in my grasp.
*No one's POV*
After that night Dan and Stampy became closer and closer barely leaving each other's sides. They talked and goofed around with no troubles at all It would have seemed as if they were destined to be with one another. Though time was running out for our dear Stampy It had been almost the three day mark the only thing that stood between Stampy and true love was the sunset over the horizon.
*Dan's POV*
Me and Stampy were walking on the beach together our hands were almost touching they were so close oh how much I wanted to intertwine our fingers but I couldn't let things get awkward. "Hey Dan?" a sweet blissful voice pulled me out of my thoughts "huh? yeah?" I questioned turning to Stampy who had been looking quite puzzled. "When we were in town those children were running from one another and hitting each other but yet they were laughing what were they doing?" he said as he kind of sounded worried but most of all he sounded confused. "Wait you mean tag?" I questioned while smiling "Tag?" he said in a rather puzzled manner. "Wait.....you mean you never played tag before?" I asked while stopping in my tracks. "I don't think I have what is it?" he asked while stopping and turning next to me "uhh...it's a game...here let me show you!" I said as I patted his chest and began to run away. He stood there confused about what to do "Come on catch me Stampy all you have to do is tap me then im It!" I yelled to him. "It what?" he yelled back confusedly "No I mean I have to tag you if you tag me!" I yelled back. I was a bit far away but I could see him make an o with his mouth so I'm guessing he understood. He began to run toward me rather quickly and before I even had a chance to get away he tapped my shoulder with his palm. I whirled around to chase after him but he just stood there "Stampy you have to run the point of the game is to not be tagged" I said while pointing at my own palm. "Oh sorry" he said and began to run away from me, I smirked and began to chase him. I was nearly there my finger tips centimeters away from his back that is until he took a sharp turn and I ended up falling into the sand. I laid there awe struck that is until I began to laugh and I couldn't help but laugh more when Stampy started laughing as well "Oh you think that's funny get back here!" I yelled playfully and once again pursued chase of the neko whilst laughing. "GOTCHA!!" I yelled as I tackled him to the ground making us both roll onto the sand laughing. I sat up pulling stampy up with me and looked into his eyes "Stampy these past few days have been amazing and I wanted to ask you if you...maybe wanted to stay here with me....only if you want to though" I said as a light blush dusted across my face. "r-really?" he asked as his face was pretty much a tomato. "I mean....yeah if you'd like...." I said while grasping his hand with my own. "I'd love to..." he said with an adorable grin plastered to his face, I couldn't help but smile at this and we began to move our faces closer and closer together until the peach light from the sky faded away into darkness causing Stampy's eyes to widen.
"NO!" Stampy cried out as he looked at the now setted sun in the background over the water. "Stampy!? What's wrong?! was it too soon?! You didn't have to say yes if you didn't want to......Stampy?" I tried to calm him down but he began to hyperventilate and wheeze as his body began to glow "Stampy!?!". "DAN!!!" he cried as his legs became a long peach and white fish tale that's scales glittered like small suns. "WHAT THE?!" I cried falling back a bit at seeing this, he looked me in the eyes before he broke down sobbing into his webbed hands. "Woah Stampy please don't cry!" I pulled him close to my chest trying to calm him down "I still love you even if you are a fish...cat....person" I said as I rubbed circles around his back. "No it's not that.....wait.....Dan you have to get out of here NOW!!" he said as he pushed against my chest trying to get away. "what why?" I questioned while lifting an eyebrow.
"Because your in danger you beautiful idiot!!" he cried out as he pushed against my chest. I was about to say something until giant maroon red tentacles rose from the water hoisting up a giant woman. "WHAT THE HELL?!?!" I shrieked while looking up at the crazed creature. "Oh Stampy~ Time's up!" she said as she looked around a bit before her eyes landed on me and Stampy. I picked up Stampy in my arms and began to run away. "Ah ah ah~ it's not nice to take things that don't belong to you pretty boy" the gigantic women laughed as she easily reached down and yanking Stampy from my arms while knocking me down in the process. "HEY!!" I yelled angrily, I tried to figure out what to do but my thoughts were put to a crumbling halt when the ground beneath me began to shake. I looked over to the water to see a giant man with a giant trident in his hands. "OH MY GOD!! WHY ARE THERE SO MANY GIANT MAGIC PEOPLE?!!?!" My brain screamed as I ran towards the palace in search of help.
*Stampy's POV*
I yelped in pain as I was squeezed by Cassie's gigantic hand. I jerked my head up when I saw my father rise from the ocean's surface "CASSIE ROSE!!!" He yelled angrily while clenching his trident in his fist "Why hello Finnball, dearest brother how are you?~" she spun around with a wicked smirk on her pale lips. "Give me back my son Cassie...." he growled through gritted teeth "Oh my so rude...I thought you don't want to leave a bad example for your children especially your sweet little baby boy" She said as she tossed me in the air and grasped my by her finger tips and held me upside down. "Now I must say I rather not give him up just yet brother I was enjoying this quality time with dear sweet nephew~" she said as she held me in her enclosed fist once again and began to graze her finger over my hair as if she was petting me. "But I guess I can make a trade......" she said as she puckered her lips a little to get a point through. My dad merely narrowed his eyes at her "oh please don't be like that~ Now...how about handing over the trident and throne of atlantis?" she hissed out the last bit. My eyes widened at this "NO DAD DON'T DO IT!!!" I yelled to him desperately. "Oh shut it you" she said as she threw me into the air and grasped me roughly with her tentacle nearly cutting off my air supply. My dad looked at me with fear and looked down at the ground as he began to hand over the trident. "WAIT DAD PLEASE ST-" I was cut off by Cassie screaming in pain and pulling a small bundle of bloody spears out of her back. She whirled around growling "WHO THREW THESE!?!?!" she shrieked whilst snapping the spears in her hands like they were nothing. We looked down to see Dan along with an army by his side "Surrender now or be prepared to fight!" Dan yelled out. I felt it was rather sweet he was willing to fight a woman bigger than his own castle for me but also.....really dumb. She looked down and blinked dumbfoundedly and began to laugh and wheeze like it was hilarious "PFFFFFTTTT HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA AH AHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU TH- YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL ME WITH TINY LITTLE WEAPONS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH LOOK STAMPY YOUR PRINCE CHARMING IS HERE TO SAVE YOU AHHH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OH MY GOD THIS IS PRICELESS!!!" she bellowed as she threw her tentacles about as she laughed hard. "Oh now I didn't say that" he said with a grin "excuse me?" she said as she immediately stopped laughing and looked down at him confusedly "I just had to keep you from looking behind you" he said with a sly grin as he snapped his fingers into little finger guns. "what d-" she turned around slightly only to be stabbed in back by a golden trident. "AHHHHHHHHH!!!" she shrieked and she threw me high into the air as she came down crashing into the ocean sinking pitifully down to the bottom.
I screamed while tightly squeezing my eyes shut realizing I would not be landing in the ocean. I covered my eyes with my hands bracing for impact. My body finally came down to the ground but instead of landing with a splat I landed with a hug. I opened my eyes to see Dan had caught me in his arms embracing me and crying. "Stampy I thought I'd never see you again!" he said as he looked me in the eyes and finally kissed me on the lips. My eyes widened but I couldn't help but melt into the kiss and holding the back of his head deepening the kiss. We finally pulled apart looking into eachothers eyes locked in a loving trance. "Ahem" a cough caught our attention and I shifted my body to see my dad. "Oh my goodness....Dad I am so sorry I really did not mean for all of this to happen please don't be mad!" I said quickly and fearfully. "Stampy do you really want to stay here on the land?" he asked looking down at me. I tried to avoid eye contact with my father worrying about where this is going. "I understand that you were unhappy barely being able to leave the palace and you know I only want the best for you. I should have realized that I shouldn't have made you do these things you are not comfortable with. I will let you stay here with the humans.......as long as you come to visit." He said as he held out a small shell necklace with his giant hand. "How did you know I was...." I drifted off as I spoke "William and your friends told me about it" he said with a gentle smile as william was on his shoulder and waving to us. My mouth curved into a grand smile as I saw Lee and Squid poke their heads from the ocean surface. "Stampy check it out!" Squid said as he held up another shell necklace and he immediately poofed into a grown man with gills on the neck and blue markings around his body. "Stop showing off" Lee said as he poofed into a man as well but he had bear ears and brown and grey markings. I giggled at this and used the necklace to turn me into my human neko self, I looked back into Dan's eyes and smirked. "So where were we?~" I said lifting my eyebrow in a flirtatious way. "oh let me think.....oh now I remember~" he said as he pulled me into another long passionate kiss.
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