Snake Eyes and Blind Eyes
Requested by: Ruby-Dreamer17
Gorgon Dan (basically a medusa person) x Blind Stampy
*No One's POV*
Once upon a time there was young neko orphan named Stampy who was blind from birth. Cursed to never see the world around him. But as he grew up seeing was the least of his worries, he tried his best to get though the days imagining what things would look like. He did everything he could to get a grasp on life whether it be feeling the ground or listening to music. Though life isn't all peachy for the young neko you see he was bullied and harrassed for being blind. You see in these times blindness was considered a curse and people who were blind were looked down upon as if they were useless. But enough about that time to get into our story.
Stampy was walking through town with his little guard dog Barnaby well....he was actually a big grey wolf but Stampy didn't really know that sense he was blind. "Oh barnaby don't you just love that amazing cold breeze!" Stampy said as he bounced a little as he walked to which Barnaby barked happily. Barnaby was leading Stampy to the park where they usually go when they have nothing to do. Stampy had his end of Barnaby's leash tied around his wrist so he wouldn't accidentally let go and end up going in the wrong direction. They finally made it to the park and they both sat down on a nearby bench. Stampy sat there listening to everything he could like the breeze blowing against the trees and the children laughing and playing with one another. Stampy lived in the orphanage with small children, and he had always done his best to help and make the children laugh sense most of them weren't all that happy from either being abandoned or losing their parents to death or any other cause so it always brings a smile to Stampy's face to hear them laugh. Stampy was soon brought out of his thoughts when he felt something hard hit his head roughly.
"Ow!" he yelped as he jumped a little and felt around on his lap finally finding what had hit him. He was expecting it to be a toy or a pinecone or something that the children he had heard were playing with and had accidentally thrown. But no it was actually......a rock he could tell it was by the rough texture around it and how he could feel a bit of dirt stuck to it. He was a tad confused until he heard a gruff familiar laughter and Barnaby growling next to him. Stampy sighed and put his hand on Barnaby's head "hello Hunter......" Stampy said as he tried to keep his angry wolf from tearing the man apart "Well if it isn't the mayor of freaksville" The large teenager laughed as other rough looking teenagers joined him. "Hunter I'm having a nice day can't you leave me alone for once?" Stampy said as he gripped Barnaby's leash ready to book it if he had to. "Oh I don't know? what are you going to do if I don't?" He taunted as he placed his hands on his hips "look I don't want to know what I'm leaving, come on Barnaby" Stampy said as he gently tugged on the wolf's leash that is until Stampy's wrist was grabbed by a certain filthy rough hand. "huh?" Stampy turned around trying to figure out what was happening, He was imminently pushed to the ground. Stampy tried to get up only to have a sharp pain shoot into his stomach, Stampy's ears perked up when he heard the horrifying sound of Barnaby growling. Stampy kept feeling blow after blow until he had enough. He already knew Barnaby was trying to get them off of him but he knew something they didn't. "Sorry to do this to you Barnaby......RECALL!!!" he yelled and imminently Hunter was tackled into a heap on the ground. You see Barnaby had somewhat of P.T.S.D or something like that, every time he heard the word recall he would go into a fit of rage Stampy had no idea why but when he first got Barnaby he was told to not use that word around him. Stampy quickly got up and ran, he didn't know where he was running to but all he knew was he was getting away from those horrific barbarians.
Stampy ran and ran not knowing at all where he was going. He finally slowed down and found the leash that was tied around his wrist was ripped off during the little fight. "Oh dear....." Stampy said as he felt the ripped texture of the leash, he wasn't that worried about Barnaby sense he knew Barnaby could easily take care of himself. He was mostly worried about where he was sense he didn't know at all where he was. "Oh goodness...where am I?" Stampy asked himself as he cautiously began to walk around "Lets see...." he said as he lifted his arm into the air to see if he could still feel the breeze. He shivered a little as he felt a tiny cool breeze graze over his hand, Stampy then walked around until he found a wall and began to run his hands over it. "Oh its a tree...." he backed up hitting another tree "Oh and there's another....tree, wait hold I in the forest?" he said to himself as he walked around until he ran into another wall. But this wall was.......hairy? Stampy stepped back when he heard a menacing low pitch growl. The furry figure loomed over him revealing a large rage filled kodiak bear with foam spilling from its mouth. "Oh're not a wall are you?" Stampy began to break into a violent sweat as he backed away slowly trying not to startle the creature in front of him. "AH!!" Stampy screamed as he was suddenly lifted off the ground. "n-nice b-big scary m-monster...." he trembled in fear as he squeezed his eye shut bracing for impact.
Stampy waited for the impact but it never came......he opened his eyes but it didn't really matter. He lifted his hand and touched the beasts arm that was holding him in the air "huh?" he was surprised to find the once furry hand now had a rough stone like texture. Stampy tried to remove himself from the creatures grasp but nothing seemed to work. He began to feel the arm more "Is this a statue?" he asked himself as he tilted his head. His thoughts were soon cut short as he heard the sound of cloth ripping, soon enough Stampy's shirt which was caught on the now stone bear's claws ripped causing him to fall to the ground but instead of hitting the rough muddy ground he was caught by a pair of strong arms. "A-Are you alright?" A new voice spoke to Stampy in a worried kind of panicked tone. "Oh yeah I'm fine just a bit confused is all" Stampy said as his cat ears twitched a little "Oh.....w-what do you mean by that?" The man holding him asked but his panicked tone never changed. "Oh I mean......this uh...statue..didn't use to be a statue" Stampy said as he turned his head to face the voice. "Oh! I'm so sorry I haven't told you my name, I'm Stampy Cat It's a pleasure to meet you" Stampy beamed happily as he flashed his sweet smile. Stampy could feel the man's muscles relax a bit and shift in a bit of a confused fashion "Are you not afraid? or at least creeped out right now?" The man asked with a very confused tone. "No why would I be?" Stampy asked whilst tilting his head to the side. "I how I look" The man said as if it was obvious. "Oh......umm I-I can't actually see what you look like..........I'm blind" Stampy replied sadly.
"OH I AM SO SORRY I HAD NO IDEA!!" The man panicked scared that he had upset the smaller man in his arms. "No no its ok I'm not upset it happens a lot" Stampy said trying to calm him down. The man took a deep breath before he spoke again "Sorry...I just don't get to talk to people all that often....I'm Daniel but you can call me Dan" he said as he put Stampy back down on his own two feet. "So what are you doing so far into forest anyway?" Dan asked questionably as he fiddled with his hands. "Oh I was kind of...running for my life" Stampy said as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "From the bear?" Dan asked while lifting an eyebrow "Oh no no.......I was running away from a person" Stampy said with a sigh. "Why were you running away from them if I may ask?" Dan asked with a worried tone "Oh it's nothing bad really......he just beat me into the ground over and over......" Stampy said as fiddled with his fingers in a fearful manner. "WHAT?!" Dan nearly lost his mind at hearing this "Nothing bad?! he is harassing you and you think it's not that bad?!" Dan whirled around to face him and gently grabbed him by the hand "How long has this been going on?" Dan asked with a concerned voice. It was only then when Stampy realized Dan's skin felt like a combination of scales and human flesh. "your hands....." Stampy caressed the rough scaly part of Dan's palm "Oh umm....s-sorry I have condition.....s-sorry I know its weird" Dan said a bit sadly. "What no it's not weird its cool, having scales on your skin doesn't make you weird it makes you.......unique, I like it" Stampy said as he put his other hand on top of Dan's hand.
"Oh one has ever told me that before" Dan blushed as he spoke. It wasn't until Stampy felt something small and scaly nuzzle and lick his cheek. Stampy was going to say something until Dan said "Hey no stop that! we don't do that to people!" it felt as if he was swatting something away with his hand. "huh? what was that?" Stampy asked confusedly "Oh......uh that was" Dan said with a tone that sounded as if he was holding his breath. "Oh you have a pet too his name is Barnaby!" Stampy beamed happily "Oh where is he?" Dan asked while looking around a bit "probably running around somewhere or trying to eat a wild sheep" Stampy shrugged as he began to walk forward only to end up tripping on a large tree root but before he fell, Dan caught him in his scaled arms once again. "Oh heh...s-sorry" Stampy stuttered until he was tossed upwards and landed bridal style into Dan's arms "How about I just carry you so you don't end up falling into a gorge. "oh t-thanks" Stampy blushed. "So what's going on with you and that piece of trash you call a person? What's he got against you?" Dan asked as he stepped over a rather large root. "Oh he just doesn't like me because I'm a neko and I'm blind......" Stampy said as a he felt something slither around his shoulder. It wasn't until he felt another slither around the top of his head he realized there was more than one snake. "I thought you only had one snake" Stampy asked whilst lifting an eyebrow. "Oh.....well yeah it's not just one... it's multiple..." Dan laughed nervously "how many exactly?" Stampy asked confusedly. "Oh.......I'd say about thirty five" Dan said as he stepped over some rocks lying in a creek. "THIRTY FIVE?!" Stampy yelped in surprise "heh yeah...." Dan said with a bit of a sigh. "And their all on you right now?!" Stampy questioned as he felt the snake nuzzle his cheek. " can say that" Dan laughed.
As they walked through the woods they talked and talked without a care in the world. "Hey Dan we should have been at the village a few minutes ago are we going the right way?" Stampy asked as he pet the snakes head that was laying on his shoulder. "About that......I'm not sure If I can let you go back to that village if you have people constantly harassing you." Dan said in a stern yet concerned voice. "So where are we going then?" Stampy asked confusedly "I'm taking you to my place, you don't deserve to be treated in such a way" Dan said in a matter of fact kind of voice. "Oh now that doesn't seem like kidnapping at all" Stampy laughed out "Stampy before I take you to my place you need to know something.......I don't have a skin condition" Dan sadly confessed. "Oh dear is it a disease?" Stampy asked concernedly "What? no no it's not like that........I-I'm a.....gorgon" Dan confessed as he looked away from Stampy " those urban legends of snake people who can turn others into stone?" Stampy questioned with wide eyes. "yeah.....exactly" Dan said as he readied himself for the horrified scream that was yet to come. "So Cool!!!" Stampy squealed excitedly "seriously? you're not afraid? I'm an actual creature who can turn you into stone by looking you in the eyes" Dan said while giving off a surprised expression. "Well you don't have to worry about that with me" Stampy said as he reached up and caressed Dan's cheek. "Thanks Stampy........and were here!" Dan said as he plopped Stampy onto an old run down ripped couch. "here it's getting pretty late you get some sleep I have some business to attend to" Dan said as he handed Stampy a fluffy blue blanket and two pillows. "Ok have fun......wait.......are we in a cave?" Stampy asked but realized he was already gone "oh....".
Hunter was walking home from the village medic late at night after getting some medicine and bandages for his bite wounds. "Stupid mutt....." Hunter said as rubbed his bloody arm. He soon past by an alley, he didn't think much of it until he heard the clatter of a trash bin lid. "Hello?" Hunter looked into the alley squinting his eyes trying to see what had made the noise. "Why hello there!" a strange voice spoke cheerfully "huh?" Hunter looked to the side to see a silhouette of a man in the corner of the alley "I'm terribly sorry to bother you but you wouldn't happen to know a Mr.Hunter Target?" the figure spoke as it fixed it's posture "Yeah that's me why do you wanna know?" Hunter spat harshly. "Oh how wonderful now I don't have to go running around the whole village looking for you!" The figure piped up merrily. Hunter felt a little uneasy when he saw the glinting white fangs appear on the figures face. "Look I have to go buddy I don't have time for this" Hunter rolled his eyes and turned around only to come face to face with a man covered in blue scales of almost every shade. "GAH!! Oh my god!! what happened to your face!?!" Hunter jumped back as he turned his head around a bit to see the figure he was talking to prior was gone and was now in front of him. "Oh no need to talk about that I'm here to talk about something else, something much more important" The figure spoke as it got closer to Hunter causing him to step back a bit. "Ok.......What do you want to talk about?" Hunter asked while lifting an eyebrow "Oh you see I was wondering if you knew anything about a certain emerald eyed, brown haired neko cat hybrid" The figure said as it fiddled with what looked like it's hair. "Oh you mean that freak from the orphanage, yeah he is probably by far the most ugliest, most nastiest person you will ever meet" Hunter laughed out. "Oh is that so?......." the figure said with a small hiss in it's voice. "Yeah totally I don't think I've ever seen anyone more strange than he is........well besides you buddy" Hunter laughed as he gestured to the figure's face. "Oh what a shame......" The figure sighed as it crossed it's arms "What's a shame?" Hunter asked whilst lifting his eyebrow in a confused fashion, he was two distracted by the comment to notice he was slammed into the wall with his arm behind his back. "It's a shame that this beautiful universe wasted it's gorgeous resources on creating a revolting creature like yourself...." The figure said as it pushed Hunter's head into the rough stone wall of the alley causing the side of his face to bleed. "WHAT THE HECK MAN?!" Hunter yelped as he tried hard to hide the fearful expression on his face. "Oh don't worry I'm not going to kill you, I'm not a monster like you are, I don't go around harming innocent creatures just trying to live their lives" The figure said with venom lacing his voice. The figure grabbed Hunter by his neck and lifted him into the air. Hunter squeezed his eyes shut in pain as he clawed at the hand wrapped around his neck blocking off his air supply. "Oh how rude didn't your mother ever teach you should look at someone when their talking to you?" The figure hissed out as he squeezed the neck harder. Hunter weakly opened his left eye to see his attacker surprised to find his attacker was a man with long blue snakes growing from his head like hair. He had pale skin with scales of almost every shade of blue he had ever seen attached to his body in large portioned splotches, His eyes were covered by goggles that's glass seemed to be made out of crystal. "Now if you excuse me I have places to be and people to see so how's about we get this moving along shall we" the snake man spoke with an aggravated tone as he began to pull off his goggles. Once the goggles were finally removed he revealed his glistening red swirling snake slit eyes. "Well time to say goodbye so........goodbye" The snake hissed as his eyes glew.
"Morning Stampy guess what I found" Dan said as he entered his cave home. Stampy sat up on the ripped couch, his ears twitching with curiosity "I don't know what?" Stampy said as he drank some water from a stone cup. "I found a certain iberian wolf with a collar that says Barnaby on it" Dan chirped happily along with a bark from the wolf he was carrying "Pfffsstststststs" Stampy spit take over the stone table in front of him "Barnaby!" Stampy squealed happily as Barnaby jumped out of Dan's arm and ran over to Stampy jumping on top of him and began licking his face. "Oh I missed you so much! awww yes I did, yes I did! did you miss me? Oh sweetie boo I love you too" Stampy cooed as he hugged Barnaby's neck. "Awww you to make an adorable couple" Dan laughed. "Oh ha ha snake boy your just jealous that it's not you" Stampy smirked with his reply. "Oh hush....hey you want something to eat? I'm going out for food" Dan said as he stepped outside the mouth of the cave. "Oh yeah sure! oh can you also get Barnaby something to eat as well?" Stampy asked with his sweet adorable smile. Dan couldn't help but blush when he saw this "Oh yeah totally, I'll be back in about an hour" Dan said as he began to walk away "Ok be careful!" Stampy called back cheerfully. "I will!" Dan piped happily, as Dan began to walk away he pulled out a newspaper from that morning with the headline "BOY MISSING".
"I promise Stampy I will keep you safe from now and forever more~"
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