Busted lips
Requested by: samyan-chan
Student Dan x Nurse Stampy
*No Oneś POV*
Dan walked down the halls of school with his friends Torquedawg and Sparklez by his side. They were laughing and joking on their way to the campus cafeteria. You see Dan was a college student finishing his last year of college he was going to earn his Academic Degree in science so he could be a scientist like his dad. Sparklez was a Theater Design and Technology major he lived and breathed the stage. While Torquedawg was a Physical Fitness Major he wanted to be a coach of......well any kind of sport. "So then I was like NO! You put yourself in the trash" Torquedawg said as he finished his joke. Dan merely rolled my eyes at this while of course Sparklez giggled.
*Dan's POV*
We finally got down to the cafeteria and got in line "Dude you need to get a date at some point dan or your going to grow up old and alone man" Torquedawg said with his usual gruff tone "I'm taking my time to find the right person" I said as I grabbed a lunch tray from a cart "Come on we need someone to go on double dates with" Sparklez piped happily "I'm taking my time with this I don't want to end up with a bad person again like back in highschool..." I said while thinking about my ex-girlfriend back in highschool. "Well I wouldn't even consider her being your girlfriend, Cassie was nothing but trouble didn't she go to juvenile hall like three times?" Torquedawg said as he lifted his eyebrow "well duh why do you think I left her" I said as I picked up a bowl of soup and put on my tray along with a bottled cola. "I thought it was because she stole your wallet" Sparklez said with a sort of confused voice. "wait....she stole my wallet?!" I blurted looking back at them. "Oh I thought you knew she stole your wallet awhile back." Torquedawg shrugged as he put a sandwich on his tray. "How would I know about it I just thought I lost it......good thing I canceled my credit cards" I said as I swiped my cafeteria card and began to walk to our table that we always sit at.
As I sit down I begin to do what I normally do watch the college campus nurse Stampy on his lunch break.....yeah I know its kinda creepy that I sort of watch him. I just don't know how to ask him out besides he pretty much only like a year and a half older than me. He got to graduate from med school early he was basically a prodigy but he was downgraded to a college nurse instead of a real doctor because he needed something that had to deal with the medical field and low ranking before he can make his way up or something. "Still watching Nurse Stampy?" Torquedawg said right as he sat down which startled me. "eh! w-what no!" I said as I blushed a little "oooooo when are you going to ask him out already?!" Sparklez squealed as he set his tray down. "I'm pretty sure were not allowed to date the college faculty if were students" I said as I rolled my eyes and shoved a spoon filled with soup in my mouth.
"HEY WATCH IT TWERP!!" I voice rang through the cafeteria. I turned around to see my good friend Sam Gladiator on the ground along with a tray of carrots and a broken water bottle. Looming over him was none other then Dom the second biggest jock in Kradmorth University, the first biggest was Torquedawg. "WHY DON'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING RODENT!!" Dom said as he kicked the poor rabbit hybrid in the side of his stomach. I got up and stomped over to them "HEY! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" I growled angrily "What are you gonna do about it?" he said snarkily as he kicked Sam once again. I growled angrily and reach down to help sam up but it ended up with Dom shoving me backwards. I didn't want to pick a fight I only wanted to help Sam "Dom I don't want to fight you..." I growled and clenched my fist "Well to bad blue boy!" He said and threw a punch at my face causing me to stumble back. I huffed and wiped the blood away from my nose with my thumb and swung my fist into his stomach causing him to almost trip over his own feet "Your gonna pay for that TDM!" he growled and ran at me holding up his fists ready to fight. I lifted my fists in defense ready to take him on, I felt him punch me in the face yet again and I'm pretty sure my lip was probably bleeding now. I had enough and whirled my fist into his jaw. I could feel the bone dislocate against my knuckles, I breathed heavily as I watched him fall like a chopped down tree. "Oh my god!" Sam got up and ran over and grabbed my face.
"you need to go to the nurse..." he said with a worried expression. After that he took me to the nurses office I sat at the outside of the door waiting for him to come back from his lunch break. "Oh my goodness!" a soft heavy british accent spoke with a concerned tone. I turned to see Nurse Stampy walking over to me. He was pretty short I had to admit it was cute "Daniel were you the one who got in that fight?!" he said with a surprised tone "heh.....yeah, I had to he was hurting Sam" I said as I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck. He sighed and gestured me to come into his office. He told me to sit down on the bed in the corner of his office. He gave me an Ice pack to put on my head and began filling out an incident report. As I looked at him I felt something inside my chest warm up a bit. "I mean I'm here might as well ask him" I thought to myself and mentally shrugged "Hey are you free on saturday I don't have any classes" I grinned happily. He looked back at me a little taken aback he was also blushing a little. "Like on what....a d-date?" he slightly stuttered which I found adorable "Well yeah what else what I mean?" I said as my grin turned more into a playful smirk "I'm pretty sure that's against the rules" he said as he leaned against the counter and began filling out the report again. "Hey I mean graduation is only three weeks away so...." I said as I waved my wrist to make a point. "still...." was all he said as he was about to leave to do something "could you at least kiss my forehead better?" I playfully pouted. He looked back at me then smirked a little, he walked toward me and bent down to eye level with me and kissed my bruised forehead. "Anything else hurt?" he asked lifting his eyebrow. "you know I split my lips too~".
"heh.....We'll see in about three weeks"
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