A Monstrous Love
Request by:samyan-chan Globgor Dan x Eclipsa Stampy
Once upon a time in the amazing and strange dimension of mewni there was a short young man by the name of Stampy who was the prince of mewni. He loved his kingdom with all his heart but today he hated it. He had just found out he was to married to a prince of a nearby kingdom. Stampy didn't want to be married at all at this point in his life he was only sixteen and just recently his mother died of a mysterious reason he never found out about and was given her wand. After being told he was to be married Stampy ran out of the castle and into the woods not wanting to be disturbed by anyone in the castle.
"AUG I hate this why can't I be in control of my own life!?!" Stampy angrily huffed as he kicked a rock into the lake.
Stampy sat down on a nearby log of a fallen down tree and looked out into view of the setting sun over the lake "Why do I have to be a stupid prince?" Stampy spoke softly as he took off his crown and looked down at it in his hands.
"I see your upset" a deep voice spoke with a soft friendliness
"Huh? who are you? and where are you?" Stampy said as he got up off the log and turned trying to find the voice.
"Where I am isn't important at the moment but I can tell your upset do you want to talk about it?" the voice spoke with a caring tone.
Stampy sighed and sat back down on the log and held his head in hands, looking back out the lake "My father told me I have to marry some prince from another kingdom. THAT I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!! and all I want is to live my life the way I want to, marry who I want not who my father chooses....." he said as he put his crown down on a large rock next to him.
"What about your mother? Doesn't she want you to be happy?" the voice asked with a bit of concern.
"yeah......she would have, she died recently maybe about three months" Stampy said as he fiddled with his sleeve.
"oh.....terribly sorry.." the voice became sympathetic and guilt filled.
"oh no no its ok you didn't know" Stampy said trying to make the voice feel better.
There was a moment of silence between the young prince and the mysterious voice until Stampy spoke up.
"what about you?" he said as he looked up at the sky turning darker and darker as the little sparking stars began to show themselves.
"what do you mean?" the voice spoke in confusion.
"I mean these woods are pretty much empty and secluded from....well everyone so im guessing youre here to think about things like this as well am I right?" Stampy spoke softly still not looking away from the stars.
The voice went silent for a second before it decided to speak again "Yeah.......actually I am out here for a reason" the voice said with sadness lingering in his tone.
"care to talk about it?" Stampy asked with a loving concerned tone.
The voice let out a sigh and spoke again "Let's just say you mewmans have been getting too idiotic....no offense" the voice said as he sounded a bit angry half way through the sentence.
"huh? what do you mean?" Stampy asked lifting an eyebrow.
"well....I just.....nevermind" The voice spoke it's voice became softer and less audible at the end of the sentence.
Stampy looked around at the forest around him and stopped when he saw a large dark figure about nearly four or five times his own size hiding behind some trees.
"you know you don't have to hide right? I'm not going to hurt you....heh I couldn't even hurt you if I tried" Stampy said with a smile as he spoke softly and as friendly as he possibly could.
The figure turned a bit so Stampy could see its big piercing glowing brown eyes. Stampy looked into the eyes enchanted by the emotion swirling around in them like big pools of water. "If I come out do you promise not to scream or anything" the Figure spoke as its eyes narrowed a bit as it looked Stampy directly in the eyes.
"don't worry.....I promise" Stampy said as he crossed his heart showing he wouldn't do anything if the figure did show itself.
The figure made a strange noise before literally bending the tree in front of it to move in front of Stampy to show itself. Stampy's eyes widened a bit but he didn't move. He looked up to see a huge blue furred wolf walking on two legs like Stampy was but he has ripped clothes on him and had goggles on his head but one of the goggles lens was cracked a bit. The wolf bended down to eye level with Stampy and sniffed him for a quick second. The wolf went pure silent and looked at Stampy with pleading eyes waiting for a response.
"Wow......your a lot cooler than I thought you'd look" Stampy said giving the wolf a smile
The large wolf couldn't help but smile back.
*FIVE WEEK TIME SKIP!! brought to you by RasberryDemon*
Stampy and the Wolf Monster who had revealed himself as Daniel or as he tells Stampy to just call him Dan became great friends. Stampy told Dan he would come to see him every night even if he had to sneak out of the castle. They loved to talk to each other their friendship soon became more and they didn't care one bit about their differences. Stampy decided he was going to tell Dan how he felt and that he wanted to be with him for the rest of their lives but today was the day Stampy was to be married to the prince his father had spoken about. Stampy argued and argued with his father and even tried to escape the castle but his father had prepared extra cautionary improvements to the guards and the castle so Stampy couldn't possibly leave his bedroom. All Stampy could do was cry and he didn't know how to use the magic in his wand due to his father taking away the family spell book so he couldn't learn any spells. Stampy didn't know how he would get out of this, he soon realized there was no escaping. Soon Stampy would be married to someone he never even met and he could do nothing about it........
Stampy was wearing a white tuxedo but it was designed to almost be like a dress like with a slight silk train and a veil over his face. He had his wand in his hands that was currently transformed to look like a bouquet of flowers. He was sitting down at a vanity table looking at himself in its mirror before his father came in with his constant angry expression.
"Stampy its time, lets go" he said as he held out his hand to stampy.
Stampy looked at the hand with teary eyes and reluctantly took it.
"Remember your doing this for the good of the kingdom so don't mess this up!" Stampy's father said through gritted teeth.
Stampy's father led him to the room where the wedding was being held. The music began to play as Stampy's father held stampy by his hand an led him down the aisle and to the altar. There Stampy saw his future husband waiting for him. As soon as everyone was once again seated the priest spoke to Stampy and the Prince.
"Do you Prince Caseies take Prince Stampy to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health till death do you part?" the priest spoke as he gestured to Stampy while looking at the Prince.
"I most certainly do" Prince Caseies said while smirking.
"and do you Prince Stampy take Prince Caseies to be your lawfully wedded husband through sickness and in health till death do you part?" the priest spoke turning to Stampy and gesturing to Prince Caseies.
"I-I......I-" Stampy looked around at everyone in the seats and his own father who sat in the front row giving him a horrifying scowl.
"I-" Stampy was cut off when a ground shaking roar filled the castle causing everyone to stand up in fear.
"what the-" Stampys mouth turned into a giant smile when he saw a giant monstrous blue wolf bust down the doors in a fit of rage.
People were screaming and were trying to get as far away from Dan as possible. Dan jumped from the entrance and onto the altar right behind Stampy, Prince Caseies and the Priest. The preist. both of whom ran away from the beast almost tripping over one another. Dan roared once again and scooped Stampy up in one swipe of his hand....or paw. Causing people to gasp, point and scream. Stampy looked up at Dan and smiled not caring about what was going on around them. Dan looked down at Stampy and gave a soft toothy smile.
"THE MONSTER HAS THE PRINCE GET IT!!!" Dan looked up to see the captain of the guard was yelling and pointing his spear at him. Dan looked around rapidly trying to find any means of escape, his eyes finally laid on a stein glass window nearby. Dan not thinking anymore then he had to took action and shielded Stampy's body from the glass that would be coming. Dan took off running to the window and jumping through it not even caring about the glass that was left sticking into his body. Once out Dan took not a second later and ran deep into the forest.
"Are you ok Dan?! you jumped through a window!!!" Stampy said as he rubbed Dan's arm as he was still being carried.
"I'm fine how about you?" Dan said as he panted a bit looking down at Stampy
"Im Fine........now that in with you"
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