The Ring
*Target's POV*
"Oh I am absolutely wonderful Darling~"
"Oh my god it actually worked....well that was money well spent" I muttered to myself as I looked down a little thinking about the possibilities this potion had of backfiring if it didn't work.
"What worked honeybun?" Stampy asked tilting his head innocently.
"Nothing you need to worry about darl- wait did you just call me honeybun?"
"What else would I call my sweet loving boyfriend?" He cooed as he leaned on the counter looking up at me in a loving daze.
"Hold long have we been together?" I asked, I wanted to see what his answer was so I could note the possible side effects to the potion.
"Oh you Silly Billy you know we've been together for like five years now" He giggled as he took my hand in his own.
'Ok wow...from what I can see the potion doesn't just make him love me, it replaces all the memories he had with Dan and put me in Dan's place.......Nice~" I thought to myself as I smiled as gently squeezed his hand.
"Anyhow.......what would you like to do today darling, I have the rest of the day free, we can do anything we want just the two of us" I smiled blissfully as I stared into those gorgeous emerald pools called his eyes.
"I don't know....what do you want to do Honeybunches?" He giggled as I walked out from behind the personal bar still holding his hand.
" about we go watch a movie in the theatre?" I suggested as I guided him toward a large door entrance draped over with black curtains.
"There's a Theatre nearby?" Stampy asked looking up at me questionably.
"No no silly, were going to my theatre room, and you can pick out what movie we can watch" I grinned as I pulled back the black curtains allowing him to enter into the large screening room.
"Wow its wonderful Hunter!" His eyes sparkled in awe, It always such a treat to see him like that. Its like looking at a happy little kitten and who doesn't love a happy little meowing kitten?
"I'm glad you like it sweetheart come along lets pick out a movie, I know you like things that make you laugh so maybe we should pick out a comedy" I suggested as I picked up the remote nearby in one of the seats.
"Oooo that sounds fun"
"Oh trust me we have the best comedies on here, I guarantee you might end up choking on your own laugh" I chuckled as I scrolled to the comedy section on the movie list.
We had finally picked a movie but we ended up watching maybe two or three because I honestly didn't want this to end, he was so happy and I even got him to watch a horror movie which was actually our last one but we had to stop it because Stampy got really scared so now we were in the kitchen making snacks together. I know I could have just asked my robots to make them but it was just so much for fun and well...somehow more accomplishing when I did it with Stampy.
We had made Chocolate covered strawberries and baked cookies which were double chocolate with raspberries and fudge, I know it was practically sweet tooth over dose but what the hell I barely ever ate sweets and Stampy loves baking.
"Hey Stampy~" I sneakily took one of the chocolate covered strawberries and hid it behind my back.
"Yes Sweetums?~" Stampy turned as he put the cookies down on the cooling rack after he took them out of the oven.
"Come here" I gestured for him to come over using the hand I wasn't using to hide the strawberry.
"Ok, what is it baby?" He asked as he leaned against the counter next to me.
"Close your eyes"
"Just do it please"
"Oh alright fine" He closed his eyes and soon after I put the strawberry up to his lips and right before he was about to say something else I gently placed it in his mouth.
He quickly opened his eyes to see the strawberry and imminently started giggling before he ate the piece of it that was in his mouth.
"You idiot" he laughed as I blush crept over his freckled cheeks.
"God I love you so much" I sighed as I pulled him over hugging him to which he hugged back happily as he started purring leaning his head into my neck.
"I love you too Hunter, with all my heart" He smiled looking up at me with half lidded eyes filled with bliss and love.
"Stampy I want to make tonight memorable forever, I have something I want to ask you at dinner" I spoke happily as I pulled out of the hug and held his hands in my own looking down at him.
"Ok I can't wait to find out what you have to say" Stampy smiled as he wrapped his arms around my neck giggling happily.
"And I can't wait for you to find out too~" I grinned as I wrapped one of my arms around his waist and dipped him causing him to laugh and blush.
We hung out for a couple more hours until it was like I don't know eight o'clock or something, I had my chefs fix a special dinner, Lobster and salmon cooked in multiple different ways the salmon not the lobster but as well as flame grilled vegetables along with some other stuff I forgot about I was mostly focused on making tonight special.
"You have your eyes shut right?"
"Yes I do Hunter, you asked that three times you goof" He giggled as I lead him to the balcony of my penthouse where I had the dinner set up.
"I know I'm just really excited" I smiled as we got onto the balcony I put him right at the entrance and quickly walked over to his seat. "You can open your eyes now babe"
He opened his eyes and gasped at the sight, there on the balcony was a beautiful small round table with a red table cloth over it along with the food and a pink candle in the center. Around us there were bushels of red roses all around the balcony and pink petals covered the ground.
"After you beautiful~" I said as I pulled out his chair for him to sit down.
"Awww Hunter~" He cooed as he walked over and sat down in seat letting me push him and the chair closer to the table before I walked over to my own seat sitting down.
"So what do you think? is everything to your liking my darling?" I smirked as pulled out a sparkling apple cider bottle and poured some into our glasses.
"Am I liking it?! I'm loving it!! This is so romantic" He cheered as he made that little squeak noise he makes when he's excited.
"I'm glad you love it, I'm glad your here, I'm just glad in general!! I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am right now~" I cooed as I stared into his eyes filled with joy and wonder.
"What do you mean? It's been five years have you.....have you not been happy with our relationship until now?" He looked at me sadly his ears drooping as small tear beads made their way at the edges of his eyes.
"Wait what?! No no no Sweet Tart of course I was happy, its just I'm about to ask you something that's....long over due, something that's going to make us even more happy than ever before" I quickly grabbed his hand calming him down.
"W-well what is it?" He asked as he wiped away the small tear that never made it to his cheek.
"I was going to wait till after dinner but.....I think we waited long enough~" I smiled as I got out of my seat still holding his hand and went over to the side of the table before getting down on one knee.
"H-Hunter what a-are you doing?" He looked down at me with wide eyes as he placed his other hand over his mouth in surprise.
"Stampy Cat, you have made me the happiest man in the universe, and I hope I can make you the happiest hybrid in the universe.... if you say yes" I continued as I reached into my coat pocket and pulled something out.
"Will you marry me?" I asked as I held the beautiful black gold ring with its crystal blue diamond top in front of me.
"Oh my grob.....H-Hunter are y-you serious?" He started tearing up.
"Well....what do you say?"
"YES!! Oh my grob Yes!!" He cried happily as he jumped wrapping his arms around my neck. "Oh I love you so much!! So so so much!!" He squealed as he repeatedly kissed my face.
"I love you too my dear.....more than you can ever imagine~" I held his hand as I placed the ring on his finger.
"I'm so happy, oh I'm crying and I can't stop, I love you so much Hunter~" He cried as he nuzzled closer to me. I'm honestly surprised Dan didn't propose sooner I mean they were together for five years, you know what I'm not going to think about Dan I have a Fiancée now and he's all that matters.
I flashed a loving grin before I got up swooping him off his feet and carried him bridal style back into the main room of the penthouse.
"How about we have a little celebration upstairs~"
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