The Party Dome Pt2
*Stampy's POV*
The girls had finally finished my makeover so we could go to this so called 'Party Dome' which actually does sound quite fun. But anyways when I looked in the mirror I couldn't help but feel myself blush. I was now wearing a peach colored suit with a pink vest with little heart buttons going down the middle along with a pink bow tie with frills under it around the collar of the shirt. I looked down to see I now had some thigh high black boots and. My hair was braided by the sides pulling into a fluffy puff in the back, the braids had small pearl beads embedded in them along with some sparkly stuff the girls had sprayed into my hair, it wasn't until I did a small twirl I realized there was a big pink bow on my tail. I couldn't believe what I saw, I felt like was actually pretty. Growing up I had really bad self esteem and I never really thought of myself as attractive, but tonight I was feeling AMAZING!!
((picture below was drawn by me))
"You look adorable Stampy, Dan's jaw is going to drop when he sees you!!" Miss Jenn squealed as she grabbed my hands.
"Oh wait hold on final touch!" Miss Aphmau exclaimed as she grabbed a small perfume bottle off of the vanity table and sprayed some on me.
I sniffed the air around me too find the perfume made me smell like some kind of candy, it had a very sweet smell it reminded me of chocolate covered strawberries.
"Oooo nice choice Aph, now he smells just as sweet as he looks" Miss Jenn giggled as she booped my nose.
"Come on let's go see what Pat thinks!"
Me and the girls walked out into the living room where Pat was waiting for us, already ready to go in his leather jacket and formal white shirt.
"Pat look! Look how cute he is! I think I might die!! AGHHH!!" Miss Jenn exclaimed as she squished my face from behind me.
" do I look Pat?" I said as I removed Miss Jenn's hands from my cheeks.
He stared at me for a second before taking a deep breath.
"Is this how dads feel when their kids go to prom?!" he cried out as he ran his hands down his face trying to hide his blush of embarrassment.
"Awwwwww~" Miss Jenn and Miss Aphmau cooed as he did that.
"You look great Stampy, and I bet Dan's going to love it too" He smiled as he pulled his car keys out from his pocket.
"Alright let's get this show on the road before you're friends start wondering where the hell we are!" He cheered as we walked to the car.
I sat in the back with the girls, they decided they would sit with me sense I was still nervous about being in one of these.....vehicle contraptions. They taught me about road games and they asked me questions about my world, which I happily agreed to answer.
"You guys wanna listen to the radio?" Pat asked not taking his eyes off the road.
"sure! wait.....hold on do you know what radio is Stampy?" Miss Jenn asked as she looked at me quizzically.
"Sure we have radio's where I'm from" I shrugged as I looked around trying to find where this 'radio' was in the car.
"But I don't really see a radio in here, aren't radios suppose to be like a wooden box with knobs and metal designs? or are they not like that here?" I asked confusedly.
"Oh I think your talking about one of those old fashion radio's Stampers, we have smaller radio's in our cars so we can listen to music while we drive" Pat replied as he turned a small knob in the front.
I was going to ask what he was doing until suddenly music started playing all around us.
"woah.......that's awesome...."
We drove around listening to the music for what seemed like thirty minuets I don't really know I don't have a watch so who really knows? Anyway we finally got to this giant flashy dome building. I was staring at this building in awe, yes I have stranger things in my village but nothing really like this. It kinda reminded me of the top of one of the buildings in my world honestly.
When we got there Pat had some guy called a valet to take his car and get it parked. We were all walking into the front entrance when I suddenly felt something grab my waist from behind.
"Ah!!" I yelped as I was suddenly lifted off the ground in one quick swoop.
"Hey put him down you son of a-" Pat yelled as he whirled around pulling out a small device that made a buzzing sound. But he was quickly interrupted when two loud familiar voices shouted from behind me.
My eyes widened at hearing the voices and I quickly turned my head to see it was in fact the two people I have cared most about for so long.
"Lee?! Squid?! OH MY GROB IT'S YOU!!" I squealed as I hug them both not caring I was still dangling in the air.
"Uhh Stampy who are these guys?" Miss Aphmau asked confusedly as she looked up at my two giant brothers.
"Oh uh guys, these are my brothers! Lee and Squid!!" I exclaimed as I hugged them by their necks.
"Wait those are your brothers? I thought they were cat people....wait how does that work..." Miss Jenn asked confusedly.
"Actually were adopted brothers, I was about ten and Squid was like five when we found Stampy as a baby, we just stuck together you know like brothers"Lee explained as he tussled my hair.
"Stampy ain't ya going to introduce us to your new friends?" Squid asked as he nudged my shoulder.
"Oh uh yeah! Bro's this is Miss Jenn, Miss Aphmau and Mr. Pat! Oh....and uh Mr.Pat is kinda like our dad now....heh" I said as I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Pleasure to mee- wait what?" Lee stopped himself as he looked at me with this strange confused look.
"What do ya mean he is 'kinda our dad now'?" Squid was completely baffled at what I had said.
"Well he....we had some moments....and I just thought....he really cares about me and he has always wanted kids and well a whole lot of stuff has went down the past two days and I really trust him and he deserves to be happy by being a parent and we deserve to be happy by having an actual parent. I know it may sound stupid but maybe you can just give it a chance but you don't have to its your decision and I will respect your decision because you are my brothers and I know where its coming from so yeah!!" I ranted quickly and took a deep breath at the end there sense I didn't breathe during that whole rant.
"I mean I guess we could give it a shot...." Lee looked back at squid as he shrugged.
"Sure I'm down with it if Stampy is" Squid shrugged as he adjusted the bow tie he was wearing.
"and I totally respect your decision, I know its hard for you guys to trus- wait did you say you were ok with it?" I asked wanting to make sure I heard correctly.
"I mean were right about trusting Dan all those years ago and we never really did know what it was like to have a parent in the past, maybe this will be a good experience for us" Lee smiled as he put me down on the ground next to Pat who stood there awe struck.
"You ok Pat?" I asked as I waved my hand trying to snap him out of his daze.
"Huh? oh s-sorry I honestly and by no offense do I mean this, but I honestly thought your brothers were going to be as small as you were, and you know.....cats but I'm fine with this its like a nice surprise" Pat smiled as he held out his hand for Lee and Squid to shake, which they gladly did.
"Oh wait we should head inside Dan can't wait to see you again! He's a mess without you like seriously, an emotional mess" Squid explained as he grabbed my hand and led us into the club.
I felt kinda disgusted with the place when I saw it from the inside. Everyone was doing these provocative dance moves really close together and yelling a lot of horrible words at each other like they were compliments.....but they didn't seem all that flattering, Me and my friends were clearly over dressed for this......
We were walking around for a few minuets when suddenly Squid stopped dead in his tracks. I felt very confused when I saw his face, His face was covered in pure horror and yet his eyes held some kind of burning rage.
"Squiddy? Squid? whats going on? are you ok? Lee I think someth-" I turned around to see Lee with the exact same face both looking in the same direction.
"What are you two looking a-at........" I was trying to ask but I suddenly saw something, something that made my heart stop something that I never thought I would see ever.
There he was the only man I ever truly loved the way I loved him. The one who had promised me he would love and cherish me for the rest of our days, The one who holds me close at night when I feel the pain of life crashing down on me. The one who had told me he could never find someone he rather be with than me. The one I gave my LIFE for, the man I had sacrificed my life for! There he sat passionately smothering a woman's lips with his own!! he sat there with that woman sitting on his lap! ON HIS LAP!! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I could feel my heart shattering, breaking, crumbling into a million sharp jagged pieces. I could barely keep back a choking sob as I called out, as I called his name.....
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