Plan B
{(Warning: Strong Language})
*Target's POV*
I had just gotten my award, things seemed to be going great for me but oh no life just had to fuck me over!! My assistant had told me that Stampy's brothers and friends had escaped the building, I would have smacked him and screamed at him about how the hell could they even get out if he was suppose to be monitoring them but instead I took Stampy back to the limo, I knew they were going to try bombard me at the banquet so I decided it was time to take plan B into effect. I made sure our driver took the shortest roads back to the company building, I needed to get this over with and fast. I didn't wait five fucking years just for this to all go up in smoke!!
"Hunter what exactly is the emergency?" Stampy asked as he scooted his body a little closer to mine, he was probably still nervous about being in cars and how fast the driver was going.
"I believe its a major tech malfunction or something like that but I'm not exactly sure" I said plainly trying to give a simple excuse.
"Oh ok.." he looked around and started fiddling with his hands awkwardly.
"You alright Stampy?" I looked down at him lifting an eyebrow.
"Yeah just....thinking" He breathed out as he slumped back in his seat a little fiddling with his sleeves.
"Mind if I ask what about?" I tilt my head a little in a curious manner as I stare down at him.
"I was thinking maybe....maybe I should talk to Dan, This has all been a very stressful experience and I didn't even give him a chance to explain himself...I just, I just didn't know what to do...I broke down....maybe I should have heard him out before running away....." he said as he rubbed the side of his temple, he probably had a headache from all the stress.
'Oh shit shit, no no no no he can't talk to Dan!! Do something Hunter say something or this whole thing is going to blow up in your face!!' my brain screamed at me as I stared down at the small hybrid next to.
I reached over quickly grabbing his face in both my hands to which he yelped in response before he looked up at me with those big innocent emerald eyes.
"Stampy you made the right call, from everything you told me about the situation you had a perfectly sensible reaction. You were hurt and when the body feels pain it either runs away or it fights back, and right now your doing both. You are showing Dan you can get along fine without him" I gave a warm supportive smile as I removed my hands from his face and held my arms out so he could come in for a hug.
He looked me up and down before hesitantly leaning into the embrace as I wrapped my arms around him patting his back. I could feel his body start to shake as the wet feeling of tears plopped onto my back in a pattern of raking sobs.
"It's ok Stampy....your doing the right thing" I whispered soothingly in his ear as I ran my fingers through his hair giving him a comforting supportive shoulder to cry on.
"Thanks Hunter....I guess I just need time to think over things"
I was about to say something until I heard loud honking and yelling, I let go of Stampy and looked out the window to see some sort of apocalypse bus drive by at break neck speeds but what surprised me most was the fact that there was a familiar face standing at one its windows with a extremely angry expression. After a another quick look I could see the face belonged to none other than the bumbling blue asshole himself, Dan Minecart....
"What's that noise?" Stampy looked around frantically for the loud noise.
"Don't worry just some crazy drivers...." I said as I watched the bus turn around the corner and finally driving out of sight.
"Isn't that dangerous?" He looked up at me worriedly.
"No no don't worry I mean yes its dangerous but they were all the way across on another road so were perfectly safe" I tried to calm him down as I place a hand on his shoulder.
"But what if they accidentally hurt someone else?!" He yelped out in a panicked voice as he looked over towards the window fearfully.
"Shhh shh don't get yourself worked up dear your going to have a panic attack..." I pat his back trying to keep him calm.
"s-sorry... I'm just a little on edge I guess..." he sighed as he leaned over placing his head on my shoulder.
As this happened I couldn't stop the heat from rising to my face, this was actually happening and It isn't happening in one of my many...many dreams. I don't know if I should celebrate or just stare and watch but I didn't really get much time to choose since we just now pulled up to the T.Corp building Damn it....
As we stepped inside imminently my assistant ran up to me covered in sweat and was breathing heavily, hair a mess and looked like he was about to pass out.
"What the hell happened to you?" I looked over at him seeing him trying to catch his breath.
"R-ran He-here..." he panted out as he slumped down so he was gripping his chest.
"Why didn't you get in the front seat like I told you to Stephano?" I raised an eyebrow confusedly as I specifically remembered to come with me out of the banquet hall and get in the front seat next to the driver.
"S-sorry sir, I got a little sid-side tracked also me and C-Carter are n-not on good t-terms right n-now..." he breathed heavily as he finally was able to stand up properly.
"Whatever though you and Carter are idiots I am impressed you were able to keep up behind a speeding limo on a freeway so here" I pulled out fifty dollars and handed it to him. "Go get yourself some water....and maybe some new clothes..." I looked down at his dirty clothes which were covered in dirt and sweat.
"Y-yes sir" He sighed as he walked away into the breakroom next to the front office.
"Stampy can you wait for me in the elevator I will be with you in a moment darling" I said as I walked over to the front desk where there was a voice control panel for my robots.
I leaned into a small microphone and spoke quietly so Stampy couldn't hear me.
"Guard droids we are officially on a minor company lockdown, trace your optic files for face recognition if these pricks get in do not hesitate to fire, I repeat if they step so much as a foot in this building they are to be killed on sight!! all of them" I said as I pulled out a small hard drive from my pocket and placed it into the panel. The hard drive contained the facial recognition of all of Stampy's friends including Dan.
Once I was finished I hurried my way around the desk and into the elevator and took us to the top floor which was actually my penthouse or whatever you wanna call it, in short terms its where I live.
When the doors to the elevator opened Stampy stared in awe of the fancy red and gold style of my humble abode, I showed him around giving him a little tour before ending it at the personal bar I had in my parlor.
"Care for a drink my dear?" I asked as I went behind the counter letting him sit on one of the stools in front of me.
"Hunter you know I don't drink..." He looked at me with those big beautiful eyes once again I nearly lost my train of thought as I couldn't help but get lost in them.
"Oh no no dear, I have other drinks you know its not all alcoholic "I chuckled as I gestured to some fancy glass bottles behind me that had everything from soda to that flavory fizzy water stuff.
"Oh well that's nice that you keep other alternative options for when you have friends that don't drink" he smiled.
"Yeah or mostly for those of my colleagues who have D.U.I's" I snickered at the joke I had made but when I looked up I saw he was just looking at me confusedly.
"Oh right you don't know what that is...uh yeah I'll explain later, so anyway how about Soda?" I asked looking at him with a smile I simply couldn't get rid of.
"Oh sure! I've only had Soda once so far and it's absolutely amazing!" He beamed happily as his eyes practically lit up with excitement.
I chuckled a little as I turned around and began to pour him some soda I had on the shelves of my parlor bar. That is until I reached into a small secret compartment I had in the counter of back part of the bar, I moved my body around so Stampy couldn't see and I pulled out a small glass bottle with crushed up pink powder inside.
"Hopefully plan B works......"
I carefully dumped a little of the powder into the drink and stirred it thoroughly. I watched the liquid color slowly change to a very light pink, I turned around after pouring a glass of scotch for me and handed him his drink.
"Thanks Hunter!" Stampy smiled as he took the glass into his hand.
"It's no problem my Darling" I looked down at the whiskey in my hand before I held up my glass in a toast like motion in front of me. "To new beginnings"
"To new beginnings" Stampy repeated in happy words as we clinked our glasses together and then we each took a sip from our drinks.
Not even a minuet later Stampy had to place his glass down due to him coughing violently and holding his throat. Stampy started to sway a little almost falling out of the stool but I had quickly caught him by grabbing his hand and holding him in place.
"Stampy are you alright?" I asked as Stampy drowsily opened his eyes and stared at me with big glimmering eyes, his pupils were dilated and looked completely pink.
When the Pink faded away it left him with his seemingly normal big wonderous emerald green eyes, but he simply just stared at me looking at me as if I were a piece of artwork in a museum. He looked me up and down before giving me his beautiful heart tugging smile but this time it had something different to it, it was filled with love and adoration something I thought I would never get from Stampy.
"Stampy are you ok?"
"Oh I am absolutely wonderful Darling~"
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