I'm Not A Kid!!
*Patrick's POV*
"FELINE?! WAIT YOU MEAN HE IS ACTUALLY A CA- Mmfffnnfff!!!" I screamed but was soon cut off by Aph covering my face with her hand.
"Pat get a hold of yourself, yes it means he is a cat....person....thing, but he is still a scared kid who is lost and confused and as police officer you need to help him, and so do I as a doctor we both took an oath to help people and that's exactly what we're going to do!" She spoke as if she were in some kind of movie giving a dramatic speech.
"You just want to pet him now do you?!" I asked while raising an eyebrow and removing her hand from my face.
"absolutely!!" she grinned as she walked back into the living room and sat down next to stampy and started imminently petting his head in between his ears. He seemed a little surprised by it at first but he didn't seem to mind after that.
I took a deep breath before going back into the living room.
"So....uh kid, it turns out that uh.......you are right...and uh your not a human...so would you mind telling us what exactly you are?" I asked whilst sitting down in my chair next to the couch.
"Well humans call us hybrids, we don't really have a species name besides from that since there are so many different kinds of us, Well technically we do but we don't really use them to identify ourselves, I myself am a Catius Felius" he explained as he continued to let Aphmau pet him along with Jenn who soon joined in on the petting.
"So.....you really are from another world huh?" I asked as I tried to wrap my head around all of this.
"Well yeah, also why do you all keep calling me kid?" he asked while tilting his head.
"I mean yes we know your name but we just call you kid because you are one technically, how old are you anyway? fifteen? sixteen?" I asked trying to see If I could guess his age.
He seemed a little shocked as he looked at me and the girls. I wasn't sure why he seemed so distraught until he said something that completely bewildered me.
Me and the girls stared at him wide eyed, this guy looked like he was a teenage minor but no he is actually TWENTY FOUR?! HOW?!
"Yes I'm twenty four how the heck do I look fifteen?!"
"I mean don't get me wrong ki- I mean Stampy heh....you do look quite young" Aphmau said as she pat Stampy's back.
"yeah I know I look young but do I really look like a teenager?" He asked with a confused look on his face.
"I mean yeah but hey look on the bright side, when your fifty you'll look like your thirty" Jenn shrugged as she laughed a little.
Stampy looked between us all and soon began to laugh along with Aph and Jenn, I'm glad to see him smiling. He's been through a lot, but to be honest I am kind of upset finding out he's an adult and not a teenager....It was actually nice taking care of someone who wasn't myself even if they weren't my own kid. Truth be told I have always actually wanted a kid but I just never really got around to having a family....it was always about work....
"So Stampy....I have a surprise for you" I smiled as I looked back at my room where I left my phone and then back at him.
"Really? you didn't have to do anything for me Pat I-" He spoke but I interrupted him knowing he was going to ramble.
"I found your boyfriend"
His eyes went wide and his mouth went slack before having his big sweet smile reappear on his face. He squealed loudly as he suddenly wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Thank you thank you thank you!! Oh my gosh you have no idea how happy this made me Patrick!! How can I ever repay you?!" He was practically bouncing with joy.
"You can go and live your life with your boyfriend that's all I need as payment" I said with a smile.
"Where is he?! When will I get to see him?! Oh I can't wait!!"
"I told him to meet us at the party dome at seven PM tonight, its a big building that people can spot from a mile away" I explained as Stampy finally stopped hugging me.
"Oh! this is going to be so romantic! Oh my goodness we should take Stampy to get some new clothes so when his boyfriend he will literally just drop dead from how cute he is!!" Aphmau squealed as she shook Stampy a little by the shoulders.
"Oh my gosh yes!! and besides we need to get you out of these clothes like stat, you look like you just came out of the Apocalypse but you know.....cuter" Jenn said as she gestured to the ripped up clothes Stampy was wearing.
"Ok, but before we go lets get Stampy in something a little less...torn" Aphmau said as she pulled Stampy off the couch and spun him around looking at his outfit.
"Oooo we have some old clothes in the closet!!" Jenn replied as she dragged Stampy too her room with Aphmau following them.
I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Stampy disappear behind Jenn's door. Poor guy doesn't know what he just got into. I walked around picking up the mugs we had out from coffee and took them over to the sink. As I began washing them I looked out the window and just stare and think. This whole situation was so strange and crazy but I couldn't help but think that this wasn't the least bit over.....
"I'll keep you safe for as long as I can....."
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