Escaping is all it Takes
*Patrick's POV*
I was sitting down in this hellhole arena that target apparently calls a cell or prison thing or whatever trying to wrap my head around this whole situation. So Mr. Hunter Target and multi billion dollar founder of a company that produces pretty much anything is actually from another world where he tried to enslave an entire far my life has just gone down the shitter. Not to mention my newly sort of adoptive son was being held prisoner by this psychopath who is hoping to manipulate him into marrying him.....jeez what has my life come to. So I'm sitting there watching one of Stampy's brothers punch repeatedly into the already dented wall while the others wandered around the small enclosed area.
"ARRAAAAUUHHHH!!! WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM IM GOING TO RIP HIS EYES OUT AND SHOVE THEM DOWN HIS ESOPHAGUS!!" Lee yelled as he punched the wall about three more times before folding his arms over his chest.
"Lee Calm down were going to find a way out of here, we just have to think" Aphmau said as she paced around the room looking for any means of a way out.
"We have been looking for hours!! I don't even know how long we have been in here anymore!!" Lee exclaimed as slid down the wall before sitting in frustration.
"Brother I hate to admit it but we can't just punch our way out of this one" Squid sighed as he walked over to lee, sitting next to him trying to comfort him.
"I know.......I just..I just can't think straight right now, especially now that I know Target is behind this! He almost killed Stampy the last time we saw him for fucks sake!!" Lee explained as Squid shuddered at the memory of Stampy almost dying.
"Wait what do you mean he almost killed him?!" I looked up in shock at hearing that.
"Yeah the psycho stabbed him right through the stomach...and all to save that Dan...." Lee growled the last part out when mentioning Dan.
"Wait are you saying that Stampy sacrificed his very life for Dan?!" Jen looked over horrified with wide and surprised eyes.
"Well yes but he turned out to be ok in the end...But I still can't believe him, My little brother did everything he could for him. He showed him nothing but love and compassion for FIVE FUCKING YEARS!! and now he has the audacity to make out with a random woman at a dirty bar!!" Lee spouted off angrily about Dan for like the next seven minuets before he was interrupted by Aph.
"Hey Lee how much can you bench-press?" Aph asked as she appeared to be looking up at something.
"Huh? I mean I'm a bear I can lift anything in the range of like five hundred to a thousand pounds why?" Lee raised an eyebrow confusedly.
"Could you come over here and stand exactly" She said as she crossed her foot on the ground leaving a mark on the ground.
"uhhh....ok" He shrugged as he stood up before walking over standing in the spot she marked.
"Ok good fantastic, Patrick come over here"
I walked over and stood next to Lee awaiting her next order.
"Ok now can you pick up Patrick? Possibly like a football?" She grinned as she made a pose as if she herself were holding a football.
"Wait what? Aphmau where is this going?!" I looked at her as if she were crazy, I had no idea what she was going to do but I feel like I'm not going to like it.
"Just do what I say if you wanna get out of here ok, we don't have much time and I'm not staying here for another hour talking about how this Target asshole is going to ruin our lives which in fact he will not!" Aph exclaimed with a huff before turning back to Lee.
"Now pick him up and hold him like this" She said as she once again did the football holding stance.
Lee quickly did as he was told and picked me up holding me up kinda over his shoulder while gripping my waist to keep me balanced. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, I mean who wouldn't be scared if they were being held like a damn football by a man who was almost seven feet tall!
"ok now I want you to throw him!"
"THROW ME?! APH WHAT THE HELL?!" I looked at her as if she had lost her mind.
"No I mean like he could throw you over the railing so you could land on the panel, then you could break the locks and get us out of here!" She explained as she pointed up at the panel with the locks.
"That is a fifteen foot wall do you think you could actually throw me up there?" I asked looking down at Lee.
"Hmmm....I think I can as long as you don't move around too much" He said as he lifted me up and down weighing me in his arms like a weight at a gym.
"Ok ok...fine lets just do this before I can back out of it" I sighed as I got ready to be thrown by a giant man with the strength of a fucking bear.
"Ok Lets do it! oh and by the way there is like a thirty percent chance this will break your neck"
"WAIT WHA- AHHHH!!" I was cut off when I thrown into the air before hitting what I was guessing was a wall since I had my eyes squeezed shut. Like damn im a cop but there is no training in the academy for something like THAT.
I slowly got up to my feet to see I had landed on the large railed panel that surrounded the arena like prison.
"Holy crap that actually worked!!" I looked over the railing to see them all looking up at me.
"Don't you ever doubt me again" Aph looked up at me with the straightest face I had ever seen.
"Alright jeez can be really scary sometimes you know that right" I rolled my eyes as I walked over to a nearby wall covered in buttons, levers and blinky dials.
I looked at a dial that was labeled cell stairs so I hesitantly turned it. I turned around to see large stairs had popped out of the walls.
"You guys coming? I might need a little brute strength to knock down this door over here" I grinned as I watched them climb up the stairs.
When we all finally got up to the door I moved to the side allowing Squid and Lee access to the heavily locked door. "After you"
"Just like old times aye little brother?" Lee grinned as he stretched his arm.
"Oh hell ya, lets blow this shit shack sky high!!" Squid whooped as he stretched his arm as well.
Soon in one single swing the two brothers slammed their sides into the door causing it to fall backwards onto the ground.
"That was awesome!!" Jenn squealed as she rushed out of the room followed by Aph and the two brothers.
"Well now that that's over and done with, how about we go out and have a good time.......By killing that scar faced son of a bitch!!"
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