Dark skies
*Stampy's POV*
"yeah but I'm your idiot~"
I couldn't help but laugh at him "fine.....I'll wait until tomorrow to make the schedule" I laughed out as I grabbed his face in my hands and gave him a peck on the lips.
"WOOOO!!" he whooped as he raised his fist high punching the air with joy. He then grabbed my hand and quickly ran outside my office and back outside to the garden.
"Dan what are we doing now?" I tilted my head as I looked at all the flowers we past by. I wasn't paying much attention so when Dan finally stop I ran into his back causing me to fall over landing in patch of morning glory's. I sat up and looked over at Dan who was laughing hysterically. I simply rolled my eyes and held out my hand to him so he could help me out but when he took my hand I quickly yanked him onto the ground with me.
"I love you so much....." Dan wheezed a little bit from laughing to hard, he even ended up almost choking one of the flowers. He laid down next to me while staring at the sky and began to watch the clouds with me. "Hey look do you know what that cloud reminds me of?" he asked as he raised his hand pointing to a milky white cloud drifting over the baby blue sky.
"What does it remind you of?" I asked as I looked up at the fluffy white cloud he was pointing as quizzically.
"It reminds me of a kitten........so basically it reminds me of you~" he said as he placed a morning glory in my hair. I blushed a little and laughed as he said this, he was such a corn ball and I loved it. I looked up at the cloud and tilted my head, he honestly wasn't wrong it did look like a cat of some kind and it was actually pretty cute.
"Dan do they have clouds like this in your world?" I asked as I tilted my head to look him in the eye as the side of my head rested against the flowers soft petals.
"Well yeah just our's don't look like like their covered in white glitter" he laughed as he turned his head to face me as well. "Honestly I have been here for over five years and yet still I am always surprised and nothing is ever the same its like living a dream every time I wake up the next day.........especially when I wake up with you lying beside me~" he blushed as he said this causing me to blush as well.
"You know Dan.........before you came along I was always scared to be in a relationship....I was always thinking about what if I wasn't enough for that person, what if I can't be what they want me to be or stuff such as they would get to know me and they would be disappointed and just leave.....or if they would just use me and then throw me away whenever they got the chance.........I'm glad you're my boyfriend and I'm so happy I never have to worry about stuff like that anymore.....I'm glad you chose me...." I smiled as I scooted closer to him and leaned my head against his shoulder as I looked back up to the sky.
"I'm glad you chose me too" he smiled as he pulled me close and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes as well and savored the warm loving embrace of my boyfriend. He was amazing and he was everything I could have asked for, I'm so happy..........
I bounced up as quickly as I could from hearing the loud explosion, I looked up to see the sky had turned a horrifying dark red as the clouds swarmed together to form a horrible dark substance that filled the sky like waves from the ocean. I was completely terrified I had no idea what to do, I was immobilized by fear everything clouded my mind including fear, concern and trauma. I turned around to see Dan was getting up with a groggy expression he had probably fell asleep earlier. He finally realized what was happening around him and stared at me with fear swirling in his eyes.
"Stampy whats going on?!" he yelled as he got up from the ground stumbling a bit before he ran over and pulled me close as the wind started to pick up dangerously.
"I DON'T KNOW!!!" I screamed as I gripped onto his back trying to shield myself from the blistering winds that forced our bodies back a bit. I turned my head to see the clouds swarming above the entrance of the house. "Dan over there lets go we have to figure this out!!" I yelled as I looked back up at Dan as he nodded in response. We ran as fast as we could without being blown away by the horrifying winds into the house and ran over to the entrance where our friends had gathered close together trying to figure out what was happening.
"Stampy whats going on?!" Lee yelled as he saw me run in.
"I have no idea but I'm going to find out...." I replied as a serious face spread across my face. I walked over to the entrance as our friends cleared a path for me. Dan stood in the door way as I stepped out onto the front step. I looked up to see the black storm clouds were circling a strange blinding object. I had to squint as it slowly descended to the ground revealing a blood red metallic figure walking out of its shining light. The figure was covered by a dull green hood and cape that flowed in the heavy winds, The figures helmet glowed from where the eyes should be revealing piercing red glowing orbs. It made a strange buzzing noise as it walked closer and closer, it soon drew it's sword and let it's blade drag across the ground as it walked. It stopped and stared me down, I knew I couldn't back down I had a village to protect and by gosh I'm not going to let my people down not now not ever.
"Listen we don't have to fight......I don't know what you have against us but I'm sure we can work it out, there is no need for violence, we can be civil about this and talk it out. We can help you just please turn down whatever this is....." I said as I carefully took a few steps closer while holding my hands out a bit. The figure looked at me its buzzing noise started getting lower I was hoping this was a good sign as it walked a little closer to me, It didn't raise it's sword it just looked at me it's robotic eyes staring at me with an emotion I couldn't place and in a way it felt so familiar.
"Please let us help you, you don't need to do this. Even if you stop now we won't look at you like a monster we will see you as one of us were not going to cast you aside, just.......let us help..." I held my arms out to them until they pushed my back onto the ground and raised their arm revealing a large green and orange crystal sticking out of their gauntlet. I could hear the panicked gasp of my friends and footsteps running closer and closer to me. An orb made of light began to form around their hand as it got bigger and bigger. The metal fiend stood there looking me dead in the eyes before speaking in a hard static filled voice..........
"Oh your going to help alright.........."
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