Dan's Breakdown
*Dan's POV*
So After what felt like hours and hours of explaining to this mercenary man about our situation and the reason why his friends went missing. He seemed pretty calm with it until he walked back into his kitchen pulling out a drink from the fridge which was probably beer or something and gulped it down in a matter of seconds. If I wasn't in a horrible situation I would probably be congratulating him because that was pretty damn impressive. Once he finished he threw the bottle out of his open window into an alley listening to it shatter before coming back over into the living room and taking a seat on the old raggedy couch.
"So to sum up what you just told me....You and your friends found a rock or something like that and it brought you too a world with human like creatures and magic shit. But then you found out one of your friends was missing and when you tried to find her a weird samurai man who is apparently known as Hit the target said he would only return her if your love interest gave himself up because war or some shit. But instead of doing that you told the creatures that you would protect them but Target backed out of the three day thing and captured everyone when their guard was down. So then you found out your friend who was Cassie Rose actually made a deal with Target to bring a whole entire species into slavery and after that your other friend from that world supposedly killed her. But then target revealed he was actually in love with your boyfriend and then accidentally stabbed him but he turned out to be fine and you all decided to stay in that world because it made you all more happy than this one ever could? am I right?" He ranted this without having to take a single breath.
"uhh...yeah" I looked at him as if he were going to call us crazy.
"Eh....sounds legit" he shrugged as he slouched so much he fell off the couch and onto the ground.
"Wait....really.....t-that's all you have to say about the six hours we spent explaining this to you?" Trayaurus cocked an eyebrow as he stared bewildered at the probably mildly drunk man.
"Yeah, I mean its crazy but, not the craziest thing I've heard that was true" He chuckled as he stood up removing his trench coat and tossed it to the side.
"The only thing I find weird is the coincidence of there being two evil weirdo's with the same last name as Target" he shrugged as he once again took a seat on the couch.
"wait...what did you just say?" Tourqedawg whipped his head back to look at Bashur.
"I said how it was strange that in your story there was a weirdo villain dude named Target and how there is a weirdo creepo with the last name Target who own's the T.Corp company" He explained as he leaned forward grabbing the remote from the coffee table turning on the TV.
I was about to say something until the Tv spoke "Excuse me Mr. Target, Mr. Target!!" I saw the TV was on what appeared to be Channel seven news. "Mr. Target I am Becky Lin Jennings from channel seven news, is it ok if I ask you a question or two?"
"Oh look thats the guy I was talking about" Bashur said as he put the remote down.
When I looked at the TV I felt my face go pale, there he was the one and only Hit the Target. The one who had almost killed my Stampy but seeing him wasn't the reason I was so angry. It was the fact that he had STAMPY HOOKED BY THE ARM TALKING TO THE FUCKING NEWS AS IF HE WAS HIS FUCKING DATE!!
"Oh damn, I know I hate the guy but I need to get some of his tips look at that how can a guy like that get a cute little thing like that" he chuckled as he gestured to Stampy standing next to Target looking at the camera nervously.
"THAT CUTE LITTLE THING, IS MY BOYFRIEND!!" I yelled as I snapped my head glaring at Bashur who looked at me with wide eyes which were hard to see from behind his old 3D glasses.
"Oh damn......congrats dude, but why is he with Target?" He asked confusedly.
"Cassie said that her boss wanted Stampy.....son of a bitch, THAT BITCH IS STILL WORKING WITH HIM!!" I exclaimed as I stood up from the couch and kicked a nearby beer bottle into the wall making it shatter.
"I'M GONNA KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!" I growled as I slammed my fist into the wall leaving large cracks on the old walls.
"Woah woah calm down Mr.Blue no need to take you anger out on my already shitty walls" Bashur said as he walked over to me putting his hand on my shoulder to comfort me.
"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN WHEN MY BOYFRIEND THINKS I CHEATED ON HIM WITH SOME BAR SKANK AND NOW HE'S IN THE HANDS OF A MANIAC!!" I felt tears start to fall down my face. "H-he probably....h-he probably thinks I d-don't love him....but I do.....I do with all my heart....." I cried as I started to slowly fall to my knees only to be held up by Bashur.
"I love him....so much and now.....I-I might loose him....thanks to that t-that horrible man....I....I'll never be able to hold his hands...t-to run my fingers through his hair when he gets upset....I w-wont be able to w-wake up every morning to his sweet goreous voice.... I d-don't know what i'd do without him....." I cried as I gripped onto his shirt. I stayed like that for awhile until Bashur suddenly wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug.
"I know what its like to loose someone you love.....but I'll be damned if that Target tries to ruin your relationship, you two have something speacial"
"Are you saying what I think your saying?"
"You bet, Lets go get your boyfriend back!"
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