Broken Tears
((Warning: Strong Language))
*Dan's POV*
"Dan what the hell just happened?! who was that girl?!" Lizzy ran over to me with the rest of the gang following her.
"And why the hell did you make out with her?!" Torquedawg growled as he stepforward ready to probably punch me in the face.
"I don't know who she was!! She just started flirting with me and I told her to back off but she just started getting worse!! She just out of nowhere fucking frenching me guys!! and now Stampy hates me and my entire life is ruined!! How am I supposed to continue on without him!!" I rambled before sitting back down at the bar and laid my face on its counter.
"I'm nothing without Stampy......"
Torquedawg lowered his fist slowly and stepped on over sitting next to me and patted my back.
"Ok look, I know you could never cheat on Stampy, I just got lost in the blur of rage for a moment there...."
"You really believe me Torque?"
"Of course I do were friends and friends understand each other, I also know you can barely function properly without him so I know you would never put that at risk...." He exclaimed with a small chuckle.
"I believe in you too! besides that lady was a drunken hog she probably did this to lots of other men who could pass off as attractive" Stacy said as she pushed away the glass of rum and coke I had ordered before.
"But what are we going to do about Stampy and his brothers, they already left how are we supposed to tell them that it wasn't Dan's fault, we have no idea where they would have gone!!" Sparkles exclaimed loudly as the music picked up again and people started to once again dance.
"Piston lane 68 cart Avenue"
"wait what?" I turned around to see Trayaurus looking down at a device that kinda looks like a gameboy with a TV antenna.
"I said that they are at Piston Lane 68 cart Avenue, are you deaf?" he said with tired eyes.
"How do you know where they are?" Sparklez asked confusedly.
"Oh I put tracking devices on Lee and Squid" He explained as he tapped on the device.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" we all yelled in shock.
"I swear to god I am older than all of you and people think I'm the one who needs a hearing aid!! I will sound it out for you I. PUT. A. TRACKING. DEVICE. ON. LEE. AND. SQUID!!"
"We know what you said but why?! you can't just do that without their permission their not animals you can just tag and collar and crap!" Stacy exclaimed as she placed her hands on her hips.
"Technically they are animals just evolved animals" He rolled his eyes as he began to walk towards the exit.
"well you coming or not?"
We all looked at each other before shrugging and following the older scientist out of the club and down the road.
"So you still have it?" Touredawg asked as he came up next to me with a concerned face.
"yeah but it's really not of any use anymore....Stampy probably never wants to see me again after this whole mess...." I sighed as I fiddled with the small object in my pocket.
"Don't say that man, Stampy is an understanding guy, and you two got some powerful love my friend, some garbage dump hooker could never change that..."
I smiled a little before I suddenly ran into Stacy who was walking in front of me causing me to fall over.
"Ow! hey Stacy what the he- Stacy? Stacy what's wrong?" I got up looking at her paled distraught face.
"Whats wrong with her is she o-" I turned around trying to look at trayaurus but that's when I saw it....
There crashed into a large street sign was a car that had looked like it was ripped to pieces, it's doors were either missing or smashed open and there was a little bit of blood dripping down one of the windows. The front glass had been completely shattered and the dashboard seemed to have been crushed. I looked up at the street sign to see what it had said and there it was 'Piston lane 68 cart Avenue'.
"What happened here?" Lizzy yelped as she backed away a little.
"You don't think this has something to do with Lee, Squid and Stampy do you?" Sparklez shook with fear pulsing through his body.
"N-no it couldn't this can't have a-anything to do with them....right? Right Trayaurus? their fine right? your tracking device says their fine right?!" I started to panic as I ran over grabbing Tray by the collar of his shirt.
" tracker reads where the wearer is and their heart rate...." He said slowly as he pulled out the tracker looking down with a sympathetic look.
"So their fine right? Lee and Squid are fine?!"
"Dan......theres no heart beat.........their gone"
"No, No they can't be gone!! They can't be!! t-their like the strongest guys in the whole village!! a car crash couldn't ki- couldn't it just couldn't!!" I exclaimed as tears started to swell.
"Dan....look at the car...this...I don't think anyone could survive this....."
"No!! their alive I know they are we just need to look please!!" I tried to run over to the car but Torquedawg ran over holding me back.
"They have to be ok, they all do!! all of them Lee, Squid, S-Stampy....Please Stampy has to be ok!! Torque let go of me!! I need to see him!!" I screamed as I tried to release myself from Torquedawg's iron like grip.
Tears started to flow down my face in a cascade of pain and despair, If Stampy was alive I needed to be there for him!! He needs me, He needs me to be there for him!! He needs me to hold his hand when he's afraid!! He needs me t- h-he needs.........I need him....
"Please Torque....just let me go....." I cried as I stopped struggling going limp in his arms.
"Come on Dan...let's go we need to talk...." Torque sat me down as Trayaurus said these words.
I was going to simply follow him like he wanted until I saw something, something shining and blinking brightly as a blue color filled the beaten car.
Before they could say anything I ran, I ran as fast as my legs could take me. When I finally got to the car I rummaged around till I found it....a possible answer to my prayers.
"I swear to gord this better be what I think it is"
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