*Pat's POV*
I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone waiting for the girls to come out of Jenn's room with Stampy so we could go out and shop. I couldn't help but frown as I was looking at my phone the news had a new headline 'T.Corp revealing new discovery!' that company has always made me mad. From the moment it first opened its been turning this city into a crap stain on the map.
My thoughts were soon interrupted by a loud feedback sound.
"Auh?! what the heck?!" I looked up from my phone to see Jenn plugging a wire microphone into her karaoke machine which I sometimes regret getting her.
"Now presenting the most adorable thing to ever walk on the face of the earth.......Stampy!!" She announced while dramatically throwing her bedroom door open. Where Aphmau pushed Stampy out of the room into the living room.
He was now wearing a pink T-Shirt with light pink paw prints on the front along with a long peach orange jacket with small heart buttons along the side. His old ripped jeans were replaced with shorts that stopped around his knees. He was now also wearing striped white and light orange stockings along with some cute old sneaker boots that Jenn had painted with pink and orange paint and might have possibly thrown some glitter on there.
((Picture below was made by me))
"Awwwww...." was literally all I could say, he looked so small and adorable I just want to put him in my pocket!! Jeez compose yourself Patrick your acting like a nut!!
"I know isn't he cute!! I think it might be our best work yet" Aph smirked as she fist bumped Jenn before turning off the karaoke machine.
I was about to say something until I saw Stampy looking down with an embarrassed blush on his face along with small beads of tears in his eyes.
"Huh? Stampy are you alright?" I walked over asking concernedly.
"y-yeah its fine...." He said but his voice sounded painful and strained.
"Stampy I know there is something wrong.. is it the outfit? or do you still hurt from your injuries?" I asked over and over again looking over him trying to figure out the reason for the tears.
By now the girls had heard me and walked over to him trying to comfort him for whatever reason.
"No no- I tail is stuck...." he mumbles lowly almost to the point where its inaudible as his blush grew bigger.
The girls looked between each other for a second confused until their eyes went wide finally realizing what he had meant by that.
"Oh....that's heh...why...." I realized how embarrassing this was to him, it was probably a hybrid thing maybe his tail was sensitive or something.....
"Girls look away" I told them as I turned Stampy around so I could fix his pants.
They did as I said and covered their eyes as I took hold of the back of his shorts quickly ripped it open a little enough for his long tail to slip through.
Once his tail was finally free he let out a breath of relief and silently thanked me by hugging me. The girls had ran off to go get ready to go to the mall so it gave me time to simply sit down with Stampy and watch some TV.
It was honestly really funny watching Stampy being fascinated by everything he saw on the TV. Since he wasn't from our world I'm guessing he wasn't able to experience stuff like this.
When the girls were finally ready we all went to Jenn's car but not before Aph told her husband where she was going and we were off to the mall. Stampy was still not all that comfortable in a car yet so I made sure he sat next to me in the back so he could squeeze my hand when he got nervous.
The first thing we did when we got to the mall was getting something to eat since Stampy hasn't eaten in like two days. I got Stampy some Chinese food from the food court and he absolutely loved it, his eyes were practically sparkling when he took his first bite and I guess it was his first time having soda as well since he was so fascinated with the carbonated drink.
Once we were done with eating the girls kept dragging me and Stampy into different stores and made us try on different outfits and accessories and all that jazz. The girls even bought Stampy some cute little hair-clips since his hair kept getting in his eyes.
When the girls wanted to go look at something by themselves I took Stampy to the mall arcade and taught him how to play DDR and some other old collectible games they had in the arcade.
When we got done we went back to the food court and got some Ice cream. I wasn't expecting that during that time I was gonna have a truly deep conversation with the younger man.
"Hey...uh Patrick....t-thanks for everything..." He said as I handed him a chocolate ice cream cone.
"Its no problem Stampy it's my job to help people whether it be finding a missing person or saving people fr-" I explained but was interrupted by the smaller male.
"No n-no not that stuff, I mean I'm grateful for that as well but.....But all this other stuff you know. Taking me to get new clothes and something to didn't have to do that yet you did...." he explained as he stared down at his ice cream cone.
"I mean I guess I didn't have to but I wanted to.....I like taking care of people honestly...." I said as I ate from my ice cream cone. But when I looked back at him I saw he had tears streaming down his cheeks.
"woah whats wrong are you ok bud?!" I said as I quickly scooted my chair over to him.
"I'm s-sorry if I seem pathetic right now.....I j-just....I never really done anything like this before with anyone know like what people do with their parents and stuff like that...." he explained as he wiped the tears from his eyes.
"Do you mind if I ask about your'e.....your'e parents? like what happened to them? if you don't mind me asking...." I said as I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Well I.......I never knew my parents.....all I ever had were my brothers, They told me they found me when I was a baby and their was no towns for miles so there was no telling who could have been my parents...." He said lowly as he continued to wipe his tears. "Sometimes I think....w-why did whoever my parents leave me....w-was it their choice?.....w-what is so wrong with me t-that they would l-leave me alone to d-die...." he choked on his sobs as he slumped into his chair.
I quickly took both our ice creams and put them in the bowls the ice cream stand gave us just in case we needed them. So I could engulf him into a big hug letting him cry into my chest, I looked down at him sobbing violently into shirt and I could do nothing but stroke his hair as I waited for the crying to pass over.
"I-I'm s-sorry I think I r-ruined your shirt Pat...." he said as he pulled away from me while wiping his eyes.
"its ok Stampy I bought another one while we were in one of the stores remember" I smiled as I moved my hand from his hair to his back.
"A-again im s-sorry for being s-so pathetic I j-just needed to let t-that off my che-" I went on but I quickly interrupted him.
"Stampy no.... your'e not pathetic, lots of people have moments like this and its perfectly fine to let it out. If you leave it in it will just get harder and harder for you, and I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me this.... and there is nothing wrong with you Stampy, I don't know who your parents were but I can guarantee that leaving you was the worst mistake they made in their lives because you are great! and there is nothing that can change that!" I exclaimed as I pulled him into another hug.
I couldn't help but almost cry when he hugged back, this poor little guy has gone through so much and I just want to be there for him. Its not fair, he deserved a chance to have an actual childhood but from how he talks about his village and family he probably grew up never doing really anything for himself and having to care for so many other people.
Well it's time somebody cares for him for a change.
"Hey Stampy?......have I ever told you how much I always wanted to be a father?" I said as I pulled away from him a little to where I was still technically holding him.
"No, I don't think you have" he said as he tilted his head a little trying to think.
"Well..... I was thinking....I mean I know your technically an adult but I....." I said a little softer as I looked down at him seeing his eyes slowly get wider.
"Would it upset you if I.....If I tried to be your father figure or you know uh s-something like that? I....aug now I just sound stupid sorry for making things awkw-" I rambled on before trying to scoot away from him before he suddenly pulled me back into a tight hug.
"No! i-its not awkward, I would love for you to be my father figure Patrick...." He sniffled as I could see him smiling up at me with tears streaming down his face. "I m-mean only if you really w-want too...." he said as he looked down a little bit embarrassed.
"I don't think there is anything else that would make me happier"
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