A New Friend
Warnings: Sexual Assault, Violence
*Stampy's POV*
I whirled around to come face to face with a human much like Dan except this guy was filthy and repulsive. He bore his yellow stained teeth in a flirtatious smirk as he began to walk closer to me. He was wearing some old baggy pants that were in desperate need for a wash and I mean desperate. He was also wearing a disgusting long black trench coat splattered with mud and grob knows what. I then backed away not wanting to have to be so close to him only to end up cornered into the wall behind me.
"Hey there what's a cute little thing like you doing out here all alone?" he spoke with a sickening grin as he began to get closer and closer.
I couldn't say anything I was petrified I had no idea what to say or do, I could do nothing but press my body closer into the wall as he reached for me.
"Aww don't be afraid little kitty, I'll take good care of you~" The man smirked as he brushed his hand against my cheek causing me to yelp.
He then grabbed me by my shoulders and tried to pull me closer to his chest. I struggled, punched and kicked as much as I could but he wouldn't budge. I tried to scream for help, for someone to save me from this disgusting creature but before I could he shoved his gloved hand on my mouth and kept it there refusing to let me speak.
His hands began to trail down to my waist and gave a firm squeeze keeping me in place. I looked around for anything I could to distract me from this encounter until my eyes landed on the pipe I had used to help me walk.
He had said something to me but I didn't catch what it was I was too busy trying to pull the pipe closer with my leg. Before I could even get it somewhat close to me I was shoved to the filthy ground of the alley. I looked up at him in fear, he was smirking with those terrifyingly disgusting teeth and began to reach for me with his dirty mitted hand.
Before he could touch me I reached around grabbing the pipe and swung it at his face. The alley filled with a sickeningly loud thud as he fell over onto his backside. I could hear him cough up blood the pipe had probably broken a few of his teeth.
I got up from the stained floor using the pipe as a cane to balance my weight on my leg. I looked down at the man who was holding is cheek in pain. I began to walk away only to have him grab my ankle with his hand that wasn't clutching his bloodied face.
"You think you can just run away cutie?!" he shouted as he removed his hand from his face and yanked a knife from his jacket.
I quickly raised my pipe up again and brought it down on his head over and over again. I felt tears fall down my cheeks as I did this. I didn't want to hurt anyone I really didn't but this man was giving me no choice. I squeezed my eyes shut and began to blindly hit him the old metal pipe.
After about a minute or two I finally stopped, I looked down to see he had stopped moving in all. I felt as if I was going to burst into tears, I nearly choked when I finally heard him breathe once again.
"I can't believe that actually happened.....I- I just beat someone....with a pipe....oh dear gob....what have I done?!"
I fell to my knees unable to say anything else, I felt tears roll down my cheeks I couldn't stand it. I never wanted anything like this happen.
I felt my ears twitch, my head sprung up hearing the sounds of sirens closing in. I didn't know what to do I had never been in a situation like this before. I knew I couldn't run away my leg still has to heal. All I could do was lay there on the ground awaiting what was to happen next.
I squeezed my eyes shut when I saw bright blinding blue and red lights flashing in the front of the alley way. I froze in place not knowing at all what to do.
I slowly raised both my hands into the air like they wanted, I was shaking this was all so new to me. Was I going to be killed? Whats going to happen to me?! My brain screamed these sentences.
A rather tall muscular men walked up slowly to me with his hand on his belt, he was wearing a black vest thing and was holding onto a device attached to his chest.
"You there what's your name?" he looked down at me but I couldn't see his face sense it was dark.
"M-my name is S-Stampy sir....." I stammered trying to find the right words.
"What happened here?" He asked sternly.
I looked back at the battered man on ground, I almost choked on my sobs. I covered my mouth with my hands as I sobbed.
"I-I am so s-sorry I never wan-wanted this to happen.... he just g-got so touchy..and ke-kept on grabbing me...I d-didn't know what e-else to do...he wanted to do s-some....things I didn't want to do.....I am s-so sorry..." I croaked with a sob.
He looked at me and then to the man on the floor and then turned back to my, he kneeled down and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"Can you tell me anything else, what exactly happened to you?"
I looked up at him with tears still lingering in my eyes. I told him everything that happened up to the last detail well except the whole falling from the sky thing and coming from another world thing When he asked if I had any injuries I showed him my leg and my horribly scraped and bruised limbs.
He helped me up and had a doctor come over to wrap my wounds with proper bandages. The officer I had been talking to picked up my pipe and put it in the back area of his strange machine with wheels.
A lady in the same attire came over and asked me a few more questions including why I was dressed like a cat. I didn't really know what to say until she spoke again.
"Wait you must be one of the employees at the convention center right? There having an anime convention am I correct?" She asked as she was about to write something down.
"uhh y-yeah I guess so..." I had no idea what she was talking about 'Convention' 'Anime' I never heard of these things so I just agreed with it.
"Alright kid I'll take you home come with me" the officer from before came over and placed his hand on my shoulder.
I gave a small smile as I followed him over to the strange machine. I got in the front seat and sat beside him. As the contraption began to move forward I looked over at the man. He had black hair and stern brown eyes.
"umm Mister...I never got your name...if you don't mind, you don't have to tell me I-I mean....and i'm rambling again...."
He looked at me with a smile and gave a small chuckle as he stopped the vehicle for a second.
"My name is Officer MMOs, Patrick MMOs pleasure to meet you"
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