A Blazing Rescue
*Stampy's POV*
"Uhhhhhh.....I'm kinda not from t-this world......heh"
"wait.....excuse me?" he looked at me as if I were crazy, I wouldn't blame him if I were from here I would be confused as well.
"uhh yeah I'm kind of from another dimension where creatures of all shapes and sizes live together in harmony and I have to get back there before something bad happens to it! I don't know if I could live with myself if anything happened to my village!!" I rambled on as I lightly tugged on my hair in anxiety.
"woah woah.....your serious right now?"
"Yes I'm serious Patrick!!!"
"uhhh kid are you on any medication?" He asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"What?! NO!!"
"Kid what you are saying is impossible there is no such thing as a parallel dimension those things only happen in stories, movies and fanfiction....." He exclaimed.
"It's not that hard to believe I never even heard of this dimension until Dan came to my world..." I sighed as I leaned back in the chair sadly.
"Who's Dan?" He asked confusedly.
"Oh he's my boyfriend, Daniel Minecart" I shrugged as I fiddled with my bandages.
"Oh woah woah woah hold up! did you just say Daniel Minecart?" He asked with surprise
"yeah why?" I lifted my eyebrow in a confused manner.
"I have been on the Daniel Minecart case for the past five years!! He went missing along with all his friends and no one has seen any of them since!!" Patrick exclaimed as he gripped the steering wheel harshly.
"Oh I guess he did kinda go missing from this world..." I mumbled to myself.
He fiddled with the steering wheel before looking back at me "So......about the other world thing?"
"So you actually believe me?!" I exclaimed happily.
"I guess I believe you, look I'm going to take you back to my place until we can get this all situated" He said as we began to drive away in the strange contraption.
I sighed happily and turned to look out the window of the vehicle and looked up at the sky. I noticed the sky wasn't as clear as it was at home. The sky was all smoggy and sad it didn't seem very well....pleasant, I couldn't see a single star.
"Dan never told me how sad this place was......"
"Hmmm? what do you mean?" Patrick asked not removing his eyes from the road as he drove.
"Dan told me stuff about where he was from but he always said such positive things about this place but...... no offense to your home but this place seems kinda......sad" I said as looked out the windows at the buildings covered in rather vulgar artwork, I mean it was impressive but very horrid language.
"What did he tell you about the city?"
"Oh well he told me about how there would be people performing on street corners and big buildings covered in beautiful lights. He said it was gorgeous and lively and how there is a place for everything, like trampolining and indoor playhouses! whatever that stuff is.....he never explained it heh...."
"Well kid your kinda right it use to be like that before that co-" He said before he was interrupted by a voice coming from somewhere I couldn't see.
"We got a 904B on Starlink Dr Avenue two story house caught in a blaze all nearby officers report imminently!" The voice called out.
Patrick reached down grabbed a small device and started speaking into it, "Alright I'll be there" he turned on the sirens and began to drive a lot faster.
"Woah what's happening?" I asked confusedly.
"There is a house that's on fire and I have to respond to make sure people are safe"
We finally got there and I was horrified a large two story house that looks like it would be quite beautiful was now covered in a raging flame.
"Stay in the car Stampy!" he yelled as he got out of the car and ran to get the crowd of people away from the fire.
I was going to do what he said until I heard a woman scream.
My mind raced I stared at the house caught in the blaze, the entrance was blocked with debris and the walls were crumbling so they couldn't get into the window by themselves. I didn't know what I was thinking but I ran out the car bolting to the raging fire.
I stopped at the fence and looked around for any strong way points I could enter from, I stopped when I saw a sturdy window not yet caught in flames. I ran over to a column that kept the house structure stable and began to climb it.
"STAMPY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I heard Patrick yell but I wasn't listening I climbed in through the window and looked around room trying to find the children.
My ears twitched I could hear them, I could hear the sounds of crying frightened children. I followed the noise down into the hallway where three little children stood huddling up in the corner cowering in fear.
I quickly ran over to them and held the tallest child's hand to get their attention. "Its ok kids look at me your going to be ok I'm going to get you out of here....everything's going to be alright just come with me I promise you'll be fine".
The tallest of the children starred up at me with wonder filling their eyes, He looked at his siblings before nodding.
I quickly picked them all up and ran back the way I came until I saw the wall sporting the window would soon cave in on itself. I ran as quickly as I could and just as the wall gave out I had jumped out the window and flipped myself over so I would land on my back and kids would be safe.
I landed with a thud on the singed black grass, I silently looked down at the awe stricken children I had in my arms and carefully let go of them so they could get up.
"MY BABIES!!!" The lady ran toward me and hugged her children in relief.
"Stampy oh my god what were you thinking you could have died!" Patrick exclaimed as he helped me off the ground. "The fire department was going to go in and saved them that was very dangerous!"
"Oh thank you, thank you so much young man. My babies could have been dead weren't it not for you, OH THANK YOU!!!" The lady said as she came over and hugged me.
"no problem miss I just couldn't stand there knowing children were in danger......." I said as I looked down at the kids who were still staring at me with amazement.
"Kitty!" The littlest one squealed as he reached up for me.
"Sorry kids, Kitty has to go now" Patrick said as he pulled me back to the car. "Do you seriously not know how dangerous that was?"
"Oh I know.....I really do......" I said as I smiled to myself happily.
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