The Fighting Screams
*Dan's POV*
I woke up in a cold dark cell, my leg chained to the wall "Aug....what happened" I said to myself as I tried to get up "Dan your awake!" a feminine voice yelped loudly "huh?" I turned around to see Lizzie she had a deep bruise on her cheek "Lizzie what's going on?!" I said whilst struggling to get my foot out of the chain "What's going on is we have all been captured" I heard a familiar emotionless voice say from the right corner of the room "Trayaurus?" I turned around to see Trayaurus who was next to a sleeping Tourqedawg and Sparklez. "this cant be happening how is this happening?! a startled voice rasped out. I turned around yet again to see Sky freaking out he was trembling and Jason and Ian were holding him trying to get him to calm down. Mitch and Jerome were hugging each other, Jerome was caressing Mitch's head to keep him calm. Stacy was also here she walked over to Lizzy and wiped away some tears that stained her face. That's when I realized I was the only one who was chained to the wall, I mean I could still stand I just couldn't walk around "Guys does anyone have any idea about what happened?" I asked looking around at everyone. "All I remember was helping Finnball and Sqaishey with the new defense guns. When this weird metal ball came out of no where and made gas fill the air then Sqaishey started coughing but when me and Finnball tried to help her I felt something hit me and I blacked out" Lizzy said as she held onto Stacy trying not to cry "that happened for us too!" Sky piped up his voice sounding a bit strained "Before we got knocked out I saw the hybrids dropping like flies. It must have been that gas!" Jerome exclaimed as he stood up bringing Mitch up with him. "This is awful what are we going to do?!" Lizzie yelled in a worry filled tone causing Tourqedawg and Sparklez to wake up from their unconsciousness. Almost imminently when Tourqedawg became aware of his surroundings he wrapped his arms around Sparklez protectively "What's going on?!" he growled out as he looked around rapidly. Before anyone could say a thing a voice spoke up from behind the bars of the cell. "Oh I'll tell you, your in the domain of pure darkness, The keep of evil doings, YOUR VERY OWN PERSONAL HELL!!!" the voice spoke with a harsh tone. "You mean your basement?" Tourqedawg mouthed back at the voice while lifting an eyebrow "Shut up you idiotic lump of muscle mass" the voice hissed. Tourqedawg only rolled his eyes at this. "Where are the others?" I asked with anger in my voice "oh you shouldn't worry about them, you should be worried about your self" he said with a toothy grin. I was about to say something until a lady with nearly the same armor as Target. "Sir we have a problem in the lab" She spoke in a tired emotionless tone "What is it this time?! I swear who do I have to kill this time!?" he growled as he walked out of the room with the lady "Oh dear what do you think he did to the others!?" Sparklez trembled in fear. I looked around at my friends they were all filled with fear. I sighed and leaned against the wall trying to get my head around the situation. I stood there for a good five minuets before I heard the rattling of keys. We all looked towards the cell door to see a familiar face I thought we would possibly never see again "Cassie?" I tilted my head confusedly "Shhh we have to hurry I'm not sure when he will be back!" She whispered as she unlocked the cell door and ran over to me and started unlocking my chain. "How did you get out!?" Lizzie asked in confusion and relief " took me awhile but I broke my chains" she said as she finally unlocked my chain "come on follow me hurry!" She said and gestured for us to follow her. We ran through the halls until we reached a hidden exit in the back of the horrid base. She was about to leave until stopped her "Wait we have to go save the others!" I said as I grabbed her arm "We can't we have to leave now if we want a chance of surviving!!" She said as she grabbed my hand "Cassie they told us they would help us get you back were not just going to leave them here!" Sparklez said with a bit of stubbornness "Guys there is no turning back they are probably already dead!" She argued as she put her hands on her hips. We all gasped "Cassie how can you say that they were nothing but kind they were willing to risk their necks to help us get you back!" Stacy raised her voice angrily. "Well I'm sorry you have to make friends with freaks to help you, SOME OF YOU ARE WARRIORS YOU IDIOTS!!!" she growled. Sky looked full on angered at this point "Cassie! They are not freaks! and we cant say much for you because you never help us with anything and we known you for years and we only knew them for a few days!!" Sky yelled his body seething with pent up rage "Cassie please I fell in love with a great person and now he is somewhere in this base, look if your not going back then we don't care were going back to save our friends whether you like it or not" I said as me and the others turned around about to go the other way. "WAIT YOU CAN'T THAT WASNT APART OF ME AND TARGET'S DEAL!!!" She yelled but she covered her mouth right after she said it "wait...what?!" I whirled around to look at her "What deal?!" I asked getting up in her face with anger swirling in my eyes. "I- no no I didn't say deal...uh I meant r-real! yeah Target is REAL mean ain't he....heh" she backed up a bit holding her arms in front of her defensively "Cassie! I want the truth! NOW!" I growled angrily "Fine fine....I made a deal with Target to pretend to be kidnapped to lure you all in so he could take all the hybrids and use them to conquer other dimensions." she said quickly as she rubbed her arm "WHAT!?! WHAT COULD YOU POSSIBLY GAIN FROM GIVING UP AN ENTIRE VILLAGE TO SLAVERY OF A DERANGED PSYCHOPATH" I yelled as I tried so hard not to choke her "He told me I would be able to......" she trailed off. "TO WHAT!?!" I yelled angrily "To get you to love me!" she blurted out as she grew a serious look on her face. Our mouths dropped at hearing this "are you......KIDDING ME!?! YOU JUST SUBJECTED AN ENTIRE RACE OF HYBRIDS INTO SLAVERY CASSIE!!! WHY WOULD I LOVE SOMEONE WHO DOES THAT!?! I yelled with anger seething through my entire body "Come on guys lets go fix her mistake" I growled out and began to walk back down the hall but I was stopped by Cassie pulling a blade from behind her "YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE I HAVE WORKED TO HARD FOR THIS TO GO TO WASTE" She yelled as she ran over to us holding her blade high in the air ready to strike. She came right at us, we balled up our fists ready to fight until....
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