Sweet Confessions
* Dan's POV*
This was SO ADORABLE, this was probably one of the cutest moments of my life "Ahem I think that's enough man" Squid said his voice sounded bitter and a bit angry "fine.." I sighed as I removed my hand from his head. I couldn't help but chuckle at his messed up fluffy hair. I noticed he was blushing as red as a cherry tomato and he was kinda averting his gaze from everyone by looking to the side "you alright Stampy? I'm sorry if I embarrassed you..." I said feeling a bit guilty as I looked down at him "N-no no it's fine I w-was just not expecting this to happen t-today" he said while rubbing his arm in an awkward position "still thinking about Hit the Target's deal huh?" I asked patting his back a bit "y-yeah im just not sure what to do...." he said as he looked down at the ground "Don't worry Stamps we got ya back mate" Squid said happily as he put his arm around Stampy's shoulders. "Thanks g-guys I'm not s-sure what I would do without you" he said while flashing that beautiful famous smile of his "ok everyone lets get to preparing for battle we have three days people!" Finnball yelled in his kingly voice. I watched everyone separate. Stampy went to his house to grab some supplies for everyone, he needed help carrying it all so I came with him "So Dan what was your life like back in your world?" he asked as we were walking to his house "well I lived in a Lab with my Scientist buddy Trayaurus and my Skeleton pooch Grim.....hey wait where is Grim" I said looking around "Oh he is in the dog house with my dogs" I looked down at him questionably "How big is your dog house because you have a load of dogs" I said slightly cocking my head "oh its big, I had to build it going into a hill in the back of my house" he said as he pulled out a list and began to gaze over it "oh cool.......soooooo uh whats it like living here?" I asked while shoving my handing into my jeans pockets "well it has its ups and downs but I like to think it's paradise" he said while giving me that sweet smile of his "I have another question..." I said with a puzzled tone in my voice "yeah?" he said looking up at me questioningly "why does Hit the Target hate you?" I said slightly sounding worried about the reason why "I.....I'm honestly not sure ever since I have met him he has been a bad guy, I always hoped we could help him renounce his evil ways but he never seems to actually.....want to be good" he said with an upset tone. "Oh.....well after this i have a feeling things are gonna get better" I said letting a smile spread across my face "you think so?" he said with a small hint of questioning hope. His emerald eyes were twinkling with anticipation "I know so" I said as we finally got to the front door of his house. I opened it for him and gestured toward the door "after you good sir" I said in a playfully charming voice. He giggled and pretended to curtsy then walked through the door. We began to gather materials for the defense building and the new weapons "How many diamonds do you think we will need Dan?" Stampy asked from across the room "uhhhhh how many you got?" I asked as I was looking through one of the chests for stone and wood. "Like almost four stacks" he called back to me "hmmmm I'm not sure" I said as I tapped my chin trying to think how much Trayaurus said we would need "should I just bring them all just in case?" he said, I could hear him going through multiple chests "sure why not" I said as I moved on to the next chest which was filled with iron. As I was looking through the chest Stampy asked something I wasn't really expecting "Hey Dan.....how long do you think you guys are going to stay in this world with us?" he asked a bit shyly "huh what where did this come from?" I said turning to him "I was just thinking...I mean I know you probably want to go home and i'm all for getting you back I just wanted to know how long w-were you thinking about staying or m-maybe um I-" I cut off his rambling by grabbing his hands "Stampy I want to tell you something......." I said looking him straight in the eyes "w-what" he asked obviously nervous he was already starting to sweat "When I first laid eyes on you I fell head over heels for you.....quite literally. I'm sorry if this is to sudden for you but I want to tell you before I leave...if I leave.... I'm in love with you." I said quickly, pulling our hands to my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut ready for the rejection to hit me like a mallet....but it never came. I opened my eyes to see his were wide and a bit watery "y-you really feel that way?" he asked softly with tears that threatened to spill from his eyes "y-yeah of course..." I said slightly biting my lip in anticipation to what he was going to say "I-I do too....." he said as a smile spread across his face like a wildfire. I felt so happy I couldn't help myself I pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. I was about to stop what I did thinking he didn't want this yet until...he kissed back, OH MY GOD HE KISSED BACK!!! I was so happy! But our kiss was put to an end when we heard the door open and a loud shout of anger.
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