Love's Loss
*Dan's POV*
I couldn't believe my eyes, there in front of me was Stampy the first person I have ever truly loved the ones whose eyes could pierce through my very soul and the one whose smile could brighten any room was now standing there with a blade going through his stomach, his eyes turned a dull green and shrunk. Target looked at him with a horrified expression and quickly pulled the blade out making Stampy fall to the ground the blood pouring from his wound. Target stepped back a little while dropping his sword and looking at his hands. "No no no no no no no no Stampy!!" I quickly got off the ground stumbling a little and ran over to Stampy falling on my knees and lifting his head up to see his face. A small stream of blood trickling from his mouth "Stampy! please please god look at me!" I said as I shook him gently trying to make him open his eyes. Stampy's eyes opened and shifted a little looking up at me weakly "D-Dan...." his voice was soft and raspy I couldn't hold back anymore I was crying I knew I was and I didn't care I only cared about the neko laying on my arm. My friends and the hybrids walked over seeing the horrible mess of Stampy's limp body. His brothers made their way over and bent down next to me looking down at their little brother. It was the first time I ever seen them cry " not you....." Lee said as he held Stampy's hand. Suddenly Lee's eyes went stern, he got off the ground and spun around towards Hit the Target. "YOU!" he growled out as tears still fell from his eyes.
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE JUST DONE!?!?!" He screamed in anger as his body seethed in pure rage you could see him shaking trying to hold himself together. "I-I d-didn't mean to I-" Target stuttered as he looked down at his blood covered hands "DIDN'T MEAN TO?! DIDN'T MEAN TO?! YOU DIDN'T MEAN TO JUST STAB MY ONLY LITTLE BROTHER!!!" Squid yelled as he got off the ground only to be stopped by a weak hand grasping his. He looked down to see his little brother smiling weakly at him "S- Squid....." Squid's eyes filled to the brim with tears and he fell to his knees once again only this time he hugged his little brothers head and putting his face in his hair as he sobbed "Please....please don't leave me......." he choked on his words as his tears soaked Stampy's hair. Lee looked back at them as even more tears fell from his already red puffy eyes. He turned back around to look at Target "Were leaving and if you come after us I promise you my bloody fists will be the last thing you ever see......" he hissed out and turned back to us walking over to Stampy. "Lee.....I want you to know s-something be-before.." Stampy choked out as he weakly reached for his older brother. "No stampy don't talk like that were going to save you I promise!" Lee grasped his little brothers hand as tears fell from his red puffy blue eyes. "Lee...Squid.....D-Dan...." he choked out as he tried to move his body again only for more blood to seep through his wound. "NO wait Stampy don't move your going to hurt yourself more!" I said as I grabbed his shoulder trying to hold him still. "We have to get out of here now!" Lee yelled as he looked around frantically for an exit. I turned around to see a small source of light from what I was hoping was the sun. It was coming from a small hole in the wall, I picked myself up and ran over to the wall. "Hold on Stampy, I'm going to get us out of here!!" I yelled to him trying to keep myself from crying more as I pounded and scraped my hands against the wall trying to break it down. I began to cry even more when I saw the effect my hands had on the wall were pretty much useless on my own.
I was about to have a mental breakdown until suddenly a pickaxe was slammed into the wall next to my head. Once the pickaxe was removed from the wall I turned around to see Finnball had tears falling heavily from his eyes. He quickly slammed the pickaxe into the wall again and began to create a pattern. Not to long after the wall in front of us was nothing but a pile of rubble Finnball then placed his pickaxe in his back pouch and moved the rubble so everyone could get out easier. "We have to get Stampy to the village now!" Finnball yelled as he ducked out of the arena through the hole in the wall. I turned around to see Lee pick Stampy up into his arms bridal style, I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked outside feeling the sun shining down on my face. "We have to hurry a storm is rolling in" I heard Finnball's deep gravelly voice speak with a sadness I have never heard from him before. I looked up to see dark storm clouds getting closer and closer "The village is miles away from here we will never make it in time!!" Squid piped up as he helped Lee with getting Stampy through the hole in the wall. "Well we have to try!" I said as I walked forward onto the edge of a cliff we were next to. I looked off into the distance trying to find the village or at least it's silhouette. After about a second I saw the small dark silhouette of the strange village "I can see the village lets go!" I said as I gestured everyone to follow me down the cliff path nearby.
We have been walking for over twenty minutes and Stampy isn't getting any better "Oh gosh what if he doesn't make it?! What if he gets even more hurt on the way?! Oh god what if he gets to a mental state that he can never recover!?" My mind screamed over and over again at the possibilities. I heard a desperate painful whimper and immediately I whipped around seeing Stampy coughing blood onto Lee's shirt "Stampy!" I ran over to them and cupped his cheek. "Finnball do you have any bandages in your pouch?!" I called to him in a panicked tone. "No but here wrap my cloak around him" Finnball said as he walked over and handed me the cloak he was wearing earlier. Me and Squid wrapped the cloak around Stampy and Lee kept him balanced, when we were finally done we began to walk again. We walked for another twenty minutes and yet again Stampy was still not getting any better he was getting worse. Stampy suddenly began to violently cough and shake "Stampy it's alright we're going home I promise just hang in there" Squid said as he held Stampy's hand. I couldn't bear to look at them at the moment I felt as if my eyes were going to overflow. "G-Guys...I'm n-not....s-sure if I-I'm going to m-.......m-make it" he coughed out as his eyes drooped a little "Wait......St-Stampy don't you dare say that.....look were so close to the village just hang in there....please" Lee said as he cradled his little brother in his arms. I was about to say something until I felt something cold fall on my nose, I looked up seeing the storm clouds were finally over our heads and it wasn't what I expected. Instead of a rain storm it was a snow storm which is kind of strange sense it wasn't even winter.....or was it? I'm not really sure about this world.
It was pouring down snow and my view of the village was blurred. "How is Stampy doing?!" I called to Lee and Squid. When I heard nothing I turned around seeing Lee shaking Stampy like something was wrong. "Guys? what's going on?" I yelled "STAMPY YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP ,PLEASE!!" I heard Lee yelling in a scared panicked voice. "Lee what's going on over there?!" I yelled with panic lacing my voice. "HE WON'T WAKE UP!!" Lee yelled fearfully. I looked back in front of me and I could finally see the village entrance "I see the village entrance we can make it if we run we can still save him!!" I yelled with tears in my eyes. "I can't run I'm stuck in the snow" Lee yelled "Here hand him to me!" I said as I held out my arms. Lee carefully put him in my arms and I began to run as fast as I ever did in my life. I was terrified his heart beat started to slow down "Your going to be alright have to be" I said as I hugged onto Stampy for dear life. I ran and ran I couldn't find the village hospital so I ran to Stampy's house accidentally breaking down his door in the process. I quickly ran to his room and laid him down on the bed. I quickly ran to the bathroom grabbing some towels, bandages and other domestic medical supplies that he had in his bathroom cupboard. I ran back and removed the cloak from his body and I couldn't help but gag for a split second when I saw that the blood from his wound had now been absorbed by his shirt and was now spilling much more blood than normal. I quickly took off his shirt and began to wrap the bandages around his stomach then wiped up all the blood that was staining his skin. I took a deep breath and looked at the work I've done "I'm so sorry Stampy......" I ran my fingers through his hair savouring the soft silky touch of his curls. I looked down at Stampy's chest and realized it was no longer going up and down it was just still...... "Stampy? Stampy?! STAMPY?!" I shook him a little and began to give him mouth to mouth. "STAMPY PLEASE BREATHE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!" I yelled as tears blurred my vision . My breath hitched as I heard the last breath leave his small body. "Stampy please.......g-god no please don't, don't leave me........"
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