Love At First Crash
*Dan's POV*
I slowly began to regain consciousness and the first thing I see is my friends all getting up holding their aching bodies. As I was getting up I realized I landed on something that gave me a bit of a pain in the back, once I finally got back on my feet I looked down to see what I landed on. My eyes widened when I saw I landed on a guy with curly brown hair and orange cat ears and a tail, and he seemed to be fully past out "OH CRAP I FELL ON A GUY!!!" I yelled causing my friends to look at me confused. They walked over and saw the guy I fell on "welp lets burry the body" Mitch said causing everyone to look at him like he has gone crazy "I was just kidding!" he said throwing his hands up defensively. "I think I see a town up ahead maybe they can help" Stacy said pointing to the strange looking village "I just hope you didn't give the guy a concussion" Trayaurus said moving the guys bangs out of his face examining his forehead "ok well lets go I hope I didn't hurt him to bad" I said worriedly as I picked him up bridal style and walked to the town with the others. I looked down at him to get a better look at him he had fluffy, curly brown hair with orange cat ears poking out the sides of his head, he had a light bit of freckles and button nose he was pretty cute wait what did I just say cute? I mean he was but I just met him I hope he isn't to mad at me I thought as we finally got into the village and as soon as we got in we heard a shriek coming from in front of us.
There across from us about thirty feet away was a lady with bright pink hair and lavender scaly legs with a silver crown on her head. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO STAMPY!?!?!" she yelled with a horrified look plastered her face. Hmmm I guess his name is Stampy "woah wait calm down its not what it looks like!" Lizzie said waving her hands about. Before anything else could be said two tall guys came running around the corner of a house and stood next to the lady. One had rugged brown hair with bear ears sticking out of his head the other had deep blue hair and gills on the sides of his neck "What's going on?!" the Blue haired one asked pulling out a bow and arrow "LEE, SQUID THEY DID SOMETHING TO STAMPY!" she yelled pointing at us. Their faces turned to shock and soon to hatred "How dare you!" the brown haired one said anger seething through his voice. "Its seriously not what it looks like!" Jason said holding up his hands defensively. As they kept going back and fourth yelling at each other I felt Stampy stir in my arms beginning to regain consciousness "augh where a-am I?" he said holding his head. I couldn't help but stare when he finally opened his eyes they were the most beautiful shade of green I have ever seen they were like emerald pools that just melt through my heart "wow...." was all I could muster "huh?" he looked up at me confused "uh hello?" he said trying to get my attention "oh sorry umm heh hi I'm Dan and I kind of accidentally fell on you by falling like a thousand feet from the sky" I said trying not to make him hate me but what surprised me was he giggled?! HE GIGGLED?! WHAT?! "heh its ok I have had stranger first meeting with other people" he said smiling as he smiled I swear I felt my face heat up a bit. That's when I realized I was still holding him in my arms "Oh goodness I'm so sorry I'm still uh...." I said slowly drifting off by the time he was about to say something the others have taken notice of our conversation and the tallest guy I have probably ever seen came over and grabbed him from me.
"STAMPY! did they hurt you?! are you ok?!" he said holding the neko up to eye level and I just realized how short this guy was compared to the brown haired guy and to me sense the brown haired guy was probably about a head taller then me. This Stampy guy was like a head shorter then me so compared to this bear guy he was SHORT "I'm fine Lee it was just a big misunderstanding but thank you for looking out for me" he said smiling "OH MY GOD AND HE IS SO NICE ABOUT IT HOW!?! I would have at least yelled or make a smart remark about someone falling on me but this guy he isn't bothered at all jeez" I thought to myself "uhh...Lee could you put me down please my body is pretty sore and it doesn't help by me dangling in the air" he said laughing a little "oh yeah sorry" he said putting him down "anyway what happened then?" the blue one asked walking over "well I was on my way looking for the sheep that got out of the pen when suddenly I hear screaming so I look around trying to find where it came from it sounded super close I thought for a second and looked up and right as I did someone fell directly on top of me and that's all I remember" he said as he dusted some dirt off his hoodie "so you got squashed by strangers falling from the sky?" Lee said raising an eyebrow at me. He was about to say something that probably would proclaim his suspicions until Stampy stopped him "if they meant harm towards me they wouldn't have brought me back here" he said smiling up at the bear hybrid. The bear looked down at Stampy then back to us then turned back to Stampy "Fine but if they try anything funny I wont hesitate" he said sternly. The neko smiled warmly and walked over to us "well I'm so sorry you had to be greeted this way I'm Stampy, and that's Lee, Squid and Amy" he said while shaking my hand "heh its ok we have been through worse" I said scratching the back of my head "how about I make up for it by showing you around and after that we can all settle down to chat" he said smiling brightly "gosh how does he smile so much its adorable" I thought as I finally said "sure why not" his faced beamed with excitement at hearing this. He grabbed my arm and gestures the others to follow and pulls me in another direction "heh I could get use to this" I thought as I looked down at him but I couldn't help but feel like someone was glaring daggers at me...but who?
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