A Mission
Prince Roman was fairly content with simply trotting through the forest. That is, until he saw a tower in the distance. He smiled, his gut telling him that this was the classic tower in which a fair maiden would be waiting for saving from a horrible dragon-witch! He urged his horse faster toward the tower, despite losing sight of it beyond the trees. Soon he'd arrived at a huge hedge, which seemed to surround the tower as a wall. He immediately dismounted and pulled out his sword, slicing a path through the thick branches.
Once he reached the center he looked around. And noticed a door to his right. Nestled into the tall stone tower. The tower was at least 60 meters tall and was made of the classic patchwork stone. Ivy grew up the sides, but no thick vines that would allow for a heroic climb to the rescue.
Roman observed the door, a thick wooden dungeon-like door. There was a tarnished and dented metal bar across the front, barring entry and probably sealing someone inside. Roman took several steps back, until his back rubbed against the rough hedge wall, and looked up again. There was a small balcony jutting out from the stone tower made of wood. As he watched, a figure stepped onto the small wooden area and looked out. It was too far for Roman to see almost anything, but he waved nonetheless. The figure suddenly stumbled backward and Roman silently gasped. His mind raced to the stories of princesses held captive by evil stepmothers or dragon-witches. He raced back to the door and started searching for a way to get in.
The metal bar proved irremovable after several minutes of desperate prying. Roman took a step back and reconsidered. His eyes went to the wooden frame the bar held in place. He smirked and turned, jogging back through the hedge to where his horse obediently waited.
"Good girl, Buttercup." He murmured as he patted her neck. She whinnied in response and shook her mane. Roman smiled at her antics and searched through the bag attached to her saddle. He found a small, hand held ax and pulled it out from the numerous other assorted weaponry. He always carried random and seemingly useless items with him. There'd been more than one mission where his odd assortment of weapons had come in handy. It seemed like this would be another one of those times.
Roman patted Buttercup's neck once more, before diving back through the hedge, it seemed to be harder this time. Roman ignored the sharp sticks scratching his sleeves and returned to the door. He lifted the small ax and began to chop away at the door surrounding the bar. While the bar had held the test of time, only tarnishing and becoming slightly dented, the wood surrounding it had deteriorated quite a bit. It was relatively easy to hack away at the planks.
Roman was so focused on his task that he failed to notice the panicked whinnying of Buttercup. Or how her whinnies were cut off suddenly.
I'm baaaaaaaaaack! I'm finally going to recontinue this story. I got more inspiration from the video I attached at the top. My story will not follow that story though. I'm not changing the status of any of my other books though (the ones on hold are still on hold and the ones that are still active are still active).
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