The Smartest Man Alive
After the whole Alfheim trip, Nier, Yonah, and Kaine returned to Midgard. As they left the Yggdrasil room, they hear the sound of something hammering. Yonah runs up to it and sees Brok forging his weapons.
Nier: Hi again, Brok.
Kaine: What up, ya son of a bitch?
Brok: I've been called worse
Yonah: Brok! We just came back from another realm and we met your brother. Wait - not in that order.
Brok: Did you let that seed-sop put hand to your blades?
Kaine: You both made them, so why not?
Brok: The sword might be an exception, but you do know he lost his talent, right? Just up and left him one day - tried taking me down with him. Did he botch up our girls?
Nier and Yonah pull out their weapons and put them on the table.
Nier: Quiet the opposite
Brok looks at them and appears mildly impressed.
Brok: Hmm... well, even a blind pig farts up a truffle now and again. But you know what really counts? Consistency. And I got that comin' outta ALLA my parts.
Brok hits the sword and Axe with his hammer and they start glowing before the glow goes into them.
Nier: What did you do to them.
Brok: They're better. See ya bastards later.
Kaine: Fuck you to, Brok. Take care.
Yonah: Bye-bye.
The three started heading back to where the Black Breath blocked their path to the mountain. They had to face some Draugr and monsters along the way, but they were not too much of a problem.
Yonah: Who do you think carved the face into the mountain.
Nier: I don't know.
Kaine: I don't have a damn clue either. Watch your steps, the last thing we need is to fall.
Nier: Right.
After more walking, they make it to the Black Breath.
Yonah: And there's the Black Breath.
Nier: We've got the light of Alfheim.
Kaine: Let's see if those two were right.
Nier pulls out the Bifrost and it begins to glow. True to Emil and the Mage's words, the light is dispelling the Black Breath. Once Nier gets closer to the source, the light gets rid of it from that area. The three begin climbing the mountain and to the face carving.
Yonah: Brother, you know what Mom would say about the Giants?
Nier: Yeah. She said they used to visit the Midgard mountains before they disappeared.
Kaine: My grandma told me stories about that. Apparently they all up and left one day and no one knows why.
Yonah: Maybe they went home to Jotunheim. I wonder if the face in the mountain was a tribute to some important Giant.
Kaine: Dumbass question: Are all Giants, you know, giant?
Nier: From what our Mom said, not all of them.
Yonah: Yeah, there are giant Giants and Jotunn that are just taller than most humans.
Kaine: Gotcha. And in my words, they're big as hell, no matter what.
Nier: I think it depends on age.
Kaine: Yeah, knew that. Actually, I just figured that out a minute ago, so it was that obvious.
Yonah: Looks like we're at the mouth. And I think I see more Black Breath.
Kaine: Do your thing and cleanse this stony bastard's mouth.
Nier pulls out the Bifrost again and uses the light to dispel the Black Breath. A door is reveled and contains an emblem.
Yonah: Hey, that door has Jotunheim's symbol on it. The Giants did come here.
Kaine: Be on your guard. I have a feeling visitors aren't very welcomed in there.
The three enter the door and enter a small labyrinth that has several puzzles paths. Nier and Yonah work together to solve them and Kaine mostly just got headaches from trying to figure out the riddles and mechanisms. Eventually, they make it to a lift and Kaine activates it.
Kaine: Finally. All those riddles and puzzles shit gave me a huge headache.
Nier: Sorry Kaine, but I'm afraid that's going to be a part of life.
Kaine: *Groan*. Don't remind me.
Yonah: I think we're safe now.
Nier: Me too.
Yonah: So, after we scatter Mom's ashes... What then?
Kaine: I know you two can go back to Orario. Might be safer than here, at least enough to relax for a bit.
Nier: Maybe. But I think we could go home for a bit. Training will be required though. I don't think our home will be safe for a bit longer. We'll make it safe again and get stronger.
Yonah: Sounds good.
Kaine: Yeah, I like that plan. Can you tell me where it is in case I ever feel like visiting you two? You both are an interesting pair.
Nier: We live in the Wildwoods. Maybe we could show you once we're done.
Kaine: Okay then.
The lift gets closer to the top and it seems like the three will be there fast. But soon a dragon emerges and attacks them.
Nier: A Dragon?!
Kaine: You've got to be fucking kidding me!!!
The three fight the dragon as it attempts to kill them. They manage to lends some hits on it, before the dragon knows the lift back. Nier gets an idea and uses his strength to push the lift off the wall and hit the dragon. The dragon then uses it's lightning breath to blow a hole in the walls and escape through there. Unfortunately, the lift gets caught in its tail and gets taken by the dragon, causing the three to fall off.
Nier: Ow.
Kaine: That hurts like a bitch.
Yonah: At least we're not dead.
They begin walking through the path the dragon left and they hear someone screaming.
???: Help!!!
Yonah: Do you hear that? It sounds like someone screaming
Kaine: That voice sounds to familiar.
The three start running till the reach the end of the cave. Soon they see Sindri trying to take cover from the dragon.
Nier: It's Sindri.
Kaine: Of fucking course.
Yonah: Brother, can you kill something that big?
Kaine: Easier to fight 100 Hel-Walkers a night than take that on. Not that I'm going to run away from a fight.
Nier: Maybe if we can catch that thing off balance we'll have a shot at killing it.
Yonah: I can distract it.
Nier: Kaine, help Yonah.
Kaine: Sure thing
Nier: Yonah, I need your axe for a bit.
Yonah gives Nier the axe and goes with Kaine to distract the dragon.
Yonah: Over here!
Kaine: Come at us you Fuck Waffle!
Nier gets on the dragon's back and strikes it's head with the axe. He gets back on the ground, but the dragon tries to suck him and the girls into it's mouth. Nier pushes them to a wall for their safety and gets into the dragon's mouth. He then uses the Leviathan Axe to hack around him and cause the creature to land on the ground. Kaine and Yonah join Nier and they fight the Dragon together. Its Lightning breath did not make things easy, but the three continued to fight it. After much struggle, Nier and Kaine manage crack open the dragon's faceplate. Yonah fires her arrows before throwing a crystal that ends up exploding. Nier looks at a crane above them and gets an idea.
Nier: Yonah, When I say so, shoot the rope on that crane.
Yonah: Got it.
Nier and Kaine continue fighting the Dragon and use the exploding crystals to stun it a bit. Eventually, they manage to get the dragon underneath the crane.
Nier: Now!
Yonah shoots at the rope and causes it to fall. Nier jumps up and grabs the crane to impale one end of it into the Dragon's neck. The Dragon screeches in pain as Nier uses his strength to impale the other part of the Dragon's neck onto an exploding Crystal. The dragon flails and lifts Nier up before he uses the momentum to kick the crystal further into the dragon, causing it to explode. Nier lands as the Dragon's corpse crashes down with a large hole in its neck.
Kaine: I can't fucking believe it.
Yonah: We actually did it. How are you Sindri?
Sindri: Safe now. But - but - but - nobody's killed a dragon for hundreds of Years... Not since the Grand Culling of the Wyrms! And you three did all that.
Kaine: Bastard was in our way. These two most likely did it for you though.
Nier: Sindri, could you check on Yonah's equipment first?
Sindri: Sure. Oh, and if you can grab a tooth from the dragon, I can give Yonah's bow a power up.
Nier breaks off a tooth and gives it to Yonah so she can go to Sindri's shop.
Nier: Kaine, there's something I want to tell you, but it's hard to explain.
Kaine: Then go for it without thinking. Might help in some way. Though no guarantee that I won't punch you.
Nier: Kaine. I think I'm a god.
Kaine: Are you fucking with me?
Nier: No. I'm not. Could an ordinary human take on a dragon with that much strength.
Kaine: None that I've seen so far. Well, until I met you.
Nier: I just found out about this a week ago. My mom told me that apparently I had the soul and power of a god.
Kaine: Why are you telling me this?
Nier: You hate gods. But I don't want to keep this a secret until it's too late. Although I'm a total hypocrite considering that I still have no idea how to tell my sister about it.
Kaine stays silent for a minute before walking to Nier and putting her hand on his shoulder.
Kaine: Then you're more human than you think. I won't tell her for you. But it might be better you tell her sooner rather than later.
Nier: ...Okay.
The two get back to Yonah and Sindri at the shop. Sindri gave her Braided mistletoe arrows as thanks for saving him. Yonah's powerup allowed her arrows to blast the walls and make an entrance for them to enter the mountain. They continue their way and end up coming across more puzzles and shrines detailing events that happened in the past. Eventually, they get higher up and go outside to see they are close to the top of the mountain.
Kaine: Holy shit. I've never been up the mountain before. I'd feel like I'm queen of the world if I didn't hate royalty and crap.
Nier then looks at Yonah and sees that her dress has a cut on it.
Nier: Yonah, your dress got cut.
Yonah: Really? It don't think it's that big a deal.
Kaine: Seriously, it's not a problem. Although I have to admit, I'm surprised it didn't get cut until we got this far.
Nier: Still, let me try to patch that up for you.
Nier uses a mistletoe arrowhead to patch up the cut.
Kaine: Let's go.
The three continue their trek and see some kind of tree on the top of the mountain. They begin to climb and hear a group of people talking.
Yonah: Do you hear those voices too?
Kaine: Yep
Nier: Let's be quiet.
The three continue climbing, but try to be as silent as possible.
Baldur: You know why we're here. My last visit manage to loosen your tongue?
Yonah: That sounds like the same man who came to our house. You said you killed him...
Nier: I did.
???: Oh, and you brought company this time. Must be important if the sons of Thro deign to grace me with their presence. Tell me... you two still tripping over to impress daddy?
Baldur: The white haired boy. Tracks show that he now travels with a woman and child. Where would they go next?
???: Why would I know that?
Man 1: You're the smartest man alive, aren't you?
???: Smarter than all the dead ones, too.
Baldur: You help me, I help you. Tell me where they are and I'll talk to Odin -
???: Your father won't let me go, Baldur, and he won't let you kill me. You have nothing to offer me. So take your questions, take your threats, take these two worthless wankers, and piss off.
Man 2: When no one's looking.. we'll be back for your other eye
Man 1: Don't you forget... we're everywhere.
Man 2: We really are, aren't we?
Baldur: Shut up you idiots.
The three men seem to vanish and the travelers get to the top of the mountain. As they look around, they see a strange arch and a horned person who is grafted to a tree.
???: Ah, the very topic of conversation... a white haired boy traveling with a woman and child.
Nier: Yonah, check to make sure we're alone.
Yonah: but we just saw them leave.
Kaine: If you're sneaky enough, you can trick others. Come on, I'll check with you.
Kaine and Yonah walk to see if the men had left. Nier walks closer to the imprisoned man.
???: The young girl doesn't know what you are...
Nier: I didn't either until a few days ago. Who are you?
???: Me? I'm the greatest ambassador to the gods, the Giants, and all the creatures of the Nine Realms. I know every corner of these lands, every language spoken, every war waged, every deal struck. They call me... Mimir! --smartest man alive, and I have the answer to your every question.
Nier: I've got a question, but it seems like you've been here for too long to know why a son of Odin chases us.
Mimir: Pretty preceptive. Odin's had me imprisoned here for... 109 winters. I'm a clever lad, I can piece it together, I promise. Just... given time.
Yonah and Kaine walk to Nier and Mimir.
Kaine: All clear. They're gone. For now at least.
Mimir: So what brings you three to this part of Midgard?
Kaine: That's a question for those two. I'm just here to make sure they get to where they're going.
Kaine walks back a bit so the siblings can talk to Mimir.
Nier: Our mom is dead.
Yonah: She wanted us to spread her ashes on the highest peak in all the realms.
Mimir: Oh, then you've come to the wrong place, little sister. The highest peak in all the realms is not here in Midgard. It's in Jotunheim, realm of the Giants.
Yonah: No!
Nier: Jotunheim?
Kaine: Is that really what your mom meant?
Mimir: Take a look.
Mimir uses his eye on the arch and reveal an image of a mountain with a shape similar to a hand.
Mimir: This is the last known bridge to Jotunheim in all the realms. See that mountain, looks like a Giant's fingers scraping the sky? That's the highest peak in all the realms... not here.
Yonah: Can't we just take that bridge? We have a Bifrost.
Mimir: When the Giants destroyed all other bridges to their realm, they locked this one up with a secret rune. If it still exists, only a Giant would know it.
Kaine: And they all disappeared from Midgard centuries ago.
Mimir: True. But today the winds of fate have kicked up a strange vortex of coincidence. Fact is, there's only one persona alive who can get you where you need to go. And luckily for you, my schedule's wide open.
Nier stays silent for a moment and looks at the pouch containing Faye's ashes. He then feels something touch his leg and sees it's Yonah.
Kaine: If you're determined to do this, then don't let me stop ya.
Yonah: We're going to Jotunheim, right?
Mimir: It's your best and only move from a tactical standpoint. It's the one place the man who cannot be killed won't follow you.
Nier puts the pouch back and speaks.
Nier: What do we do.
Yonah: Yes!
Mimir: First you need to cut off my head.
Kaine: I'm sorry, the fuck you say?
Mimir: Odin made sure that no weapon, not even Thor's hammer, could free my body of these bonds.
Kaine and Yonah try using their blades and axe to try to cut through the tree. But as Mimir said, it was virtually indestructible.
Mimir: Like I said, no weapon can break through these bonds. But fortunately, you don't need my body. The trick is, we need to find someone who can reanimate my head, using the old magic.
Yonah: Old Magic? You mean that stuff Emil and his mom were doing?
Kaine: Oh yeah, the stuff they were doing to Emil's Boar.
Mimir: Emil?
Nier: He and his mom are mages. They live in the woods. They know the old ways,
Mimir: And they'll help? They might do. Worth a try!
Nier: But if they fail, you'll be dead.
Mimir: He tortures me you know. Every day brother. Odin himself sees to it personally, and believe me, there is no end to his creativity. Every. Single. Day. This... this isn't living.
Nier: ...Very well. Yonah, I need the axe.
Yonah hands Nier the axe before turning around.
Yonah: Oh, I can't watch this.
Kaine: Good thing you don't have to.
Nier readies the axe until Mimir speaks to him.
Mimir: Brother, in case you can't resurrect me, there's something you need know. The girl... She's not a regular human. Whatever protection ritual was cast on her since birth, it won't last forever. You came to terms with your true nature just as the protection began to weaken. But the longer you wait to tell your sister her true nature, the more damage will be done.
Nier: I know. I know. I'm going to. I just don't have the words to say so.
Mimir: All I can tell you is follow your heart with that.
Nier: Thanks. Here I go, I guess.
Mimir: Now this, don't think too much about it.
Nier readies the axe and delivers a powerful chop to Mimir's neck. The head falls to the ground along with a long vine. Nier then picks up the Prisoner's head and wraps the Vine around it before putting it on his belt.
Yonah: Let's go see Emil again.
Kaine: He's not going to believe this.
The three begin their path down the mountain to revive Mimir and get to Jotunheim.
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