Second Tag: 12 Random Questions
1. Favorite season of the year. Fall cuz its the perfect season! So Beautiful!!
2. Favorite YouTuber? Brandon Rogers! Im in love with him and we will be together one day!
3. Unicorn or Pegasus? Unicorn only because i actually have one :3
4. Celeberity Crush? Ronnie Radke. If we dont get married I would be OK with being friends because he's so freaking funny to me.
5. Favorite animal? Panda panda panda panda! you already know where this is headed :)
6. Favorite food? Chinese food mmmm now im hungry lol
7. Favorite Video game? Dead Island. this was the first first-person shooter game i actually could play. when i beat the game i cried because the newest one isn't for my system :'( (Xbox girl for life)
8. Headphones or Speakers? Well really just depends where im at, what I'm doing, which song, beacuse some songs do sound better with headphones lol but I'll go with speaker because i love to blast my music!
9. Sword or gun? My answer is based off my favorite game (see question 7) I would pick swords because it was easy to kill things faster.
(Did i mention fairly tail is awesome? :3)
10. Cat or Dog? Definitely Dog! Cats are evil or their owner are evil and the cat is just trying to live up to the owner's expectation, either way, cats are not my favorite at all!!
This was my dog Tally. He passed away 3 months ago. He was 15 and had a wonderful life. I miss my little buddy.
11. Apple or Android? Android because Apple is for people who dont like the back bottom!
12. Pencil or Pen? Hmm
Can a pencil or pen do that?
My Tags
thspinkkid Chaina already got you tho but i needed the tag
Tag 15 people if your tagged and you cant tag the person that tagged you!
AAANNNNNDDDDD i dont have anymore so that's it for now if you were tag and have already done this sorry about that and if you haven't you should its actually fun to talk about yourself :D
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