Veronica pt 2
Alex POV
Hes not one is here.
The whole house was empty. From top to bottom. No furniture. No pictures. No nothing.
At first I was confused. Veronica simply told us that his phone was in this house, yet nothing was here. Maybe John left while we were on our way here. I tried to think of all the possible conclusions of this. I checked the house so many times to make sure I wasnt missing anything. I felt crushed. I felt alone. John was the only person who I truly trusted. Sure, there is Peggy but it wont be long before she yells out my buisness to the whole world. I dropped on the floor, feeling numb. tears started to fall from my eyes. Then I saw the door, that lead to the basement.
It was hidden under the stairs that lead to the upstairs. The edges of the door was practically camafloged into the wall. It was the only place I didnt check or any of my friends check as far as im aware. I stared at the door, wondering what could be in there. There was a good chance it was empty, just like the rest of the house. I was thinking of not going down there, to stop myself from being disapointed when dont see John or any sign of him. God, I miss him so so so much.
I jump a little. I turn around to see Eliza behind me. Her face softens. she had a few tears stream across her face. " Alexander everyone is ready to go. We searched the whole house. I sorry but John isnt he-"
"Did you search the backyard?" I interupt, making her jump a little.
"We searched the whole front and back yard. Hercules even started digging to make sure he wasnt buried." Eliza softly says. She grabs my hand and interwines her fingers into mine. The feeling of her soft war fingers makes me want to burst even more, reminding how soft Johns freckled skin was against my own. "Alexander I know youre in pain right now. We all are davestated over that John is nowhere to be found. I just want you to know that we are here for you through this. We dont want you facing this alone." Eliza gives me a sad smile and slightly tugs me forward towards the front door. "Everyone is waiting in the car."
" Wait. Can I just have a little moment to myself?" I ask. She smiles and nods. Eliza lets go of my hand and walks out the front door. Then I turn around and stare at the basment door again. There is no door knob for me to turn, so Im assuming I have to pull it open from the side.
I put my fingers in between the creak of the door and pulled. No budge. I pull a little harder. Still nothing. Then, I pull with all my might and the door busts open. It was a dark staircase leading to the bottom. The stentch of sour fish roars into my nostrils that I started to cough. I took one step at a time as each step lead to more darkness. I was finally at the bottom, searching for and source of light. As I walked around the basement pretty much blind, I realize that it was pretty much empty since I wasnt tripping or stepping on anything. Soon, my head went in caontact with a string that was hanging from the ceiling. I pull it and a big light bulb shines at the top of my head.
I adjust my eyes and saw a table in front of me. There were multiple weapons scattered all over the table. Then there was a camera. I picked up the camera to find it out of battery. Then I turned around and saw one single chair. It was wooden and there were wooden cuffs on both sides of the arm rests. I move up closer to it to see a small black object on the seat.
It was John's phone...
I pick it up and saw that it still worked. I looked through every app, hoping I could find anything useful. The photo app was the last one.
One by one I saw pictures that him and I took. From the day we started dating to what we were a few weeks ago. I looked through every album until I stumbled apon a private album that required a password.
I tried every possible password that I could think of. I tried his birthdays, friends, things he likes. Nothing. I even tried Francis and things related to him. I could it do it but I knew someone who could.
" You want me to what?" Maria asks.
" I need you to figure out the password to John's phone. There is something hidden-"
" Alex don't you think John just doesn't want to be found? Maybe he is hurt by the break up and doesn't want any contract. He might just need some space." Maria says while she does a left turn. She's currently driving me home since it started to get dark outside.
" I can't Maria! I love him!? The fight was so pointless yet it effected my life! I just want to make sure he's safe. I have a good feeling he's with Fritos.."
" His name is Francis.."
" Damn, you sound just like the author."
" The Who?"
" Nothing."
" Who were you talking abou-"
" MY POINT IS! Once I see that John is safe and doesn't want to be with me, I'll drop everything and live the rest of my life in misery." Maria pulls up in front of my penthouse building and parks the car. She silent for a while and angrily sighs. " Jesus Alexander you fucking owe me." I smile at her but was a bit nervous about what she was gonna say. " Veronica can help you find John, but she doesn't do it for free. Today was just a little something out of the friendship I have with her. Once you get deep into what she can actually do, you'll be surprised. She doesn't do it often since it's pretty dangerous after what's she been through in high school."
" What happened when she was in high school?"
Maria gets closer to my face. " No one knows...but I know it involves a crazy ex. But once you're her gonna need to pay her something valuable." I nod in agreement. " What she's gonna do is illegal Alex, just to save your stalking ass. Are you willing to do this?"
" Anything to find John."
" Hahaha you romantic asshole. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. 4 am."
Y'all begged. And y'all receive. How did I do?
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