( AlEX POV )
It's been two months....
Two months without hugs and kisses
Two months without musicals
Two months without John.
Two months alone.
I have searched all the possible places he could be. The park, his house, I even asked his dad if he had any clue where he is. He was obviously no help whatsoever.
I cried every night. I stopped going to school, knowing that John won't be there. He hasn't been coming to school and I can't help but worry. I even asked the police to help but they didn't really take it as a serious situation. They just thought that I should make him have his space.
I've been talking to Lafayette and Hercules more, since they knew him longer. They have been helping me and Peggy search for him but no results. My mind has been telling me to just give up, but my heart is pulling me to find him and talk things through. God I want him so bad. I have a feeling his with Francis, but I forgot the address! Damnit-
" Alex focus."
I jump up from my seat at Starbucks. Lafayette, Hercules, Peggy, Eliza, and even Maria agreed for a meeting. Where storming ideas on what to do, but I was mostly spacing out.
I can let describe how grateful I am for these friends, even Eliza.
" Maybe we can track his phone down?" Suggested Maria. " I can pay someone. I know a few people who taught me a few tricks. I'm sure they will help."
Peggy nods. " That seems like a great idea. It can help us locate his location!" She says all happy. Herc and Lafayette looks over at Peggy and gives her a smirk, knowing she has a little crush on Maria. Peggy turns away flustered.
We all agree to meet Maria's friends and split up into groups. Peggy and I tag along with Maria in her car while the others are driving with Eliza. I was honestly the third wheel as Peggy and Maria flirt, constantly giving Peggy winks.
The car ride was longer than expected. We crossed the New York border into Massachusetts. Maria parks into a parking lot with a few apartments buildings, which I'm assuming are dorms. We all got out of the two cars and saw a bunch of people walking around and talking. Some dudes were playing frisbee. Ok, we are definitely at some college. Maria is on the phone with someone and as soon as she hangs up, a girl burst through the main entrance for the dorms. She has short dark brown hair and is wearing a blue hoodie, she's a little short looks like she has just gotten out of bed. She looks familiar.
wAit! It's the front desk girl from the Hospital!
" What up bitches!" She yells at the top of her lungs. " Veronica!" Maria screams as she walks up to her for a hug. They both have there little girl moment and she instantly turns to me.
" I remember you! You were visiting the some dude with a long ass name at the hospital!" I turn to Lafayette who shifts a little on his crutches. He transferred from a wheelchair to crutches. The physical therapy has been doing great for him, it's just his left leg is a little weaker than the right and need a little more support.
Veronica finally see that Lafayette was that person we were meeting, she laughs. " HAH! I'm sorry but damn, you got a long name." Lafayette shrugs it off. I'm pretty sure he heard that too make times. " Well come on in! Welcome to Harvard everyone!" ( get it? Cause like the lyrics of Beautiful... " Harvard, Duke, or Brown." I didn't know where the other ones were soooo..)
Damn. Harvard. She must be pretty smart or something. We walk into the building and climbed up a few stairs. We're finally at her dorm and she opens the door.
Not gonna lie, her place is nice.
" Ooh! Visitors!" Says someone from the kitchen. An even shorter girl in yellow pops her head up. She has curly blond hair and her cheeks were huge. Must be Veronica's roommate. " oh! Hi Maria!" She says all giggly. Maria gives her a little wave and the girl returns to the kitchen. We all walk into Veronica's room. It's completely pitch black with only the electronics giving out light. She had about three different types of computers on her small wooden desk and a massive desk computer that's on the floor. Wires were everywhere, all in different sizes and colors. There were also clothes on the bed and floor " OOp!" Veronica gasps. " Sorry, my room is a little messy."
We all shrugged it off and she showed us one of the laptops on her desk. She sits down and starts typing furiously. " Sooooo. You guys are looking for a John Laurens?" She asks without looking away from the laptop.
" Umm Yeah." I started. "We got in a huge fight and we broke up. He left and told me not go after him but I still wanted to be with him. Then he wasn't showing up to school so I was really worried. I tried calling his phone but he wouldn't answer my-"
" What's his phone number?" She interrupted
" ummm.." I take out my phone and read the numbers out loud.
I continued my story. " He wasn't answering my calls. So my history teachers kinda helped me out which was a little awkward since he told me was sexy-"
" I found him."
The room went silent. " Really!? Where is he?" I Yelled. The gang and I all looked over Veronica's computer. " ummmm 666 West 5th Street?"
Wait a damn minute....tHAT FRANKLINS ADDRESS!
('s Francis )
Now is not the time author!!!
( ok damn. Go get ur man!! )
I walk out the room repeating the address over and over again to remember. " Alexander wAit for us!" Eliza shouted. I didn't stop. I walked faster out of the dorm. I took a glimpses the girl in yellow pop her head out the kitchen. " was nice of you to come by?" She says uncertain. I was now in the hallway and running down the stairs. John....he was close all along!!
I hear Peggy screaming at the girl in yellow about her outfit choice. " Yellow is a color that only works on me!! Not you, you basic-"
" PEGGY!" Eliza pulls Peggy to her and they run down the hallway.
I made it to Maria's car and hop into the passenger seat.
I'm finally gonna get John back!
HELLO! I thought it would be nice to upload on the Fourth of July soooo ta-da!! I actually wanted to upload it yesterday but I was to busy laughing and crying and be angry during the Hamilton movie. Not gonna lie...I was tearing up on Its quiet uptown.
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