The siblings
It was really cold outside since it was the beginning of January. It was around 3 in the morning so no one was outside besides me. I only grabbed a hoodie when I was walking out. So I was wearing a hoodie, shorts, and slides.
Looking like that, you're going to get harassed.
Shut up voices.
I was about a block away from Francis's and I was a nervous wreck. Why did I have to be stupid with love ( HEEHEH )and have a normal life??
Why did Francis wanted to see me? Is he gonna shorten the days? I have about a month and a half left to go. I'm not ready to leave Alex. He treats to me well, unlike Francis.
Speaking of the devil....
I see a figure in a blue T-shirt outside of a house smoking a cigarette. By the creepy look on his face u already knew who it was.
" Welcome back baby." He said with a smirk on his face. I walked up to him, but I stop when I was about 5 feet away from where he was standing.
" What do you want?" I said firmly.
" Easy there don't wanna misbehave after what happened last time you did. Because I can simply do it again."
A rush of fear goes through me so u decided to shut my mouth. Francis throws his cigarette and slowly walks over to me. The smell of his warm dry breath burns my noes. I want to move away but I didn't want to displease him. He goes behind me and touches my curls. Francis's breath continues to bother me as it hits my neck. " I'm starting to think I should just have you now, instead of wait for ur slow ass to get rid of Alexander."
" Francis I need time."
" Fuck time! You had weeks to do it!" He was getting angry. I need led to be a little more gentle.
" Francis please. I will get rid of him. Just let me have the rest of these few weeks and I promise I'll be with you."
I was finally home. Alexander didn't catch me this time, so I was able to sneak back to bed. Francis surprisingly let me go tonight.
I was so tired but I wasn't able to sleep for the rest of the night. I only had a few more weeks with Alex. I'm not ready to give him up. I'm will never be ready!
The morning came and Alex still didn't notice my disappearance last night. Good. I didn't want to keep lying to him about where I go at night. School is starting back tomorrow so and I still didn't do any homework. Oof...I should really get working on that.
Alex had to run some errands while I was home alone. I was watching some tik toks until I got a text.
Martha my little sister.
I haven't seen her in a while. In fact, I haven't went home in a while.
Martha: John, u need to come home.
Panic rose up in me once I read the text.
John: Why? Wats up? Is everyone ok?
Martha: just come home...please.
I put on some clothes was running all the way home. What happened? Did someone get hurt? What did my dad do? Suddenly I felt guilt. I shouldn't have just left them like that with my father. If someone is hurt I will never forgive myself.
I open the front door to see that mother changed since I left. " Hello?" I yelled. No one answered. I looked around and saw that everything seems to be in place. Nothing looked missing. I checked my father's office. No one was in there. I went upstairs and knocked on Martha's room. " Come in." Said a soft voice. I open the door and my eyes widen.
All the furniture in the room was either broken or not there. There wasn't a bed. Some blood stains were on the floor and wall!!! Then I see all my siblings besides Martha in dirty clothes asleep on the floor. Henry was holding baby Mary and James was huddled against Martha. I couldn't help but cry. My brothers and sisters were living in hell! Martha slowly move away from James and came running to me.
" John I missed you so damn much. We all did.." Martha started to cry, which was very rare.
I was speechless. I had no words. I knew my father was doing this to them. Treating them like animals. I didn't really realize that my siblings depended on me this much.
" He's been keeping us here all this time. He hadn't fed us in days! I only needed you to ask you for some food-"
" Why didn't you tell me?" I cried. " Why didn't you tell me you weren't getting fed, or cleaned, or anything! You kept this from me! I would have helped!"
" Jack I...." she took a breathe. " I didn't want you to end up in the situation we're in. You have gone throw so much pain and suffering compared to us. We knew you were have a good like with Alexander so..... I hid it."
I hugged her tightly. " I'm getting you out of here."
She quickly moves away. " What? No! Dad won't be-"
" Who cares what he says?! He's not taking of you like he should be!"
" I-I don't know...."
" Martha...if you come with me I promise a better life. Just please..."
She hesitated for a moment.
" Ok..lets go-"
Then before she could finish...
The front door opened.
SOOOORRRRRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE!! School is about to start and I'm just starting my project 😅😅. I don't feel like checking for mistakes so if u see any....just know that I'm sowwey.
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