Alex comes out of the kitchen with his phone in his hand. I'm still standing in the middle of the living room with a flustered face.
" What did Peggy say?" He asked walking over to me.
" U-Ummm nothing.." I say.
We sit on the couch and I start taking out the things we need while Alex was on his phone.
The his phone went off. He answered.
" Hey...........really?...............what time.............awesome!.............oh wait shit dude...........I have a project to"
I look at him in confusion.
He stares back. Then smiles.
" Sooooooooooo...John. There's this party tonight at the Schuyler's Mansion. And since we been working so hard this year so far...I was thinking and me can go tonight."
I-Is he asking me out?
No he isn't. He just wants to got to a party with me.
But you have this project to do.
True....but I never went to a party before.
It's just a party. There will be more chances. You need to do this project.
I shake my head.
" Alex we need to do this project."
I say continuing to take stuff out.
" But Joooooooooohhhhnnnnnnn! It's a party! Parties are fun! Have you ever went to a party before?"
" Well...I have been to Lafayette's party at Sky Zone-"
" I mean high school parties. You know, dancing, alcohol, drugs." He says with weird hand motions.
I shook my head.
There are drugs at high school parties?
" A-Alex...I don't think I want to go." I put my head down.
He starts to laugh.
" W-What's so funny?" I ask.
He continues to laugh. " Oh nothing. It's're so innocent."
My face goes red. "No I'm not! What makes you think that?"
Alex laughs even more. " HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You to scared to got to a party. HAHAHAHA!"
I'm now angry as hell. How is me being scared of something makes you innocent! Also...WHO SAID I WAS AFRAID???
You are afraid. I'm not.
Stop lying.
Voices...just get out of my head.
" You know what? Fine! I'll go to this shitty party! Just to prove that I'm not afraid of a party." I say standing up.
Alex looks at me in surprise but nods his head.
" Alright princess." He goes upstairs while I sit downstairs lonely. I need to talk to someone. I take out my phone and texts Hercules. He has been to high school parties before.
John: Herc I need your help.
Herc: Yea?
John: Alex invited me to a party.
Herc: My child is all grown up.
John: fuck u
Herc: lol
John: I need advice.
Herc: first of all, always keep an eye on ur drink.
John: mk.
Herc: Also...if u go upstairs, don't go into any rooms where you can hear moaning!
John: Ew but ok.
Herc: Lastly....if u do plan on drinking get Advil.
John: Kaythxbye Herc!
Alex finally comes downstairs with a green shirt, black jeans, white Jordan's, and a leather jacket.
To be honest...he looks nice.
Don't you mean hot?
No...I mean nice.
Or maybe he looks like a snacc-
I shake that thought out.
We go into the elevator and it was an awkward silence. The doors open and we see Peggy at the front desk.
" You gays going to my sisters party?" She asked by looking away from her papers.
" Yeah. Why aren't you coming?" Alex asked.
" I have night shifts Alex. I can't go to parties unless I take the day off."
Alex nods and we leave. Instead of walking out the front doors, we went out the back doors to the parking lot full of cars. Alex's cars was a beautiful red sports car.
I just stand there in awe while he unlocks the car.
" How the hell were you able to afford this!!"
He chuckled and got in the car. I slowly get in the car as well. I didn't want to damage anything. It was a silent car ride, but we finally made it to the party. The Schuyler's house is huge! The place was pack full of people. Some were able to get on the roof!
I walk inside with Alex then he suddenly disappears.
I decided to get something to drink. I look at a nearby table and it was full of alcohol and red cups.
I grab a red cup and poured some...whatever in the cup. I took one sip and..
Instantly regret it.
The liquid burned my throat. I wanted to spit it out but I couldn't. So I swallowed it.
( You mean Alexander's dick? )
( what? )
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