Life so far
This is not a chapter.
I just wanted to tell u guys what been up in my life so far....nothing sad. Just so u know I have a massive headache so my words might sound off.
Welcome to my life.
1. At my school we are doing the play Annie. No, I'm not Annie. At first I was the choreographer for the dances. Someone didn't want to be the major orphan, Pepper. At first I didn't think much of it until my friend wanted the role. Then I thought, " I want to do it too!" Then my other friend wanted to do it! So......I'm pepper and it first my other friend got mad and told the loud mouth in our grade, but she didn't say anything. My friend talked with me privately and told me her anger and how she wanted to kill me for taking the spot-
She just told me how upset she was at first and how she told me to beware for the loud mouth talking shit. I apologize to her so we cool. As for my other friend, she really didn't care and said that I could have the role because she knew I was a more experienced actress then she was. So it wasn't a surprise.
2. So there is this girl in my class who me and my bff consider....our half friend. She is one of our friends but she I so annoying and gets pissy with us all the time. So yea...half friend. She always talks about her boy troubles and relationships with her older friends and my bff and I are like" bish do I look like I give two shits about ur problems?" It's sO ANNOYING! She also gets way to offended easily. My bff and I always tease each other. We call each other names and make fun of each other, but we don't get mad or anything because, we're really close. Literally, she calls my burnt chicken nugget and I call her raw chicken nugget and we're fine with it. Well not our half friend!
One time we were making fun of our boobs ( lol I know right ) and we were making fun of each other's boob size. When we started making fun of her boobs, she got mad because we called hers " ant hills" ! And me and my bff are like " oh hell naw! U can't just make fun of ours and get all pissy when we do it back! Ah hELL NAW!"
So every time we share our opinions, she's the one getting mad. I honestly can't handle it. My bff is like " If there was a fire in our school I would only care about 3 1/2 students....that 1/2 person is you know who."
MY HEAD IS KILLING ME! Imma stop right here.....sorry.
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