Just like Regina George
I wake up to see the same large room I saw before. I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me like a blanket. I knew it was Alex's from remembering my tantrum yesterday night. I snuggled closer to him to get more warmth and closed my eyes. I didn't sleep, I was just resting my eyes. I listen to the breaths and small snores next to me his breath hitting my neck made my shiver. I look out the window, seeing nothing but sun. Not a cloud in the sky.
About 30 mins later I finally sat up on the bed. This made Alexander get wake up. I look back down to see him staring at me.
" Oh! I-I'm sorry I woke you up!" I apologized.
" Ha, it's ok."
Alex sat up and yawned. I looked down. I probably scared Alexander last night. I was being a baby. A sixteen year old shouldn't be acting like that.
" What's wrong?" Alex Asked looking concerned.
" I-I.." I was choking on words. Tears came out of my eyes. " I'm so fucking sorry." I cried.
Alex came up to me and hugged me. It wasn't that awkward hug he did last time. It was an actual hug. " It's ok." God his soft voice makes we want to cry more. This is not ok.
Suddenly he was about to get out the bed. His warmth flew away and I was back to being cold. " P-Please don't leave me!" I cry out.
" John I'm not leaving." He shift his body and continues to hug me. God I feel pathetic right now.
We continue to snuggle for the rest of the day. We skipped school, just to cuddle.
God that sounds weird.
I've been thinking all night about how John can repay me. I honestly don't want anything he can buy.
Maybe a kiss
Or a date-no
John has been through too much. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to deal with me. He probably only wants me for comfort. I find it weird how John didn't call his parents for comfort. Maybe they don't have the best relationship. Or they are on vacation. Whatever...it's none of my concern, as long as John is safe.
Ever since I helped him in the bathroom he has been very close to me. I'm honestly not complaining. I like having John for company. He's funny, curious, and pretty gorgeous to look at.
We were now downstairs on the couch watching Mean Girls the Musical. I connected my phone to the tv so we can watch it. I never watched it before but John did apparently. He was mouthing the dialogue and lip singing every songs. We were on the song where the stupid girl was singing about Halloween.
" This is just like our school." John says out of the blue.
" Why do you think that?"
" Because you are Regina, Thomas is Karen because he's a dumb ass." I chuckled. " and Maria is Gretchen because she's a basic bitch."
He's not wrong. Our school was just like this musical. Thomas is pretty stupid. Maria one cares about herself and her reputation. I don't really agree with that fact that Im Regina. I'm not that hot.
" I don't get how I'm Regina."
" You are popular, everyone wants to be your friend. You are also hot."
I feel my face heat up a bit. John doesn't notice until he sees my face. His eyes winded and his cheeks turns a red mess.
" I didn't mean t-that way! I-I'm sorry!"
I smile. God he's adorable.
" I just.." He continues. " It's just...everyone knows you. Your that popular boy with good grades, pretty girls, and a good reputation. Everyone wants to be your friend and be around you and you friends while I'm just here. All in the dark. Not noticed and invisible. I only have one friend who I don't even talk to anymore." He sits up in on the couch and he looks down embarrassed. He hair is all over the place and his eyes were covered in tears. He was about to cry.
This made my heart shattered. He was right. No one know who he was. He was invisible to everyone.
Except me.
I knew he was there. He was always there.
" To be honest. We don't really hang much but I feel like I know you." I say
" How the fuck do you know me when we never even spoken about 100 words to each other before the school year started." He questions staring into my eyes.
" You're smart."
" I have straight C's"
" You're nice."
" Half the time."
" You're brave."
" Oh please...." he smiles
" You're beautiful."
John goes silent and his whole face turns pink. Cutie. I have a smirk on my face. I move a little closer to John. He doesn't seem to notice. " No I'm not." He whispered.
" Yes you are John. You are cute."
" How? I'm a mess. I hate my freckles."
I dramatically gasp. How dare he say that!
" John your freckles are adorable" I admitted.
" How??!" He says a bit louder. I laugh.
" Your freckles are like stars in the night sky." I put my hand against his. He was a little tensed up but gotten comfortable. " Your adorable height." He silently curses me out. I can hear the mini fuck you's coming out of his mouth. " Your eyes are so beautiful. I have never seen someone's eyes this color. It matches you." I put my other hand on his face. His face heats up but he allows it. I slowly lean in and so does he.
Our lips were only one centimeter away.
" A-Alex?" He stuttered.
" Yeah?"
" I love you."
Just like that, he leans in and connects our lips.
ALSO.... WE HAVE ALSO REACHED 4K but rn I'm hella tired and need my sleep. I hope u have a wonderful Christmas and get Hamilton tickets as a present-
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