5 am
Veronica is scary...
At first I thought she was just some nerd who was really good at computers but no... she's scary.
Maria dropped me off at the dorm building where we were just yesterday. I couldnt help but feel nervous and honestly a bit frighten. What Maria told me last night really stucked in my head for the rest of the night. I couldn't believe I would have to some things that could get me in trouble with the law. Yet I also couldnt stop thinking about John. He must be scared with that dipshit Franny, doing who knows what to him.
Because I didnt have anything valueable to give to Veronica, Maria just suggest snacks. So I went into a Walmart that was close to the dorms and bought $100 dollars worth of snacks.
Maria walked me to her dorm. I remember feeling hopful that we would find John. I remember coming down these stairs thinking that John wasn't far and that we would be together again.
But it just led me to an empty house.
I pat my back pocket to make sure I still have John's phone. I have looked through it multiple times during the driver here, looking at every picture he has. I even scrolled all the way down his pictures to see the first photo he has ever took.
It was a picture of him and his mom.
John's must have had this phone for ages. He was at least 10 or 11. His hair was longer and he was in a hospital gown. Then there was his mother, who skin was darker but have the same green eyes. She had long curly brown hair. Her and John's smile look the same...
Why was John in the hospital?
I knock on the door and another girl opens it yawning. It was the girl who was dressed in yellow that Peggy was cursing out the other day. She reconizes my face and instantly becomes white.
" U-Um. Your f-friend isn't here.. is she..?" she stutters. She must be talking about Peggy.
" Oh no shes not." I say with a smile, hoping she will feel less terrified.
Omg Peggy you tramatized the poor girl...
She looks around the hallway and waves to Maria. She lets me in and closes the door.
" As a friend of Peggy. I would like to apologize for her... crazy behavior."
" Heh...I-Its ok." She smiles and points at Veronica room.
I walk into the dark room to find Veronica snoring on her twin bed. I roll my eyes and tap on her shoulder. She jerks up making me step back a little.
" Uuuuuggh who is that at 5 in the fucking morning?" She says sheepishly.
" Um. It's me, Alexander." I wave awkwardly.
Veronica adjusts her eyes. " Well hello. Fancy see you on this fine morning." She says sarcastically.
She looks down and sees my bags loads of snacks and her eyes widen. " Woooo aren't you gay?"
" What-"
" I'm sorry but I don't like you that way. But thanks for the snacks"
" Veronica no. I don't-"
" Though if it's your payment to fuck, I require more food."
I drop the snacks. " Veronica I don't like you. I'm bi. I have a boyfriend! I came here for your help."
She sighs in relief. " Oh thank goodness! What do you need my help with?"
I reach into my pocket and take out John's phone for Veronica see. " He wasn't there. I need your help tracking him down. Maria told me-"
" Ugh! Of course she couldn't keep her mouth shut."
" She told me that you could help me! She told me about all the things you're capable of doing."
Veronica yawns and lays back down on her bed. " Sorry dude. I don't do that shit anymore."
" Nope. Last time I almost got caught. Do you know how much trouble I would be if someone caught me? If someone realizes what I've done and what I've been doing!?"
" Veronica please I-"
" No. Look, I'm sorry about your lost boyfriend but I can't help you. I already murdered-"
" You murdered someone...?"
The room went silent. " Uh- no I didn't." She quickly says turning her body to the wall. " Sorry, I can't help you."
I sigh. This is the end. Veronica was the only way for me to find John.
" Wait." Veronica sits up on her bed. " I'll help you, but you have to do me a favor."
My eyes widen with hope. " I'll do anything Veronica."
" I tell you once we finish our mission." Veronica jumps out of her bed with power in her eyes. She's wearing an oversized shirt with some shorts. She's thin and a little taller than me.
" Mission?"
" To find your boyfriend." She says with a smirk. She looks down at the snacks in the bags and picks up some sour patch kids. She opens the bag and shoved a bunch of sour candy in her mouth.
I cringe. " You do know it's like 5 I'm the morning right?"
Veronica doesn't seem as bother to answer my question. " I help you first, but you need to promise you'll give me what I want after, ok?"
" I promise." I'll do anything to get John back.
Veronica pushes me to the corner of her room where all her computers and wires are held.
" Well then...let's find John."
You like? Also didn't edit grammar sooo their might be so spelling mistakes.
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