Bambam's POV
It was the day after we visited the dance program. After agreeing to join Jr.'s classes, he explained how everything was gonna go. Yugyeom was going to advance to the higher classes the next time he comes. He gave us a schedule of said classes and explained what they were currently doing that day on. Jr. has offered to give the classes for free, claiming that talent like Yugyeom's doesn't come very day and we are basically family to him. I silently refused. Telling him that I'm able to pay, just say the price. We settled that I will only pay a very small amount every month.
"Will Bambam join me?" Yugyeom turned his head down to look at me.
"That's all up to Bambam..." Was all Jr. said to us that day.
I haven't gave them a response, but all I know is that Yugyeom 110% wants me to join. I personally think that it's a hobby focus more on by himself. Those types of hobbies can lead you to places in life. I want the best for him, since he is a good talented person and deserves the best. He should always strive for the best for himself. Especially after what he's been through...
Yugyeom seemed very at ease for the past few days. It was like he was forgetting about the idea of being too uptight around people and was opening up some more. I wasn't complaining about it, that's for sure. But, I felt like there had to be a reason behind it. Was he just doing it to distract himself from the effect the kidnapping did on him? I know it must of traumatize him to see those people up close after a long time. Or, was he genuinely trying to be more open with me. I couldn't figure out which one.
"Yah! I have three shells!" Yugyeom tells in happiness. His yelling brought me back to the present situation. Currently, we both were on the couch with controllers in our hands, playing Mario Kart. Yugyeom teased me a bit for wanting to play this game than the other gory games I also have. I just didn't feel like I was in the mood to see blood and violence.
"So? I can catch up to you still." I counter him.
"Yeah, but I can hit you with my shells." He remarks. I huff.
"But I can still beat you!"
"Yeah right, keep on dreaming Bambam." He just smirked, eyes still glued on the television screen. Round after round, he was placed in first the whole time. Using his special items carefully. It seemed well thought out, every one of his moves.
"Why are you so good at this game? It seems like you had experience with it before!" I laugh in disbelief.
Yugyeom goes tense. The playfulness I've seen him keep up for days, leaves. He gulps, and just mutters a quiet, "Yeah..."
I pause the game real quick. "Hey, you ok Yugyeom?"
He stares at the controller. Fingertips slightly tracing over the buttons in a pattern.
"Jungkook showed me."
It grew silent after his statement.
"He showed me how to play one day, since I wanted to know how he was so good at the game. In the end, I still couldn't beat him..." I saw something glisten in his eye.
"No one can beat him..." He said, sounding distant. He stared at nothing, having a far look in his eyes. I grew concerned.
"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..." I made sure to tell Yugyeom. It looked like he was having trouble enough just remembering it.
"He said 'Babe,'" He gulped before saying the rest. "'I thought you would have picked up something by now after watching me play...'" He continued on about the memory, as if what I said went through his head.
Babe? Who was Jungkook exactly?
"Do you mind telling me who Jungkook is?" He stopped fiddling with the controller once I said that.
"Oh right, I haven't told you that." He seems to mutter under his breath. I somehow caught the phrase.
It took him awhile to get the answer out. As if he contemplated whether or not telling me would be bad.
"Remember our little 'guards'?" I nodded. "The whole reason they are trying to get me is because of him. He is their leader, I guess you could say. He is also my ex."
"Ouch..." I commented.
"Yeah, ouch." Yugyeom nodded as his gaze still was on the controller. "He is out to get me because he thought that I snitched them out to the cops. I didn't. It was Jimin who lied about it to them."
Jimin. I remember him. He was the one who was oddly attached to Jungkook.
"Why do you care? No one else did! Not my mom, dad, friends, or Jung-"
Was that the name he refused to tell me on that day? Was it true that no one cared about him? Not even Jungkook? His boyfriend through that hard time didn't even care enough to believe him?
That was gonna change. I was gonna make
him believe that I care for him.
And I was gonna make sure that I care more than his previous boyfriend.
"Oh, well I'm still gonna try to beat you." I grab my controller and pointed it to Yugyeom. His gaze snapped and shifted his focus to me.
"Oh really? Let's see after we play 2-3." He challenged. He was back to his old self. I smiled.
"You're on!"
After the second game, I still haven't won. His name popped up on the screen.
"Wanna play another game? After all, it's outta three..." Yugyeom looked at me playfully. His mouth tilted up to a smirk. He knows that he already won the two points he needed.
"I don't want to play this game anymore." I put my controller down and head to my little hallway closet.
"Why? Is it because you can't beat me?" Yugyeom goes back to teasing me.
"No..." I trail off as I try to find something. "I just got bored of it."
"Sure," Yugyeom shakes his head with a smile. "I'm going to the kitchen to grab a quick snack. Do you want one?"
"Yeah, if you don't mind." I say, continuing my search. I hear him reply with an 'ok' and head back into the kitchen. After a short search, I finally found it. I pull out a board game from the closet. Walking back to the living room, I put the game down on the small coffee table. Yugyeom appears back into the room with snacks as he promised. He looks at the game board quizzically.
"A game board?" He speaks up from the silence. He comes over and sits down to take a closer look. He gives me my snack and we both begin to munch on our food.
"Yeah, let's rest our eyes from staring at a screen and play a relaxing and eventful old fashioned-"
"You just did this so you would think I wouldn't cheat. I'm not a cheater Bambam."
"No I didn't think you were-!"
"You know that there is a higher chance of cheating on a board game than on a video game." Yugyeom challenges me with suspicious eyes.
"Don't you even dare..." I give him a mean look. He laughs as he throws himself back.
"So you did think I was a cheater!" He laughs and throws his head back in surprise. I try to defend myself.
"No-Uh-I mean-"
"Chill Bambam, I was joking. Now, let's play this stupid game." He settles himself down to look at the game instructions.
"It's not stupid-" I started to say, but someone interrupted me...
And it wasn't Yugyeom.
"BAMBAM, I MISSED YOU!" My apartment door opens and enters a loud and enthusiastic Jackson. Mark walks in right behind him, smirking as he sees Jackson give me a bone crushing death hug.
"What the hell?" Yugyeom tried to comprehend the scene in front of him.
"Ooo! You are playing a game? I wanna play too! Scoot over." Jackson plops himself down behind the coffee table and begins grabbing games pieces for himself.
"Mark, what game piece do you want?"
"Anything is fine, Jackson." Mark sits next to him and scoots himself close to the loud male.
"So you just came in my apartment and decided for yourself that you wanted to play in my game?" I say in a supposed tone. Their appearance was completely random.
"Who said you could do that?"
"Me, duh." Jackson rolled his eyes at me as if it was obvious.
"When Jackson came back from visiting his parents, he kept on saying that he missed you. So we stopped by here to say hi and catch up for his sake." Make explained to us.
"Enough taking! Let's just play already." Jackson grabs the dice and tries to begin the game without us.
"You never change, do you?" I chuckle towards Jackson's impatient and funny nature.
"Why would I?"
"Who even wanted to play this game?! It sucks!"
"You did!"
"No... Bambam took it out!"
"But you're the one who wanted to play so bad Jackson!"
This was our 3 time playing the game. We were playing for hours since the afternoon. Jackson was loosing as usual. He was getting butt hurt because it wasn't going his way. He was also getting irritated because Mark was winning and wouldn't help him.
"Mark, couldn't you just sneak something to my way-?"
"No Jackson."
Jackson huffed. "Fine, remind me to break up with you after this game."
"What?!" Mark snapped his head to look at Jackson. They begin to bicker to one another. I laugh quietly at the scene unfold in front of me. Yugyeom looked at me worriedly.
"Should we be concerned that Jackson wants to break up with him over a game?"
"Nah, he always says something like that to get Mark's attention. His threats are harmless, really."
My gaze focuses over to the clock I have on my computer screensaver. It was 10:42 pm.
"Hey guys, it's getting late." I interrupted their arguing. They both looked at me.
"Are you gonna go home?"
"Nah, we are staying here!" Jackson exclaimed.
"But, we don't have an extra room..." I tell him.
"Then I'll sleep in your room!"
"Just because you decided to let yourself in doesn't mean you get the best room." I smirked at Jackson. "Plus, I'm not sure how I feel about you and Mark staying on my bed together..."
"Then the living room." Jackson bargains.
"Yugyeom sleeps there." I pointed to his couch.
"Then move him into your room."
Both Yugyeom and I looked at each other. I was turning red, and Yugyeom was feeling awkward.
"Oh come on! It's just for one night. How bad could it be?" Jackson teased us.
"... Fine." Yugyeom spoke up for the both of us. He looked at me. It wasn't like we haven't slept in the same bed before. And it wasn't awkward those other times,
But this time it felt different...
"Alright Markipoo," Jackson stood up grabbed his boyfriend's arm. "Let's get ready for bed."
"I told you not to call me that." Mark says.
"Aw, but it's a good nickname!"
They both walked away to get ready. I begin to pick up the game pieces they left behind. Yugyeom slowly stands up and stretches his arms and legs. Someone as tall as him might feel cramped after sitting on the floor for hours.
He helped me clean up and set everything in its place before we get ready for bed. I throw some pillows and blankets for the 'Markson' couple. Or that is what their 'ship name' is supposed to be. Jackson assigned said term for the both of them once he scrolled online and researched that a ship name was the names of the people participating in the relationship put together and supported because everyone wanted them together. That's at least how I remember it, and it had somethings to do with competition and OTP's, but I don't really want to go into detail because it makes me have unpleasant and scarring memories.
After enough was said and done with the happy couple, Yugyeom and I ventured into my room to get ourselves ready to slumber. It was painfully awkward to say at the very least. We still haven't recovered from the living room tension. Even though the whole situation wasn't wrong, there was a feeling in both of us that made it weird. Especially as time ticked by as we got ready.
I wish I knew why, so we wouldn't have to stand and stare at the bed like it was some sort of foreign item. Both of us waiting for someone to initiate something. Anything to break the ice.
Yugyeom sighed. "Why are we acting like this? We should be used to it," He just threw himself on the bed, tucking into the covers. Yugyeom patted on the spot next to him. "Come on. Standing won't solve anything."
He was acting pretty bold right now. I gulped and moved to the suggested spot. I slowly slide my body into the sheets.
"Oh my god," Yugyeom groaned. "It's fine, just lay down and relax."
He pulled my body closer and hugged me tight. My breath hitches and the room went quiet. I could hear his heartbeat go along with his soft breathing. It wasn't long before he slept. He seemed so calm about everything. It was like a new side of Yugyeom came out tonight. Then there's me other the other hand who's heart was going crazy. I'm glad that he was asleep so he wouldn't hear it.
He was calm, I was fidgety. Because one, we were this close to each other in my bed, and two...
He was a cuddler, wasn't he?
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