Bambam's Pov
Warmth and sunshine engulfed me. It wasn't the regular type of warmth you get when you wake up in bed. The regular type that came from your own body heat. It also wasn't that nice warmth that happens when you cuddle your freshly dried blankets.
This was another type of warmth. It felt like an extra type of warmth. Something so specific and special. Like it contained something to not only make you feel physical warmth, but also a level of emotional warmth. One that makes you feel cozy and safe. It makes you feel fuzzy and tingly inside. It would make all of your senses feel sensitive. Make you wanna curly up your toes to feel it even more. It was also the type of warmth that was so comfortable, it made you wanna stay in it longer. Forever even. It tempted me to fall back asleep again. That type of warmth was something I was sure I would never forget.
But there was something else. Something added other than warmth. There was a smell. A smell that brung pleasant vibes to my nose. It had and rugged home smell to it. It was pretty intoxicating to breath in. I could smell it for ages.
But, this smell was familiar. Very familiar.
My mind started to come back to its senses. It slowly realized that a weight was on me. I peaked a eye open to see where all of these things came from. I saw arms wrapped around my torso and legs tangled with mine. My eyes roamed up them to find the owner of these limbs. I roamed around their features to help my slow morning brain come to realization. All of these feelings came from one person only.
He was fast asleep. His face looked peaceful. Mouth hung slightly ajar. His soft breaths tickled my nose every few seconds. I never seen him so up close and calmly before. It made me see him in another way.
A comforting way. Almost like home.
Yugyeom stirs in his sleep. In panic, I quickly and carefully turn around and shut my eyes. His arms that were loosely around me tightened and pressed me closer to his chest. My breath hitched. I hear him sigh right before he snuggles his face into my hair. After a few minutes of silence, his soft breathing pattern returned. I relaxed.
I know I should have moved by now. I should have gotten up and done something productive instead of staying here besides him. I shouldn't be laying in his arms.
But I am.
And there's something inside me that doesn't want to move. It wanted me to stay in this warmth and relish the fact that this is happening and it's ok. The logical side of me is screaming at me to go, but my emotional side wants me to stay.
I just don't know what to do.
"Well, you could cook me something." A raspy voice behind me chuckled.
My eyes widen and I turn into a embarrassed mess. Goosebumps cover my body in shock. I can't believe I said that out loud.
The warmness faded away when his arms moved away from me. He used them to prop himself up. My eyesight traced over his hands as they balled up to rub his delicate eyes.
"I-I'm not your mother! Cook for yourself."
"Well, my mom isn't here right now. But," He looked at me and smirked. "You are."
I wasn't sure where this playful side of Yugyeom came from...
"Tsk," I grabbed a pillow and playfully hit him with it. "I'm not cooking for a grown man." I giggled while he tried to dodge each strike, laughing.
"Anyways, I'm too tired." I put the pillow back under my head and laid back down. He just looks at me on his side.
We laid there in complete silence. Him laying on his side, and I laying on my back looking at the ceiling. Surprisingly, it wasn't awkward. We didn't talk about the whole cuddling thing and he didn't take anything wrong. I was glad. Originally, I was scared that this would make it weird between up, possibly bringing it back to square one. But, we just laid there in comfort with each other's presence.
It was as comfortable as it was earlier.
"Hey, do you think that they are outside again?" I turned my head to face Yugyeom. His eyebrows furrowed together.
"Dunno, why?" His eyes stayed glued on my figure as I begin to rustle in the sheets. I stood up and head towards the window. I glanced around the area carefully, just in case they were hiding.
They weren't there.
"Thank god..." I murmur to myself. Noises of footsteps on my left side come closer. His warm figure stands behind me, looking over my shoulder. He takes notice of my observation and hums in agreement.
"Yeah, they aren't there. Why did you wanted to know?" Yugyeom made himself comfortable by resting his head on my shoulder. It was warm again.
"To make sure it would be easier to leave the apartment." I hear Yugyeom hum in understanding near my ear. Feeling the noise vibrate in his chest, which is pressed closely against my back.
"Did you want to go out today?" He asks another question. Did I? I shake my head, careful not to hit it against his. I was feeling quite comfortable, and going out would make that disappear.
"No, I rather stay in today..."
"Ok." He says and we stay there and comforting silence joins us. Our eyesight roams around the outside world that lays on the other side of the pane glass sheet.
"I still feel like we should do something productive..." I speak up against the silence.
"Well, I think we should go back to sleep."
"But it's the afternoon already. We can't just sleep all day."
"Who says we can't?" Yugyeom turns his head close the me and smirks. He backs up and grabs my arm. My skin tingles as he pulls me with his hand and leads me back to the bed. He sets me down on it, making sure I lay down. I see his retreating figure walk around to the other side, hearing his body plop onto the bed with me. Hands find their way around my waist and pulls me in close to the same warmth I felt this morning. I hear a content sigh near my head.
"We deserve to treat ourselves after what we've been through..." Yugyeom mutters towards me. We both laid there with each other quietly, letting the phrase sink in. It wasn't long until I hear soft patterns of breath come from Yugyeom's lips. He was asleep, and soon I would be too if I continue to feel this nurturing warmth.
This warmth. It makes me feel all sorts of things. But, it also makes me a bit scared. It always comes back when I'm near him and the same group of feelings associate with it every time. It scares me because all of these feelings trace back to mean one thing. And I'm not ignorant enough to not know what it is...
And that scares the crap out of me.
Shoutout to grammarly for the corrections on my chapters. 👏😂
(I seriously love them guys like you don't even know...)
Also I might even change the whole story to 3rd POV because I'm not sure how I'm liking the whole 1st POV thing...
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