Sam began to talk to Bobby about what had happened with Crowley, Dean, just what the night had entailed. I wandered out of the room, and outside, standing on the porch, staring into the night sky. The breeze that came with the night offered somewhat comfort, feeling like I was one with nature again. I leaned against the rotten piece of railing, leaning into it, but not offering too much of my weight. I inhaled the sweet aroma of nature, smelling burnt wood that came from the chimney. I sighed heavily, finally telling someone what I knew about Aradia felt relieving.
Suddenly, I could hear the shuffle of feet from within the house, meaning Sam was moving around. I couldn't help but to eavesdrop on the conversation.
"Say we can open the cage. Great. But then what? W-We just lead the Devil to the edge and get him to jump in?"
"You got me," Bobby's voice came from the phone.
"What if you guys lead the Devil to the edge... And I jump in?" My eyes widened in disbelief in what I was hearing right now.
"Sam," Bobby's tone sounded angry, but he held the lid on his anger.
"It'd be just like when you turned the knife around on yourself. One action – Just one leap," Sam was trying to compare Bobby's experience with how he got paralyzed in the first place.
"Are you idjits trying to kill me?!" Bobby yells through the phone.
"Bobby –" Sam was going to try and reason with him.
"We just got done talking your brother off the ledge, and now you're lining up to say 'Yes'?" His lid was blown clear off, he was allowing Sam to have it.
"It's not like that. I'm not gonna do it. Not unless we all agree. But I think we got to look at our options,"
"This isn't an option, Sam,"
"Why not?" He replied. The Devil was far too strong.
"You can't do it. What I did was a million-to-one, and that was some pissant demon I was brain-wrestling. You're talking about taking back control from Satan himself,"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am," I couldn't help but listen to him, me just charging in there and mouthing off, wouldn't help the situation.
"Kid... It's called 'Possession' for a reason. You, of all people, ought to know," Bobby's tone came down from its raised voice.
"I'm strong enough," Sam tried to defend being possessed, but it wasn't about how strong you were. Just then, I blinked, reappearing back into the house, but behind Sam, seeing his back to me.
"You ain't. He's gonna find every chink in your armor, Sam. And use it against you – your fear, your grief, your anger," Bobby rolled off a list, as Sam took a swig of the bourbon. "And let's face it – you're not exactly Mister Anger Management. How are you gonna control the Devil? When you can't control yourself?" It was the words Sam needed to hear right now, he couldn't beat the devil. But would he heed Bobby's words.
I crept forward, but the old wooden floor creaked under my weight, alerting Sam to my presence as he spun on his heels. His eyes met with mine, but I just held a soft, concerning expression.
"Stupidity must run in the family. I thought you were the smart one," I remarked, as I found his plan to be a shit one. "Sam, please don't do this," I pleaded, stepping forward. "There is no way in hell you can stop Lucifer," it was a fact, he couldn't.
"I'm strong enough," He states, not wanting to believe that he was going to lose.
"You have more chance at plating piss!" I raised my voice at him, he wasn't being logical. "Don't be stupid, you can't beat the Devil!" I closed the gap between us, my eyes never leaving his. "Even if you could, a big 'if'. You'll be trapped in the cage for all eternity. Endless tournament,"
"Half the planet will be saved. My life is insignificant compared to that," the way Sam worded it made my blood boil, and anger rise up through me. But I surprisingly kept my cool.
"You don't know how wrong you are," I spoke through clenched teeth, as his statement was false, even if he was guided by misjudgement. I bumped into his shoulder, and walked further into the house. These Winchester Men will be the death of me...
I watched as the sun rose from outside on the porch, Sam staying clear of me. Sensing that I was still upset with him. However, once it came up, I wandered back inside of the house, and as Sam was sitting upstairs, I was reminded in the living room. Watching as the fire flickers its last flame. I know it might be petty, but I didn't want this for him. All the good he could do if he didn't go into that cage.
I was lost in my own thoughts when I heard the Impala approach the house. Then the switch of the engine, and the doors opening, and quickly slamming shut. I remained seated, and the door opened, multiple footsteps entered the house. I stood up from the chair, and turned to see Crowley with his hands in his pockets, and with a salty expression on his face. I wandered over to Crowley, just as Sam came bounding down the stairs, his heavy footsteps echoed in the house.
"Where's Dean?" Sam questioned, coming down the reminder of the stairs, as Crowley nodded his head to the right, indicating that Dean was in the other room.
"Now. For the record, I'm against this," oh here we go. "Negotiating a high-level defection – it's very delicate business," Crowley explained, but Sam knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. Sam tries to step forward, to go into the other room to his brother, but Crowley steps to the side, raising his hand up to stop him from advancing.
"What are you talking about?" Sam wasn't in the mood for Crowley's game.
"I begged Dean not to come back. We should be miles away... From you. He replied with a colorful rejoinder about my 'Corn chute,'" Sam chuckles softly at the words his brother used. "So, go ahead. Go - Ruin our last best hope," they stared at one another for a moment, but Sam headed off in the direction. "It's only the end of the world," the demon they captured must be linked to Sam somehow. Once Sam was out of view, Crowley's eyes met mine. Before his head nodded to go in also. I rolled my eyes, as I swayed my hips passed him and followed the footsteps of Sam.
Once in the room, I see a man in a business suit strapped to a chair. A devil's trap on the floor where the chair sat center, and a sack over his head. It had the devil's trap symbol on, meaning it was one of Crowley's many toys.
"Sam," Dean had finished tying the demon's hands behind his back.
"What's going on, Dean?" Sam questioned, as his brother came walking closer to Sam.
"I need you to stay on mission, ok? Focused," Dean was direct, his eyes burning into his brother.
"I don't understand. What's all this about?" Sam was lost.
"I'm doing this 'cause I trust you," Dean was putting his faith in his brother. The demon began to groan, waking up from his slumber.
"Trust me to what?"
"Sam?" The demon spoke, before clearing his throat. "Sam, is that you?" Straight away I knew that this demon must have known him. Dean headed over to the demon, and gripped the bloody corner of the sack, and ripped it from his head. To reveal a very handsome businessman, blood stained down his face and neck. But the demon inside was familiar to me...
"Brady?" Sam sounded shocked. As Brady met his gaze with a chuckle.
"Brady hasn't been Brady in years. Not since, oh... Middle of our sophomore year?"
"What?" Sam was quick in the reply.
"That's right. You had a devil on your shoulder even back then," Brady announces. I could see from where I stood Sam's breathing picked up, his heart thudding against his chest. "All right, now, let it all sink in,"
"You son of a bitch," Sam was clearly becoming angry at every moment he thought of his time with Brady. "You son of a bitch! You introduced me to Jess!" Sam shouts at Brady, stalking forward like he was praying. Dean intercepted him, and began to push him back, as Sam fought to get to Brady.
"Ding, ding! I think he's got it!" Brady was mocking the situation.
"Damn it, Sam!"
"I'm gonna kill you!" Sam roars to Brady, trying to barge his brother out of the way, but Dean was keeping it up. I decided to help Dean, so I moved forward to Sam, and grabbed him by his left arm, and forcefully dragged him back. Using my strength to help Dean push him out of the room. Once he was out of sight of the laughing Brady, Dean and I pushed him.
"Deal with him," I instructed Dean, before walking back into the room, my eyes scanning Brady. He lifted his head up to meet my gaze, and offered a smirk.
"Well, well if it isn't Abigael," Brady smirked through his sentence. "How you doing love, it's been awhile," I narrowed my eyes at him as I did recognise the demon. "You do remember you little old friend, Kyle," the smugness of him, he was lucky that we needed him alive or his head would come clean off.
"Seems you downgraded in the meatsuit department," my eyes wandered that of his meatsuit, it was surely a downgrade since I saw him last. "Azazel's little spy," my eyes lingered on him, as he was a spy for Yellow-eyes for centuries. And when I had enough of Azazel, he sent his little spy...
Should I add an extra chapter showing a flashback to her and Kyle 'Brady'? I don't think it's important piece to her. Besides knowing him? But I haven't done a flashback in awhile. So let me know :)
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