Welcome to Riverdale
As Veronica runs and runs she stops at a small town with a sign that says ‘ Welcome to Riverdale a great place to get away from it all.’ Veronica drops to her knees and says “ Thank you God this must a gift and forgiveness.” As Veronica walks into the town she sees a bright neon sign that says ‘ Pop’s dinner’ As she walks in she sees a big cheerful man that says “ Hello I’m Pop’s you don’t look like from your around here what’s your name hun?” Veronica thinks “ You have a name right?” “ Umm yes sorry my name is Heather .” “ Well it’s nice to meet you Heather why don’t you take a seat in one of the booths and I’ll see if any of the waiters or waitress well be there for you.” As Veronica/ Heather sits down at a booth, she sighs with relief. Looking at her reflection in the window, she realizes that she looks like a hot mess. Her hair was everywhere and she had dirt on her face.
At an attempt to fix her appearance, she headed to the bathroom. She let her messy bun fall out, and ran it under the sink. Once her hair was cleaner than before, she scanned her pockets. Reaching into her skirt pocket, ‘Heather’ Pulled out the red scrunchie. She looked into the mirror. ‘I am no longer Veronica Sawyer. From this day forward, I am Heather Kelly.’ She pulled her hair into a ponytail, fixing it with the red scrunchie.
It may have been that Heather was in the zone, but she did not realize a young woman enter. She was wearing a white fur coat with a spider pin on her chest. The girl glanced at Heather, her eyes flickering up and down her body. Heather could feel her judgemental eyes scanning her. She had long red hair, and a bright red lipstick that she was re-applying in the mirror. Heather tried to ignore her, but the redhead turned to her, grabbing her face harshly, making Heather’s cheeks squish together.
“Hmm.” The redhead mumbled. “Im Cheryl.” The words sounded kind, but Heather could see a sparkle of cruelty in her warm hazel eyes.
Cheryl pulled out the lipstick out of her coat. Loosening her grip on Heather’s face, Cheryl began to apply the red cherry lipstick onto Heather’s lips. Once she was done, she pushed Heather’s face away from her and toward the mirror.
“Red is your color, isn't it the best?” The obviously rich girl said before exiting the restroom. Heather stared at her scarlet lips.
As Heather sits down at her table she starts to drift off to sleep. “Veronica, Veronica wake up my love.” Veronica opens her eyes and sees JD sitting across the table from her there's a plate of spaghetti and cherry slushie as a drink. “ Isn’t it funny how I found you, I guess the saying is true with love there’s always a way.” “Huh, h-how did you find me?” Veronica asks trembling. J.D leans over from the table and says “ I’ll always find you no matter what.” He gives her a kiss on her lips with her soft lips ,then he leans back in his original position , then says “ Hey, miss, miss miss.” Heather wakes up and turns her head and sees a boy with jet black hair ( same color of JD’s hair)and a beanie in a kinda shape of a crown. He’s in a one of the Pop’s uniforms, “ Hello my name is Jughead and welcome to Pop’s diner Heather.” She couldn't help it, but she laughed out loud for the first time in forever. Through her laughter she managed to say “What kinda name is Jughead?” She saw the awkward look in his eyes and he glanced away from her, and it dawned upon her that it was his real name. That fact only made her laugh harder. The hard laughter came to a sob. It had been so long until she had laughed like that. Heather wiped away the tears from her eyes, and finally asked. “ How do you know my name?” Heather asks “ Oh sorry Pop’s told me, anyway what can I get you?”
“ Ummm this is my first time here any recommendations…” “ Well I love the burger with chocolate milkshake. And yes my name is Jughead, but my friends call me Jug.” As he walks away to the kitchen, he gives Heather a wink. She puts her head down on the table again, trying to grab a grip on things. She thinks to herself about how JD would have been if he wasn't a heap of crazy. But she doesn’t want to risk loving again. Jughead comes back with the food and something blue. He says here you go the machine isn’t working so I got you a blue hawaiian punch. Jughead sits down and says “sorry this might be weird but I’m a writer may I ask you a few questions?” “ Ummm sure I guess.” Jughead smiles “ Great thanks, ok so what made you want to come to Riverdale?” Heather thinks about when JD was outside her bedroom door saying “ We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars! VERONICA, open the- open the door, please.” Then she says “ Well you know I just wanted to get away from it all.” “Ok cool, next question Cherry slushie or Chocolate Milk Shake?” Heather thinks again she thinks when she was in 7/11 “ Did you say a Cherry or Cocoa slushie?” JD asks “ I didn’t, Cherry.” Veronica says with a blushing smile. Then Heather responds “ Milkshake.” “ Cool, same, but don’t tell my friends, but, I’d like a slushie every once in awhile.” Jughead whispers. “ Okay, last question, how did you like your burger?” Heather looks down at her plate, there's not even a crumb left on the plate. “ Wow, I never knew how hungry I was.” Jughead chuckles then says “ Well, I guess that's a yes then.” When Heather pulls out the money from her bra, Jughead shakes his head and said “No it’s cool ,it’s on me.” “ No,no you don’t have to.” “ Well I kinda do.” Heather looks puzzled then says “ Why what do you mean?” “ Well from the looks of it you only have $ 10 and it cost $15.” Heather blushes then says “ Sorry I didn’t know. I kinda just got here.” “ Well, I kinda can tell, so do you have a place to stay?”
“ Umm, no actually.” “ Well do you wanna crash at my place, it’s cool if not it’s your choice I just want you to not think I’m some psychopath.” Heather pauses for a moment she thinks about if she should go or not if she does there's a 50% chance he's a psychopath but if she doesn't do then there's a 90% chance JD might find her so she says “ Sure why not.”
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