Meant To Be Yours
Veronica ran into her room and locked the door. She hears J.D’s voice saying “ All is forgiven baby! Come on, get dressed. You're my date to the pep rally tonight! You chucked me out like I was trash. For that you should be dead.. But! But! But! Then it hit me like a flash! What if highschool went away instead? Those cowards are the key! They're keeping you away from me! They made you blind, messed up your mind But I can set you free! You left me and I fell apart
I punched the wall and cried.. Bam! Bam! Bam! Then I found you changed my heart and set loose all that truthful stuff inside! And so I built a bomb. Tonight our school is Vietnam! Let's guarantee they'll never see their senior prom!” Veronica ran to her desk and pulled out some paper and began to write. While she wrote, J.D continued. “ I was meant to be yours! We were meant to be one! Don't give up on me now! Finish what we've begun! I was meant to be yours! So when the high school gym goes BOOM with everyone inside..Pkhw! Pkhw! Pkhw! In the rubble of their tomb We'll plant this note explaining why they died! We, the students of Westerburg High Will die Our burnt bodies may finally get through To you Your society churns out slaves and blanks No thanks Signed the Students of Westerburg High 'Goodbye.' We'll watch the smoke pour out the doors Bring marshmallows We'll make s'mores! We can smile and cuddle while the fire roars! VERONICA, open the- open the door, please.” Veronica grabbed her piggy bank and smashed it on the ground,gathering all the money. she stuffs it in her bra and opens her window. looking down she can see that it’s not a far jump. She heard his voice one last time “ Veronica, open the door Veronica, can we not fight anymore, please Can we not fight anymore Veronica, sure, you're scared I've been there. I can set you free! Veronica, don't make me come in there! I'm gonna count to three! One! Two! Forget it!” J.D banged on the door trying to knock it down, Veronica closed her eyes and jumped. J.D knocks down the door and says “ Greetings and saluta-.” “Veronica?” He walked around the room and stepped on a piece of broken clay from the piggy bank. He looked down and sees what he’d stepped on. He looked at Veronicas desk and there's an envelope that has ‘Mom and Dad’ written on it , J.D recognizes that it’s Veronicas handwriting he picked up the letter and carefully tares open. Unfolding the paper he reads the letter. Dear Mom and Dad I’m sorry but I have to run away I love you guys so much I’m okay . I don’t know where I’m going and if I’ll be back, you guys did nothing wrong and I can't explain it. I ‘m leaving my phone behind.~ With love Veronica Sawyer P.S Dad stop being an idiot. JD viciously threw the letter back on the desk. In a fit of rage he walked around the room, his hands grasping his jet black hair, trying to calm down. When he couldn't hold it in anymore, he fiercely kicked the wooden desk. He felt a sharp pain spiral up his foot. Just then, an idea sprung into his psychotic head. JD rummaged through the desk drawers. He found a sheet of paper, taking one of Veronica shiny blue pens and wrote furiously, making sure the handwriting was exactly like Veronica’s. “ Dear Mom and Dad, JD is the love of my life and were running away to Seattle and counting all the 7/11’s as we go getting so many cherry slushies till it freezes our brains. Why? Because our love is god. ~ Love Veronica P.S Dad stop being an idiot =)
As J.D finishes what he wrote, he gently put it inside an envelope and sealed it with a red print. He then he sees a light blue book he opens it on the first page it says:
VERONICA SWAYERS DIRAY DO NOT READ! He creepily smiles and close the books, then says “ Don’t worry Veronica I’ll find you and we’ll be together, forever.”
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