Leaving New York
Dallys 14 birthday is the pic above I was 9 turning 10 soon. Our bdays ain't too far apart.
It was now 1:30am and I had everything packed everything I needed in my big backpack and my side bag. I packed 6 shirts 2 jeans a jacket my moms photo book and $28. I climbed down the fire escape latter and ran to the train station barley making the 1:50 am train. I was so excited to leave. I wondered of what my brother now looks like. On the train they had a lot of food that I liked and wanted to buy but I had to save my money since I didn't know how long it would take me to find my brother. I went through my photos I could only remember 2 real things 1 how my step father was yelling at my mother and I got scared so Dallas read to me and kept me calm and the 2nd time my mom and dad took us to the park for a picnic and we all played together. Dally would throw me around and play with me and so would my parents. Man I really missed them. It was a really long trip so I took a nap. when I woke up, it was about 2pm. That was the longest nap I've ever gotten in years. I looked at the scenery thinking about things. I liked looking at all the grassy fields. It's different from the city. Like green and new. I know it sounds stupid but it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my whole life. I finally got there around 5. It was different from New York. I liked it because it wasn't so crowded. I walked a few miles so I went to go look for a place to get something to eat or drink then I came across this gas station called the DX. I decided to go in and give it a chance. Who knows I doubt it but maybe someone there will know my brother.
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