Chapter 4
"Where are they? Evan never skips class and Brian wouldnt miss Ms. Jones'. " Tyler asks.
"How would you know Evan never misses class? You're never here as is." Craig replies.
"Who cares how i know,its true isn't it?"
"Yea it is."
"I'll call him." I say. They nod their heads in agreement and then I walk off looking through my contacts for his name.
I tap his name and my phone begins to call him begins to call him.
It rang a few times before he picked up.
"H-Hey David whats up?" He sounded nervous when he answered the phone.
"Hey, Me and the guys were wondering where you and Brian were, You two missed Third period."
"Oh my god did we really? What time is it? BRIAN!"
"Umm, I guess you guys are okay then."
"Yea we're fine. But can you tell the guys to meet Brian in the Picnic area by the library on campus."
"Sure, do want is to pick lunch up for you two or are you guys good?"
"We're good I think. Just meet us there please."
"Okay be there in about half an hour."
"K' Meet you then.later."
I hang up my phone and walk back to tyler and craig who are talking about something.
"ALLLLLLRREEEIIGGHTT!" I yell to get their attention.
"WHAT?" Tyler yells in response.
"Their fine, and they want to meet us and therest of the guys in the picnic area but the library for lunch." I explain.
"Okay, text everybody and tell them about that and to grab what they want on the way."
"Got it." Craig says
We go our ways and start texting and calling everyone.
-TIme skip to the Picnic-
"Where exactly did they want to meet us?" Lui asks.
"I dont Focken' Know he just said in the picnic area."
My phone buzzes.
'The gazebo' -From Vanoss
"I guess Evan can here us he just texted me and said to meet them in the gazebo."
The guys all shrug and we walk toward the gazibo.
"Is that a cake?" I hear Marcel ask from behind me.
"I think so." Tyler answers.
We get to the cake and on the top it says-
"Flaming Homo? Who are they trying to insult?" Craig says.
Evan and Brian walk up to the cake.
"Hey guys." I say. "Whats with the-"
I stop when Brianbegins putting lighter fluid onto the cake.
"Dude! What are you doing!? Thats perfectly good cake!" Anthony yells.
"STEP BACK BOYS!" Evan yells as he lights a match staring at us before throwing the match onto the cake causeing it to burst into flames. We all step back, all shocked and scared about what we just witnessed.
Evan and Brian walk around the table into better veiw for the rest of us.
"I Present to you," Brian starts gesturing to Evan. "The firt officiaal Homo of the banana bus squad."
Evan just smiles.
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