The Library
Hunter had made a mistake when she had asked Peter to meet her in the library two days later. Her brain had been wrong in not only the date but time she had picked. Had she chosen an earlier time than there would not have been a big problem, but she had settled on a later time in the afternoon leading into the early evening knowing that usually the library was quieter at this time. Yet this would have been fine had it not been a Friday she had chosen for him to meet her. As Friday evenings were always reserved for activities at her Sorority house. It had been that way since she was a freshman and had first joined the sorority and as a Junior she was supposed to have memorised this by now. But she had been distracted that day in the lecture she had been made to attend with the current sophomore class. It had been a mistake even signing up to be a supportive role for the year below her, and now she had been partnered with one to do a project she was slowly regretting her decision even more.
But Hunter kept her promises, even if that meant she would only be able to stay at the library for an hour tops. It did not help that she did not have any means to contact Peter, an after thought after they had parted ways Wednesday morning. And therefore could not rearrange the session in the library irregardless. And so she sat there at a desk not far from the entrance so that he could see her when he arrived waiting. Hunter was someone who had to be on time, there was something that drove her to being on time always. Which made a horrible combination knowing that not only was she incredibly early to this meeting but Peter would be running late, and Hunter was on a time crunch.
Irregardless she sat there quietly waiting, knowing she could not just leave because he was running late and she was short on time. She knew that was not the correct thing to do, even if she wanted to do so. And so she waited, and waited and waited.
And eventually Peter Parker would come crashing through the front door of the library. Looking out of breath and like he had been cornered on the street coming to the library. His face was marked with bruises and Hunter could only guess he was painted with them throughout his body. Part of her body was telling her to ask him if he was okay, but she also didn't really know him and it felt too awkward to ask him those kind of questions rather she remained as she was just studying him and waiting for something to be said or to happen.
"Sorry I'm late, got a bit caught up." Peter explained as there was no way he could actually say the real reason he had appeared as he was currently. After all, he wished to remain at least partially secret in regards to his alter ego. The public knew Spiderman only worked with the avengers not who his civilian identity was nor the fact that Spiderman was included in the massive soulmate grouping of the superheroes. All he got in response was a look which he could not tell was either nice or accepting. Only watching on as Hunter drew her attention to her watch before looking back up at him.
"You're nearly 45 minutes late." Hunter spoke though it was only factual. There was no mirth detectable Peter could tell, but he couldn't really grasp onto what she was actually feeling in that moment. Perhaps she was irritated, perhaps she was confused as to why he was so late whatever it was he could not tell and it was not like she was making it any easier for him to identify potenitally what was going on behind her eyes. He was finding her very hard to read, and he knew himself to be on the denser side but often he was able to tell obvious emotions, only he could not see any.
"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." Peter responded hoping that it would be enough.
"It's okay, I'm tight on time so perhaps we should rearrange for a sightly better time. I'll give you my number." Hunter replied and Peter sighed, he had tried so hard to make it to this meet up and it was being cancelled the moment he walked through the door. He could only agree knowing that he had probably been a little bit of an inconvenience and hoped that his annoyance at himself was not obvious, nor was the feeling of upset he was about it being cancelled.
Hunter watched him for a moment after her words, as emotions crossed his face in quick succession. It took a moment to identify them, some of them she could tell others she could not. But the one that stuck out to her most was the look of sadness on his face, and the way it made her feel. She barely knew Peter but seeing him sad was tugging at her, it was making her feel sad. And Hunter was confused, she knew she was not the best when it came to emotions nor understanding other people but she usually understood herself yet now she could not. Her hand went to one of the three pens she had placed on the table. Looking for the sleek silver pen with the blue flowers etched upon it. And it was if her pen knew her emotions and could sense her sadness as the little grip turned into its tiny little hand. Lila had activated herself from the static pen state at the emotions being broadcasted by her creator and Hunter felt the little skip in her heart as she took a moment to be proud of what she had managed to achieve.
"I don't blame you for this, I'm the one who told you today worked and forgot I had something else this evening. Here. I'm free most of the weekend if you have any time." Hunter's words were awkward as she tried in her own way to comfort the man she barely knew. She would take her time later that evening to think as to why she was feeling this way, but for now she knew that she needed to continue until he felt better. There was something inside of her recognising an urge to comfort Peter Parker, something she had not felt before but she chose for now to follow it and then research upon it later. Perhaps her roommates could help, or if in doubt she could always ask her older brother.
"I should have some time free this weekend. I'll have to check with my partners nothings planned but I can text you about it?" Peter offered his sight focused on Hunter though he was sure he had spotted something on the desk moving, but put it down to a matter of the light there was nothing on the table which could move. Hunter took a moment to pause, soulmates or partners as Peter had referred to them as was a strange topic for her. She was 22 yet had to meet any of them, not that she could tell either way. And it felt strange to her that others had met theirs she pondered if she was jealous of people who had. She had been single for so long, unable to make a connection with anybody yet alone someone she could spend enough time around to see whether they truly were soulmates. But she stopped in the tunnel she had entered in her own mind and went back to the conversation.
"That's great I can probably push out just under an hour here now so we can at least make some plans. I'll just let the others know I'll be late. You're lucky it's just backing night at Sigma, otherwise they'd have my head to study if it was anything else." Hunter's tone might have been joking but it was completely plausible that if she was late to something important that the MIT sorority would have her brain to study. She wouldn't put it past the girls to do so. She heavily believed that they were true in their words when they had said so, even if the girls had been joking.
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