TW: Violence
"Please wake up, why did you do that. Jump infront of the- I would have been fine, but no, you had to put yourself in danger." Shauna light heartedly complained resting against the wall staring up at the celling. "no-" Keaka said, their voice was borken and course, they were breathing heavily and tried to sit up properly but their stomach we in too much pain. "Be careful, you idiot."
"Hey, I saved your life!"
"Yeah you did and too that, I owe you my life." She said smiling with tears edging in their eyes. And without a beat Keaka replied with "No thanks, I've seen it and I'm not very impressed."
"I hate you." Shauna said hugging Keaka lightly making sure she didn't hurt them. "I love you too." They stared into each others eyes, their faces inches apart, and as quick as she lend in she moved away from them. "Umm, how are you feeling?"
"Tried, but I'm fine. We have to go. I mean people could be in trouble." Shauna watched the worry cover their face and alter their thinking.
"You can't go you got stabbed, you havre to rest for one to two weeks. You can't just run out there, your get hurt." Shauna squeezed Keaka's hand as they tried to get up again. "No, stop."
"Look, who gives a shit about what happens to me, my family is out there, Dan is out there, innocent people are out there. I know I'm weak, I've always been weak, but we have to go help out."
"Okay, you either have a hero complex or a crave for death." Shauna said going deadpan.
"Craving for death, but still."
"Your staying here, or-"
"Or what?"
"I'll stop talking to you" Keaka's face turned to fear and they nodded in agreement "Okay, I'll stay." Shauna smiled and kissed their cheek as she left.
Keaka watched them leaving unable to talk. Their eyes following them until they could no longer be in sight.
Most civilaince had no abilty to fight back, some used gardening tools, farming tools, weapons they had from historical wars from their elders, but the most of them stood no chance or had nothing to use at all. People were being hurt, damaged and murdered. These people were innocent, some even children. The Royal Guard kept on, they had what they wanted but it didn't stop them, now they wanted Shauna dead and Connor on the throne.
Houses were a blaze, orange heat clouded everyones views, breathing in the grey air, coughing and chocking on it. Not everyone could escape the builds they were in, not everyone could run fast enough or hid properly, let alone defend themselves.
Connor found himself infront of them all, whilst Shauna and Dan helped as many people as they could. Nobelmen either helped on an evacuasion or stand beside Connor. Even the Queen was on her way over.
This had to stop.
"Stop! What do you think your all doing, I renounces my position, the throne's future rests with my sister, Princess Shauna. Stop what your doing!" Connor cried as the soldiers standing before him. In a single moment half the Royal Guards dropped thier weapons and armour "in the name of morality" the rest argued on. It looked like an endless war, could it even be called a civil war. For one it was a war only in the city, anyone further then the city walls was ignorant to the event that unfolded with in. Along with the fact that, what's civil about war. Escpially since civilians are being brutally slaughtered and hurt in the cross fire.
"Why wont you take the throne?" One young Royal Guard shouted from the back of the group "The scripture said you would." The crowed cheered.
"Scripture? You're murdering innocent people and letting a scripture rule over your lives?"
"What does it even say?" Connor questioned in frustrasion.
"It says that the 200th genetrion of Royal's first pure born must be ruler or the Kingdom shall fall." The leader said coming over the Conner, "We are taught this in training, but we weren't allowed to say it, and the Brunden Jewls are ment to be in possession of them."
"You must be shitting me. Your all patetic, that is Shauna. I'm a bastard child, meaning I'm not the 'pure' first born." Connor laughed to himself, it's why it was so easy for him to reject the trhone because in most places and most rulers would have never kept let alone offered the throne to their bastard children. It was seen as impure and agaist the will of God, even though most people in the Kingdom didn't even believe in God or any others religons.
"You are all idiots, stop the attack now." Connor side stepping down as the Queen arrived. "Okay, I'm sorry, but, since you have caused so much destrucion and hurm, you will each be fined, you will have to rebuild the city and some of you arrested, you must see what you've done is wrong." The expression of guilt and rage raced across the soldiers faces, but luckily they managed to obay to these wishes, each Royal Guard member conforming to the other and walking away from the scene to be trialed and tested.
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