TW: Violence, slight gore, blood
Two of the military trained noblemen, the half of the Queen's personal guards, and the trio were the ones sent to locate the Royal Guards and give them the Brunsden Jewls. The Royal Guards where ransacking innocent households, hurting civilians, smashing windows and breaking down doors. Not all of these people will be able to afford the repears. The group arrived at the crime scene, and instantly Keaka left Shauna's side an ran towards the guards.
"KEAKS!" Shauna cried after them, she felt her heart raise in fear for the person she loved, and had never admitted it too. But Keaka didn't even look back, it took Dan a moment to clock that Keaka was running because the Royal Guards where heading straight towards their family house. Keaka had three siblings, the youngest only being five, and they would never be able to pay off the repairs anytime soon, unless they go hungry for some time, or give up a lot. Shauna, unware, ended up running after Keaka. Keaka was calling for the Guards to stop and the Jewls will be given, they ignored each word, seeing them as nothing more then a loud peasent child. "Stop! By demand of the Princess, heir to the throne." Shauna cried.
the Guards backway from the house, truning to the Princess, one apporched her, placing his hand forwards. She passed him the jewls. "You're not ther heir." The Royal Guard said pocketing the Brusden Jewls.
"She's the Princess." Keaka muttered. The Royal Guard gave them a spitful look, then looked at te Princess expressing his ideas. "No, your not the heir, but your brother." He was refering to Shauna's older brother, however he is unable to be the heir, he refused the possion when he joined the...army. He joined the Army, the army in Kans is called th Royal Guard. "My brother, he has been convising you he is in line?"
"He hasn't been convinsing us, he is in line."
"He refused the role, he knows the law, by joining the Royal Guard he loses all abilty to rule later on."
"The law is shit. He wasn'ts too free everyone from the bee like nature we are in, your mother brainwashes this place to believe she is a good ruler."
"She may not be a perfect Queen, but she's not bad enough for a revolt!" Shuana became defensive, she couldn'tt understand, she is eight-years younger then her half-brother, but she'd always seen how much he hated the idea of ruling.
When she was five she'd watch her brother's Princely training, watching how much he rolled his eyes, skiving lessons, rebelling and complaining about it. And as they grow their hatred for even the idea of being king sickened him. When he was eighteen the Queen ofered him the throne, she took the throne at eighteen and questioned if he too wanted to claim it early. And in answer to that he replied with "I'd rather join the Royal Guard and die then rule this contry, or even run the city of Kans." That stuck in Shauna's head, it was the day she realised she had to take the throne. And unexpectadly all of the pressure moved on to her as her brother started his military training. They'd always been close, she was the thrid person to meet his son last year.
Shauna came bcak to reality as she heared Keaka cry her name running infront of them.
Whilst she'd been thinking she didn't realise that the Royal Guard member was still talking, finishing in "And soon he'll be the only heir." jabbing a knife towards her, which Keaka blocked. "YOU IDIOT!" They said grabbing on to Keaka and pulling them up to them. The Queen's personal Guards went forth in attack. The personal guards where more efficent and skilled, but fewer. As they began an attvk the noblemen started and evacuassion of the surronding area and Dan helped Shauna get Keaka somewhere safe.
Keaka was bleeding out, they'd be stabbed in the abdomen with the knife being removed there was nothing stopping them from bleeding out. Shauna placed as much pressure on their stomach as they could, panickly screaming for Dan to find a good doctor. He ran off. "Your not allowed to die on me, okay? Keep your eyes open." Keaka looked distant they mumbled in reply. "I'll try."
"Trying isn't good enough." They looked ar the blood that still managed to spill through her hands. "What's your type?!" She was really panicking now, they would need to know what their blood type is. "you." Keaka replied weakly and honestly.
"YOUR BLOOD TYPE!" Shauna decided to ignore what Keaka just said because whilst it would have made her blush, it really wasn't important to them at this moment. Obviously. "B postive."
"no- my blood type is B positive."
"Shut up."
Dan arrived with two doctors equipped to help.
A/N: AYUP, Happy Birthday Keaka, hope you don' canonically die irl or in this. Or will you? idk, i'll decide as I write it.
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