"Still, a daisy chain, you'd look so hot." Shauna laughe with her speak, stopping in her tracks. "Pfft- okay."
Shauna began to pick daisies from the ground. Keaka flopped down on to the floor, sitting on their knees, playing with the grass. "You know I've never made or worn a daisy chain." Keaka said picking at the grass, Shauna began to laugh. "That can't be true, even I have mad one, it's part of everyones childhood."
"Yeah, I just didn't have any friends" Keaka laughed "And I couldn't ever pay attension to what they were doing." They carried a guilty smile as they Shauna stared at them gob-smacked.
"We. Are. Making. Them. Right now." She said picking flowers and starting up the chain, the unpigmented flowers joint up circluarly forming a crown.
Shauna placed it on Keaka's head "Now your Royality too" They reached for the plant circlet, gentle brushing the petals. "Royality? No thanks, it's hard enough working here with all those fack ass bitches, let along have them work for me." Shauna smiled and nodded. "I hate it, all the smiles, the fake excitement, it's irriating and creepy."
Keaka began to do the fake smile, they changed everything about their expression hiding everything. "Oh no- you look like them all." Shauna said laughing in slight terror.
"Your Majesty, let me help you up. Oh your Majesty, let me escort you inside. Oh your Majesty let me kiss your arse." Keaka said in all seriousness then breaking down as they stopped. They feel to the floor in laughter. The daisy crown falling off their head as they cuddled their stomach.
"I hate you." Shauna laughed only to have Keaka look up them in joy. In joy that quickly faded.
Keaka jumped up quicker then anyone had ever been before, Shauna turned around to see way.. Costello. "Princess, your running late for your dinner. And you! Child, what do you think your doing? You know your job!" And with that a quick jolt of pain swam acorss Keaka's face. There was no expression change in their face as they held their face.
"Costello! How dare you, in fact this servent is lovely, one of the only realisitc people here, I should inform the Queen of this event." Shauna hated Costello, the bitch, she was harsh and abusive to the safe, emotionally and phycially. She'd been working her forever, she was the Princesses governess; being super strict and terrifying.
"Don't try treaten me, your mother is already worried about your wearabouts." And with that the Princess flipped off the governess. "What would your mother theink of that? How unlady like."
"Oh shut up, stop forcing sterotypes on to the people and staff, I quit, by bitch." Keaka said sticking up two fingers, flipping off Costello. They turned their fingers around for the peace sign and then into double finger guns as they walked backwards away.
"Your a dork!" Shauna called after them.
"I know!"
"Hey! Keaka!" Dan said running up to Keaka the next day at school "Tell me you didn't actually quit?"
"No, I did, and I flipped off Costello. I'm tried of being abused, and I'm sick of the low wages she gives everyone, I bet the Queen doesn't even know. Or, lets just go for anarchy."
"No way, you actually flipped of Costello? Damn- Wait no- that's not the point, what about your family? Didn't you say you need the money?" Dan said with a worried look in knowlegde that they were fairly poor, a family of five living in a two room appartment that was slowly falling apart.
"It's fine, I can get a job at the bar, they about the same and Mr Coffey loves me, hopefully he'll hire me." Keaka said laying out their books as their teacher walked in ready for the maths lesson. "Good luck I guess."
"Mother!" Shauna said breaking the silence at dinner. "What's up darling?" The Queen said looking up from her roast dinner. "It's, Costello, you have to fire her, she is abusive to the staff, emotionally and physically, she hit one of the servents who I kept behind. It's unhuman, they are workers, they have rights. She's horrid." Shauna stood up as she spoke, empathizing each word with her arm and hand expressions.
"She does? I'm not half suprised, she is one angery wom-Oh hello Costello" Shauna sprang around in complete and utter horror only to see nobody was standing there, nobody was at the door. "PFFFT-" The Queen began to laugh "I'll fire her, she's a twat."
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